I go to a university in Chicago and this is the general sense I’ve gathered from conversations. The Midwest has always been the Midwest and the people from there are pretty apathetic towards racial issues for several varying reasons.DBTrek wrote:Identity politics is pretty hot on the West Coast. I take it Florida is different?
The West Coasters are extremely sensitive to anything that might stray towards being offensive to groups of people and you always had to self-police your language around them.
The interesting thing is that the East Coast, whether NJ, CT, MD, or NC, tended to enjoy more offensive humor and you could often get a good sense of whether someone was really from the area if they were willing to laugh at a joke that might get you in trouble with other groups. The best example might be a retarded or autistic joke, I think.
I imagine if these posters were seen around my campus, you’d get eyerolls and the occasional person being upset but nothing that would be considered that big of a deal. We got to deal with the city’s socialist party trying to convert students so political screeching just ends up becoming white noise. Most people don’t identify themselves with their color and those that do, whether left or right, tend to be ostracized by those who just want to have a good time. Even the politically active focus more on economic-based issues and see race as more of a red herring rather than the actual issue in society.