Public School Education System Thread

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Re: Public School Education System Thread

Post by Smitty-48 » Fri Dec 23, 2016 10:59 pm

Okeefenokee wrote:That pricetag seems daunting. I'm still looking into it.
Well that's the beauty of publically funded Catholic schools, written into the constitution of the province so that the Lefties can never take it away, as I would be fine with my kids attending St. Andrew's, but in the end, St. Andrew's is $30K more a year for day school, $60K to board, whereas Catholic school I've already paid for, and I'm cheap, er I mean, frugal, if the Pope can give me a good education for the bairns, at $60K cheaper, then Popery is not going to get in the way of me and my Gojira, the Papacy would let me have the best of both worlds, private school like education at public school prices, so I could have my cake and high performance sports car too.

edit; now of course, I don't have these problems, I have the hot wife who didn't want kids, and the sports car, but if I had been dumb enough to fall prey to a woman who had insisted on having kids, then the Pope would be doing me a solid.
Last edited by Smitty-48 on Fri Dec 23, 2016 11:34 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Public School Education System Thread

Post by Okeefenokee » Fri Dec 23, 2016 11:04 pm

If this whole college education thing works out, I'll be looking for a live in teacher. Probably from CA. My wife's mother was a teacher. Plenty of gals down there looking for an invite to the states.
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Re: Public School Education System Thread

Post by Otern » Sat Dec 24, 2016 2:42 am

apeman wrote: Image

Is this chart clear and convincing proof that throwing $$$ at the govt school system is not the answer? Anything misleading? All I can think of is that the costs may not be adjusted for inflation.
There's another thing;

Math scores will stay the same, because if any class starts to average on B and A, they'll make the tests harder, to get the average back on C and D.

Of course, this doesn't apply if the classes today take the same tests as the classes thirty years ago. But they don't. I know for sure I had to take harder math than my parents, and people younger than me will have to take harder math than I had to. The scores will be the same, but the skills improve.

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Re: Public School Education System Thread

Post by Ex-California » Sat Dec 24, 2016 4:53 am

Okeefenokee wrote:
AndrewBennett wrote:These are public schools provided by the government. Teaching creationism within is a violation of church and state
No it isn't. Schools teach religion. They had us reading the Koran in 2005.
Once again, learning *about* religions is different than being taught a theory that is good science polluted by religion.

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Re: Public School Education System Thread

Post by Ex-California » Sat Dec 24, 2016 4:54 am

Okeefenokee wrote:
AndrewBennett wrote:The minority shouldn't be able to change the majority's beliefs.
Why not? Who is allowed to wield influence? Who decides?

You're talking about totalitarian ideals.
The majority. That's how it works in a democratic society.

Unless classical democracies are totalitarian now.
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Re: Public School Education System Thread

Post by Ex-California » Sat Dec 24, 2016 4:56 am

StCapps wrote:
AndrewBennett wrote:When I talk about schools I'm talking about public schools, and in this case I was using GCF's example of Texas and Oklahoma schools teaching creationism.

And you don't see the problem with small pockets of the country teaching batshit crazy ideas while the rest of the country leaves them in the dirt? Why even be part of the same country then? We can't be the world leaders in everything in some parts while other parts are living in the Iron Age. This is exactly why we need Federal Departments. Its practically a national security issue
Texas and Oklahoma teaching creationism in public schools won't leave them in the dirt or in the Iron Age. It is not practically a national security issue. Simmer down panic monkey.
We live in a technological age. Technology comes from science. Having large pockets of the country learning bad science creates citizens that do not have technological aptitude due to lack of scientific aptitude.

Besides, its well proven through history that when societies get theocratic technological progress slows or goes backward
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Re: Public School Education System Thread

Post by Ex-California » Sat Dec 24, 2016 4:59 am

Okeefenokee wrote:
AndrewBennett wrote:
Kath wrote: You moved the goal posts. Your original point was we need the DoE or else the whole country would be forced to drop science in favor of creationism.

Get rid of the DoE and let the local governments do what's best at the local level. Sure, you will have small pockets of the country teaching bat shit crazy stuff from ever direction... and?
When was my original point ever that? When I talk about schools I'm talking about public schools, and in this case I was using GCF's example of Texas and Oklahoma schools teaching creationism.

And you don't see the problem with small pockets of the country teaching batshit crazy ideas while the rest of the country leaves them in the dirt? Why even be part of the same country then? We can't be the world leaders in everything in some parts while other parts are living in the Iron Age. This is exactly why we need Federal Departments. Its practically a national security issue
You have no idea what liberty is. Not a fucking clue.
"Liberty consists in the freedom to do everything which injures no one else; hence the exercise of the natural rights of each man has no limits except those which assure to the other members of the society the enjoyment of the same rights. These limits can only be determined by law."
-France's Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen of 1789

I know exactly what it is. And those freedoms end when they cause harm to others.
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Re: Public School Education System Thread

Post by Ex-California » Sat Dec 24, 2016 4:59 am

Speaker to Animals wrote:If we abolished government involvement altogether, we'd fund schools locally through our churches. Especially since property taxes would fall by at least 60% if not more.

Basically, more kids would get the decent education provided to kids whose parents can afford to both pay private tuition and the bloated property tax bill for the steaming pile of poop down the road run by the democratic party.
What churches? Not everyone goes to church. In fact, in my area, churchgoers are a minority
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Re: Public School Education System Thread

Post by Ex-California » Sat Dec 24, 2016 5:00 am

StCapps wrote:
Smitty-48 wrote:I would send a kid to Catholic school here just to get them away from the Left wing loonie bin that is the secular schools, secular schools have been totally taken over by radical SJW types, fuck all that noise, even as an Orangeman, I have more faith in the Papists to get the job done than I do the Leftards.
The Roman Catholics know what's up on the education tip. Best believe.
They taught me from K-12 and look what it gave you guys :angelic-blueglow:
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Re: Public School Education System Thread

Post by Ex-California » Sat Dec 24, 2016 5:02 am

Okeefenokee wrote:That pricetag seems daunting. I'm still looking into it.
$6k a year for one, $10k/year for two in my hyper-expensive area. Its a bargain compared to most private schools

If we don't like the public school in our are I'll hold my nose and start going to church again to fulfill my commitment while my kids get an education.
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