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Re: Academia

Post by Speaker to Animals »

I think he is engaged, actually. He does have a main squeeze.

I realize it sucks, but fitness for some reason is the thing that puts it all together. I am not kidding about Dwayne Johnson. I think right now he has a very good chance of steamrolling pretty much anybody that runs against him, and he has zero experience running anything important. He's just always out there, giving out fitness advice, engaging with people, etc.

I think a lot of the youth are checking out of the traditional career lifestyle. Fitness is becoming a really big thing out there and it's a common ground when, really, there exist very few such places.

Money plus fitness equals fame these days.

Scientific accomplishments still matter a little, but NdGT is not going to win any national elections. If NdGT went through a fitness transformation and was doing a lot of gym instagram posts.. maybe. Sad!
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Re: Academia

Post by brewster »

Speaker to Animals wrote:I am not kidding about Dwayne Johnson.
Of course you're not. Arnold got elected Gov with the exact same resume. There is no respect for experience and competence left in this country. A track record is a liability. Obama won because he had no record and was a blank slate for people to project on, GWB had very little more being Gov of a weak Gov state.

Does The Rock have a steroid issue, and would anyone care at this point?
We are only accustomed to dealing with like twenty online personas at a time so when we only have about ten people some people have to be strawmanned in order to advance our same relative go nowhere nonsense positions. -TheReal_ND
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Re: Academia

Post by Speaker to Animals »

brewster wrote:
Speaker to Animals wrote:I am not kidding about Dwayne Johnson.
Of course you're not. Arnold got elected Gov with the exact same resume. There is no respect for experience and competence left in this country. A track record is a liability. Obama won because he had no record and was a blank slate for people to project on, GWB had very little more being Gov of a weak Gov state.

Does The Rock have a steroid issue, and would anyone care at this point?

Why should anybody care about steroids? You cannot be an action movie star without using steroids.

In any case, I am at the point where a candidate never having been a politician is a critical qualification. We really need to shut down politics as a career.
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Re: Academia

Post by Martin Hash »

As a nation, the dissatisfaction has hit a level where many people feel their situation can be improved by The Collapse. There is no impetus for them to contribute to the existing status quo so they participate in purely consumptive activities like fitness, food & fantasy (entertainment). This is not only selfish enjoyment for them but it hastens The Collapse because even if they can't verbalize the connection, instinctively these males know that the economy crashes when consumption exceeds production. It also explains their disdain toward productive achievement, because that prolongs the coming of The Collapse.

p.s. See my book "Philosophy of an Old Cyber-Cowboy" for more.
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Re: Academia

Post by SuburbanFarmer »

Martin Hash wrote:As a nation, the dissatisfaction has hit a level where many people feel their situation can be improved by The Collapse. There is no impetus for them to contribute to the existing status quo so they participate in purely consumptive activities like fitness, food & fantasy (entertainment). This is not only selfish enjoyment for them but it hastens The Collapse because even if they can't verbalize the connection, instinctively these males know that the economy crashes when consumption exceeds production. It also explains their disdain toward productive achievement, because that prolongs the coming of The Collapse.

p.s. See my book "Philosophy of an Old Cyber-Cowboy" for more.
You're not wrong about this. I think that most of us that are paying attention are actually looking forward to getting it over with. It's inevitable, and the cognitive dissonance of the normies thinking everything is fine, is painful to endure.
SJWs are a natural consequence of corporatism.

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Re: Academia

Post by Speaker to Animals »

The status quo and establishment (both political and corporate) provide no good reasons for most people to feel terribly invested in it. People are getting into fitness and all this alternative economy stuff because the status quo and career world suck so bad.

I wouldn't say those things are totally selfish, even though people turn towards them and away from the previous lifestyle out of selfishness, since growing food on a small farm or operating a food truck still contributes to society, and fitness is a good thing in and of itself.

The question people need to ask themselves is why is it worth going into massive student loan debt to get a shitty job at some thankless corporation that is itching to offshore your jobs or replace you with foreign indentured servants anyway? People correctly realized that politicians are their enemy and probably so too are the corporations.

Small businesses and trades are all that's really left that's worthwhile to these people, and the establishment is going out of their way to fuck those up too.
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Re: Academia

Post by heydaralon »

Martin is such a big shot and he cant even send me a western union money order for a few hundred. The guy claims to understand Adam Smith and David Ricardo, but he doesnt get that sending me money is elementary econ. Supply and demand Dr. Hash, supply and demand...
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Martin Hash
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Re: Academia

Post by Martin Hash »

heydaralon wrote:Martin is such a big shot and he cant even send me a western union money order for a few hundred. The guy claims to understand Adam Smith and David Ricardo, but he doesnt get that sending me money is elementary econ. Supply and demand Dr. Hash, supply and demand...
American economics is from The Poor to The Rich. Now, do you consider yourself poor or not?
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Re: Academia

Post by Speaker to Animals »

It seems to me, Trump was stage one of the paradigm shift. A huge number of folks on the middle to right realized the politicians are our enemies. They voted for the non-politician who promised to put Americans first.

The problem is that there was a huge percentage of people on the left who also had a point: the corporations are your enemies too.

The guy who puts that together could be quite powerful.

People need to realize that we have to check out from the corporate world, no matter what the economic impact is. We have to start our own thing. Start over. Create an alternative economy. I don't know how exactly to do that, but I am seeing happen around me where I live on a small scale.
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Martin Hash
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Re: Academia

Post by Martin Hash »

Corporations are pieces of paper, they are not people. The people who benefit from those corporations are the problem, yet whenever I state the logical solutions of Progressive Taxation & confiscatory Inheritance Tax, boom, you're their soldier. You literally think The Rock can fix this because he's famous & fit, but my wise ideas are without merit because of my achievements. How rational is that?
Shamedia, Shamdemic, Shamucation, Shamlection, Shamconomy & Shamate Change