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Post by MilSpecs » Wed Jun 20, 2018 7:07 am

Penner wrote:
Wed Jun 20, 2018 6:19 am
MilSpecs wrote:
Wed Jun 20, 2018 4:49 am
Okeefenokee wrote:
Tue Jun 19, 2018 11:35 pm
legal immigrants, who either came here legally and brought their children, or were brought here legally by their parents, look at these kids locked up because of the failures of their parents no differently than the rest of society looks at white trash meth-heads with shit parents who doomed them with their own selfish actions.
Bullshit. The legal immigrants in my house think that this is a terrible thing to do to children, period.
Pretty everyone thinks this is a terrible thing to do but only Trump supporters are heartless and dumb enough to think that this is a good thing.
The children are being separated from the adults all over the country.

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Post by Fife » Wed Jun 20, 2018 7:08 am

Fucking yankees in their ivory towers.

Open your hearts, and your doors. Keep the "thoughts and prayers," fam. Just give up your living space for your trespassing clients/voters/slaves.

Seize Ivy League Dorms and Give Them to Immigrant Families
Earlier this week, I addressed the national hissy fit over separating children from adults who claim to be their parents at U.S. borders. I noted what happened before the U.S. started doing that. Under Obama, we unwittingly handed thousands of children to slave labor operators or sex traffickers. Because they claimed to be their parents. Even Obama felt constrained to stop doing that. He put in place the policy which Trump is now enforcing.

Bush-era laws and crackpot court decisions won’t let the government hold children with their parents while we evaluate their asylum claims. That leaves the Trump administration two ugly choices:

* Enforce the current policy, and temporarily separate children in safe facilities, apart from adults who claim them. (Both parents and human traffickers.) Keep the kids safe till the parents’ mostly groundless asylum applications can be processed. Then everyone goes home, together.

* Give everyone who shows up at the border a live-in-America-free card. Turn them all lose, lest Laura Bush, Catholic bishops, and Planned Parenthood throw another public tantrum about how the U.S. is Nazi Germany or something.

. . .

My plan shifts the cost of this complex policy where it really belongs. It offers the people who clamor the loudest from illegal immigration (and profit from it more than most) the chance to also absorb its costs. In the words of Nicholas Nassim Taleb, we offer them the privilege of having some “skin in the game.”

Employ Eminent Domain to Seize the Dormitories of America’s Elite Colleges to House Immigrant Families

Yes, Harvard and Yale of course. In fact, all the Ivies. (Yes, Cornell counts.) Also Brandeis, Stanford, Duke and even those state universities that flirt with “elite” status, such as UNC and UVA. Out of respect for Catholic bishops’ firm stance on these issues, major Catholic schools should also take part, such as Georgetown and DePaul University.

At each of these schools the comfortable, often lavish dormitories currently inhabited by students should be filled with migrant families. Students, for their part, will reside in tent cities constructed by the Army Corps of Engineers.

What’s the point of this plan? It’s simple. We can’t hold the immigrants against their will and together with children at the same time. So we’ll have to pick places where they will want to stay. Where they are likely to want to stick around for the weeks or months it takes for us to hear their asylum claims.

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Post by Zlaxer » Wed Jun 20, 2018 7:10 am

Fife wrote:
Wed Jun 20, 2018 7:08 am
Fucking yankees in their ivory towers.

Open your hearts, and your doors. Keep the "thoughts and prayers," fam. Just give up your living space for your trespassing clients/voters/slaves.

Seize Ivy League Dorms and Give Them to Immigrant Families
Earlier this week, I addressed the national hissy fit over separating children from adults who claim to be their parents at U.S. borders. I noted what happened before the U.S. started doing that. Under Obama, we unwittingly handed thousands of children to slave labor operators or sex traffickers. Because they claimed to be their parents. Even Obama felt constrained to stop doing that. He put in place the policy which Trump is now enforcing.

Bush-era laws and crackpot court decisions won’t let the government hold children with their parents while we evaluate their asylum claims. That leaves the Trump administration two ugly choices:

* Enforce the current policy, and temporarily separate children in safe facilities, apart from adults who claim them. (Both parents and human traffickers.) Keep the kids safe till the parents’ mostly groundless asylum applications can be processed. Then everyone goes home, together.

