Common Sense 316 - The Day of the Dove

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Re: Common Sense 316 - The Day of the Dove

Post by Smitty-48 » Tue Sep 12, 2017 12:25 am

Hastur wrote: I'm getting flashbacks to the constant stream of vile hate that was poured upon him from the left during his 8! years in office.
That's all the Dan Carlin thing was about, a bunch of Lefties and Lolbergs who were outraged about Bush, that was like 90% of the show.

The exact same Lefty-Loller hysterical cry whiners are cry whining hysterically about Trump now? Shocking.

Obviously when a bunch of cry blubbering America bashing Lefty-Lollers say "outsider", they don't mean an authoritian nationalist, the Carlinite Lefty-Loller dream ticket is Sanders-Paul, which is exactly why they never stop cry blubbering, because they want kumbaya, where it could never happen.

This is the thing about Left-Libertarianism, it advocates for two diametrically opposed positions, so it's never happy, eventually, the rest of the world just moves on without them, picks a side, one side went with Obama, the other side went with Trump, and then Dan Carlin was left with no constituency, and everybody simply left to go to their respective camps.

Once they all left, the Dan Carlin empire was ripe to be overrun with the new paradigm, and since the lefties simply flee when they don't have control, the righties chased all the lefties away, including Dan Carlin himself.

Marty Hash is more fun anyways, Carlin was always too uptight, he's too precious about shit, and you can't call him on shit without him taking it personally, cause he takes himself too seriously.

Whatever claims Carlin ever made about wanting a wide open Hurly Burly, it was all bullshit, he wanted an echo chamber, he just wanted a Lefty-Loller echo chamber, and now on Twitter, he has what he always wanted, a bunch o' sycophants all nodding and agreeing with him, which, more power too him, who cares? Moving on.
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Re: Common Sense 316 - The Day of the Dove

Post by Hanarchy Montanarchy » Tue Sep 12, 2017 1:14 am

DBTrek wrote:Again, I'm talking Dan Carlin, and you're fixating on Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump.

It really is a derangement with you, and a good portion of the nation.
I look at people like you, and pray to God that I never get whatever mind virus you guys have that transforms otherwise normal looking people into single-note, horse beating, script repeating, automatons.

I. pray. to. God. I. never. catch. that. mental. illness.

And I'm agnostic, so you know it's freaking me out if I'm turning to the divine to spare me from that plague.
I bet that is Trump's doing. Agnosticism isn't MAGA. :twisted:

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Re: Common Sense 316 - The Day of the Dove

Post by Ex-California » Tue Sep 12, 2017 4:09 am

Smitty-48 wrote:
Hastur wrote: I'm getting flashbacks to the constant stream of vile hate that was poured upon him from the left during his 8! years in office.
That's all the Dan Carlin thing was about, a bunch of Lefties and Lolbergs who were outraged about Bush, that was like 90% of the show.

The exact same Lefty-Loller hysterical cry whiners are cry whining hysterically about Trump now? Shocking.

Obviously when a bunch of cry blubbering America bashing Lefty-Lollers say "outsider", they don't mean an authoritian nationalist, the Carlinite Lefty-Loller dream ticket is Sanders-Paul, which is exactly why they never stop cry blubbering, because they want kumbaya, where it could never happen.

This is the thing about Left-Libertarianism, it advocates for two diametrically opposed positions, so it's never happy, eventually, the rest of the world just moves on without them, picks a side, one side went with Obama, the other side went with Trump, and then Dan Carlin was left with no constituency, and everybody simply left to go to their respective camps.

Once they all left, the Dan Carlin empire was ripe to be overrun with the new paradigm, and since the lefties simply flee when they don't have control, the righties chased all the lefties away, including Dan Carlin himself.

Marty Hash is more fun anyways, Carlin was always too uptight, he's too precious about shit, and you can't call him on shit without him taking it personally, cause he takes himself too seriously.

Whatever claims Carlin ever made about wanting a wide open Hurly Burly, it was all bullshit, he wanted an echo chamber, he just wanted a Lefty-Loller echo chamber, and now on Twitter, he has what he always wanted, a bunch o' sycophants all nodding and agreeing with him, which, more power too him, who cares? Moving on.
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Re: Common Sense 316 - The Day of the Dove

Post by SuburbanFarmer » Tue Sep 12, 2017 6:24 am

Hastur wrote:
GrumpyCatFace wrote:Still, it's hard to imagine a more repulsive human being ever gaining that office. Regardless of his politics, or lack thereof.
When did this start? The vilification of the POTUS when he's not from your own camp. It was the same with GWB. I'm getting flashbacks to the constant stream of vile hate that was poured upon him from the left during his 8! years in office. ... h%20Hatred

Then BHO came into office and more or less continued the exact same politics and the criticism died down. I think a lot of Americans are starting to catch on to these dynamics. Others like GCF are still being led by the nose by the liberal media outrage machine.

Dan Carlin hesitated a lot before he gave in and went into the twittersphere. He should have remained on the outside to maintain his integrity and independence of thought. There is no third way on Twitter. You have to pick a side or remain forever silent.
His sense of "style" is gold-plated toilets. He has zero real negotiating skill, is a braggart, speaks like a fucking retard, and has never done a day of.... anything in his life.

