It will seem like I'm making this up; in the past 5 days at one of my rental houses:
Day 1: The plumbing was clogged, and the toilet bolts were corroded down and had to be cut & replaced, and still the snake didn't work. Heath ended up having to pressurize the whole thing and push the blockage out.
Day 2: The biggest snowstorm since I've lived here made it so we couldn't get to the rental and they couldn't leave.
Day 3: A neighbor's huge tree, weighted with snow, snapped at the base and fell on the house. Their insurance said it wouldn't pay for it because it was in our yard! I had to put my lawyer voice on and take care of that shit.
Day 4: The tenant works from home but the cable box mounted on the outside of the house caught fire and was burning. Heath happened to arrive at EXACTLY that time to check out the tree removal and put it out. The Power company came out and turned off the power. The cable guy came and took away the burned box.
Day 5: Heath & I put in a new 8' ground rod to isolate the cable box but Comcast still won't hook up so the tenant is going nuts, and the house was surrounded by vehicles: tree cutters, city inspector, power company, Comcast van, tenant's car, Heath's truck, plus snow.