by Speaker to Animals » Tue Oct 17, 2017 2:04 pm
If you want to pretend like you didn't make those ignorant posts I just quoted, and now you want to pretend like you always believed in electromagnetism and the potential of an EMP strike, then fine. I guess the entire forum can see you were fucking wrong wrong wrong even if you don't want to admit it while pretending like you never posted those things. Fine.
Now that we have established that electromagnetism is real, that gamma ray bursts generate an electro-magnetic field in the atmosphere, and that this field will create current on all our exposed power lines and fry our electronics, let's focus on the actual damage this can inflict.
The upper limit of fatalities the National Academy of Science estimated I think was around 90% of the population. That was under the assumption that we would receive no assistance from foreign powers. That's a reasonable figure given the assumption, but the assumption seems rather unlikely. It would require EMP attacks on the rest of the developed world to realize those fatalities since the rest of the world could otherwise airdrop rice and medical supplies into CONUS.
Interestingly, we could actually get exactly that effect in a Carrington event, so it's not such a bad idea to focus on hardening our infrastructure. Little things like transitioning to shielded power lines and burying them instead of running them above ground go a very long way. I am not quite sure how to go about shielding the power plants themselves, but I don't think it's impossible. This is not even a difficult problem. It's just a lot of subcontracting.
Last edited by Speaker to Animals on Tue Oct 17, 2017 2:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.