* Give everyone who shows up at the border a live-in-America-free card. Turn them all lose, lest Laura Bush, Catholic bishops, and Planned Parenthood throw another public tantrum about how the U.S. is Nazi Germany or something.

. . .

My plan shifts the cost of this complex policy where it really belongs. It offers the people who clamor the loudest from illegal immigration (and profit from it more than most) the chance to also absorb its costs. In the words of Nicholas Nassim Taleb, we offer them the privilege of having some “skin in the game.”

Employ Eminent Domain to Seize the Dormitories of America’s Elite Colleges to House Immigrant Families

Yes, Harvard and Yale of course. In fact, all the Ivies. (Yes, Cornell counts.) Also Brandeis, Stanford, Duke and even those state universities that flirt with “elite” status, such as UNC and UVA. Out of respect for Catholic bishops’ firm stance on these issues, major Catholic schools should also take part, such as Georgetown and DePaul University.

At each of these schools the comfortable, often lavish dormitories currently inhabited by students should be filled with migrant families. Students, for their part, will reside in tent cities constructed by the Army Corps of Engineers.

What’s the point of this plan? It’s simple. We can’t hold the immigrants against their will and together with children at the same time. So we’ll have to pick places where they will want to stay. Where they are likely to want to stick around for the weeks or months it takes for us to hear their asylum claims.
:clap: :lol: :clap:

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Post by Speaker to Animals » Wed Jun 20, 2018 7:17 am

DePaul should be exempt.

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Post by Fife » Wed Jun 20, 2018 7:54 am

Uh... don't forget our obscene lack of sensible gun regulations. Oh, and climate change.


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Post by PartyOf5 » Wed Jun 20, 2018 8:09 am

Zlaxer wrote:
Wed Jun 20, 2018 5:47 am
1) It's looking like most "parents" are not in fact "parents".
Do you have any links? This is where our media is completely failing us. where is the real investigation of the facts, like how many of these "families" are in fact what they are claiming to be? If only 40% are legit families, that makes what they are doing a lot different than if 95% are real families. Because they are coming in illegally, and likely without any prof of who they claim to be, we need to do something to vet them if we are even considering to let them stay in our country.

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Post by Speaker to Animals » Wed Jun 20, 2018 8:19 am

The children are held in this facility so that we can find family that can take custody of them.

Handing children out to strangers when you have no idea of their actual relations to the children would be child abuse.

Imagine in your hometown some strange man with a toddler is caught perpetrating some crime for which he needs to be incarcerated. He claims to be the child's father. There's no documentation. What do we do? First of all, the man has to go to jail. We can't put the child in jail with him. Secondly, we have to confirm the identity of the man and this child, and figure out what is the safest and legal way to hand custody of the child over.

This is how liberals work. If Trump instead had done what liberals demand right now, they would be on television right now in a similar smokescreen event to divert from their Russia investigation collapse, except this time it would be about how Trump is handing children over to child slavers and rapists. They would demand children be held in safe facilities until we can verify identities, locate families, and hand them over into safe custody -- i.e. what Trump actually did.

There is no winning condition with these people. You shouldn't take any of this seriously.

We are talking about a group of people who murder their own babies and gleefully separate fathers and children ALL THE TIME for money.

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Post by Arc Light » Wed Jun 20, 2018 9:06 am

Donnie is getting ready to duck this issue. I'm curious to see what he tries.

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Post by pineapplemike » Wed Jun 20, 2018 9:25 am

He should fire Mueller, that would certainly change the national conversation

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Post by DrYouth » Wed Jun 20, 2018 9:57 am

Arc Light wrote:
Wed Jun 20, 2018 9:06 am
Donnie is getting ready to duck this issue. I'm curious to see what he tries.
This is perfect play out of the Trump play book.

Poke the left in the eye with a sharp stick.... that's how he got where he got.

Get the left in an absolute lather about "the children".

Make them look as deranged as possible.

He's not going to duck. Ducking is not in the Trump play book.
Deep down tho, I still thirst to kill you and eat you. Ultra Chimp can't help it.. - Smitty