Does anyone on this forum actually care about Syria?

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Re: Does anyone on this forum actually care about Syria?

Post by TheReal_ND » Fri Dec 16, 2016 3:24 pm

AndrewBennett wrote:
TheReal_ND wrote:Syrians were actually being tossed into bread kneading machines. Yes there is something wrong with you if you are a fighting age male fleeing the country.
Nothing new, the Albanians (or some other Balkan flavor) put Jews through the complete processing at a slaughterhouse

Jews have a homeland defended by the US. I don't care about stupid Jews any more than I care about Muslim invaders.

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Re: Does anyone on this forum actually care about Syria?

Post by Ex-California » Fri Dec 16, 2016 3:29 pm

TheReal_ND wrote:
AndrewBennett wrote:
TheReal_ND wrote:Syrians were actually being tossed into bread kneading machines. Yes there is something wrong with you if you are a fighting age male fleeing the country.
Nothing new, the Albanians (or some other Balkan flavor) put Jews through the complete processing at a slaughterhouse

Jews have a homeland defended by the US. I don't care about stupid Jews any more than I care about Muslim invaders.
Doesn't matter, I'm just saying that horrors are nothing new.
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Re: Does anyone on this forum actually care about Syria?

Post by BjornP » Fri Dec 16, 2016 3:42 pm

TheReal_ND wrote:The people not taking a stand are cowards. Why does everyone redirect their PC bull shit at other people when I'm the one saying the shit? I will never get this. On the old forum DSL took a lot of shit for things I said. Me. Direct your criticism at me ffs.
Imagine that you're in a besieged city, ND. Two sides are fighting: Communists and Progressives, one side wants to execute you if they win, the other "just" wants to keep letting you live an oppressed life, so no need to fight for either side. Your son is with you. You have the option of leading him out of the country, to safety. Do you choose to fight for the Communists or Progressives and buy your son a ticket to safety, or do you travel with your son out of the country?

The bullshit on the old forum, and Okee's bullshit, is the bullshit that:

1: That the Syrian Arab men weren't "taking a stand". Who do you think Assad and ISIS have been fighting all this time? Clue: It hasn't just been Kurds. Before Russia intervened (more directly than Western interests did), Assad wasn't doing very well against the Western backed opposition.

2: That "fighting for your home" as a Syrian meant and means getting killed by both Assad/Russia AND ISIS.

3: In other words, people seem to keep forgetting that the conflict is not ISIS versus Syria and Iraq. If no men had "taken a stand" in Syria, the Civil War wouldn't have lasted this long.

That being said, though....

Yes, the media currently is being pathetic regarding Aleppo. I have zero love for Russia, or Assad. Nor am one of those who respond to claims of Russian, Chinese or other's human rights violations with "Well, America does it, too!" (which is 98% of the time is BS, too)...but the main reason Aleppo is brought forth as such a major tragedy is primarily because we lost. Doesn't make what Russia does right. Doesn't excuse anything. But I realize the media is being played, or letting themselves get played, and trying to play me too.
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Re: Does anyone on this forum actually care about Syria?

Post by TheReal_ND » Fri Dec 16, 2016 3:51 pm

I'm still reading your post but I fight. The entire combat infantry is made up of white males. That's just what we do. I wish I could make international calls right now because I'm being forced to take vacation and am all alone with a box of wine :'(

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Re: Does anyone on this forum actually care about Syria?

Post by MilSpecs » Fri Dec 16, 2016 3:59 pm

skankhunt42 wrote:we have our own inner cities which are complete shit in some places.
FTR, there is no comparison.

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Re: Does anyone on this forum actually care about Syria?

Post by skankhunt42 » Fri Dec 16, 2016 4:07 pm

mydogjesse wrote:
skankhunt42 wrote:we have our own inner cities which are complete shit in some places.
FTR, there is no comparison.
No shit. My point was that the Left should care about our own problems opposed to giving a fuck about Syria.
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Re: Does anyone on this forum actually care about Syria?

Post by Montegriffo » Fri Dec 16, 2016 4:08 pm

TheReal_ND wrote:I'm still reading your post but I fight. The entire combat infantry is made up of white males. That's just what we do. I wish I could make international calls right now because I'm being forced to take vacation and am all alone with a box of wine :'(
It's not America Nuke, these people don't have the weapons to fight with.They are facing well armed and trained psychos in ISIS and if they stay in their homes they are being mortared or bombed from the air. These are shop keepers,teachers and librarians. You are talking about people being held hostage by Isis to be bombed by Russians, have some empathy.
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Re: Does anyone on this forum actually care about Syria?

Post by BjornP » Fri Dec 16, 2016 4:19 pm

skankhunt42 wrote:
mydogjesse wrote:
skankhunt42 wrote:we have our own inner cities which are complete shit in some places.
FTR, there is no comparison.
No shit. My point was that the Left should care about our own problems opposed to giving a fuck about Syria.
I think that's more of a class issue, than a left-right issue. Vacoous virtue-signalling is as prevalent among the wealthy left fund-raisers as among the wealthy right fund-raisers. Helping Syrians vs. helping fellow citizens is the difference between being forced to look the plebs in the eye, and acknowledge them as part of the daily life, and relating to the poor as, foreign, exotic people you won't actually have to meet in person. Elitism requires social isolationism.
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Re: Does anyone on this forum actually care about Syria?

Post by Mercury » Fri Dec 16, 2016 4:26 pm

Why should I care?
One reason to care is the spillover effect. No Syrian civil war > no refugee crisis > no criminal element of the refugee population > no political crap for/against refugee issues.

Failed states are bad news. The violence becomes like a disease epidemic, and the pathogens are hard to contain.
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Re: Does anyone on this forum actually care about Syria?

Post by DrYouth » Fri Dec 16, 2016 4:37 pm

TheReal_ND wrote:I wish I could make international calls right now because I'm being forced to take vacation and am all alone with a box of wine :'(
uh oh...

Post some extra guards at the gates... I feel some Hitler coming on. ;)
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