And the dude. Eats. Steak. Well-done with ketchup.

I don't need a "liberal media machine" to make me hate him. I already hated him long before last year. The difference is that back then, he was just a powerless clown looking for attention. Now he's a powerless clown looking for attention, and signing federal laws.
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Re: Common Sense 316 - The Day of the Dove

Post by Hastur » Tue Sep 12, 2017 7:00 am

GrumpyCatFace wrote:
Hastur wrote:
GrumpyCatFace wrote:Still, it's hard to imagine a more repulsive human being ever gaining that office. Regardless of his politics, or lack thereof.
When did this start? The vilification of the POTUS when he's not from your own camp. It was the same with GWB. I'm getting flashbacks to the constant stream of vile hate that was poured upon him from the left during his 8! years in office. ... h%20Hatred

Then BHO came into office and more or less continued the exact same politics and the criticism died down. I think a lot of Americans are starting to catch on to these dynamics. Others like GCF are still being led by the nose by the liberal media outrage machine.

Dan Carlin hesitated a lot before he gave in and went into the twittersphere. He should have remained on the outside to maintain his integrity and independence of thought. There is no third way on Twitter. You have to pick a side or remain forever silent.
His sense of "style" is gold-plated toilets. He has zero real negotiating skill, is a braggart, speaks like a fucking retard, and has never done a day of.... anything in his life.

And the dude. Eats. Steak. Well-done with ketchup.

I don't need a "liberal media machine" to make me hate him. I already hated him long before last year. The difference is that back then, he was just a powerless clown looking for attention. Now he's a powerless clown looking for attention, and signing federal laws.
Still, he's the 45th President of the United States of America and you're not.


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Re: Common Sense 316 - The Day of the Dove

Post by SuburbanFarmer » Tue Sep 12, 2017 7:03 am

Hastur wrote:
GrumpyCatFace wrote:
Hastur wrote: When did this start? The vilification of the POTUS when he's not from your own camp. It was the same with GWB. I'm getting flashbacks to the constant stream of vile hate that was poured upon him from the left during his 8! years in office. ... h%20Hatred

Then BHO came into office and more or less continued the exact same politics and the criticism died down. I think a lot of Americans are starting to catch on to these dynamics. Others like GCF are still being led by the nose by the liberal media outrage machine.

Dan Carlin hesitated a lot before he gave in and went into the twittersphere. He should have remained on the outside to maintain his integrity and independence of thought. There is no third way on Twitter. You have to pick a side or remain forever silent.
His sense of "style" is gold-plated toilets. He has zero real negotiating skill, is a braggart, speaks like a fucking retard, and has never done a day of.... anything in his life.

And the dude. Eats. Steak. Well-done with ketchup.

I don't need a "liberal media machine" to make me hate him. I already hated him long before last year. The difference is that back then, he was just a powerless clown looking for attention. Now he's a powerless clown looking for attention, and signing federal laws.
Still, he's the 45th President of the United States of America and you're not.

I am not envious of that job. I wouldn't want it.

But I also am not happy that a troglodyte has it, and is wielding immense power over my kids' future.
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Re: Common Sense 316 - The Day of the Dove

Post by DBTrek » Tue Sep 12, 2017 7:04 am

Seems like an appropriate place to repost.

We have an obsessed news media banging the anti-Trump drum 24/7 which keeps the social media lemmings frothing at the bit and constantly blathering on about how much they hate Trump, and even this is not enough for some people. Even non-stop negative coverage, incessant bitching, and endless wailing about the travesty that is Trump isn't enough to satiate the bottomless pit that is the lives of obsessed leftist.


As Penner demonstrated, you also have to open every statement or post about how you also hate Trump, or else the conversation is going to be about how terrible Trump is whether you like it or not.

The thing is, well-adjusted people have already figured out that there's a sea of damaged goods out there parading as "concerned progressives". We know that saying "Right, Trump sucks" and trying to move on doesn't work - because these folks want to hear it constantly. In fact, it's all they want to hear, all the time. If Trump hate were Islam these folks would be wearing full body burqas and speaking absolutely nothing but Koran verses for the rest of their lives - such is their obsession over their political dogma.

So what can you do but ignore them at this point? Right?

I mean, most people would like to have normal conversations that extend beyond how much people hate Trump, or who hates him more, or regurgitating whatever trendy anti-Trump talking points the media is parading around this week. So, the time comes when sadly you just have to stop including fanatics in your conversations at all - because otherwise no conversation can take place.
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Re: Common Sense 316 - The Day of the Dove

Post by Martin Hash » Tue Sep 12, 2017 7:52 am

I propose a new salute for people tired of hearing every conversation start out as Trump-bashing. When someone mentions Trump pejoratively, you yell, "Hate Trumpler!" stamp one foot, and salute with two fingers in a gagging motion. (I got this from watching old War movies with Nazis in them.)
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Re: Common Sense 316 - The Day of the Dove

Post by C-Mag » Tue Sep 12, 2017 9:05 am

Hastur wrote:
GrumpyCatFace wrote:Still, it's hard to imagine a more repulsive human being ever gaining that office. Regardless of his politics, or lack thereof.
When did this start? The vilification of the POTUS when he's not from your own camp. It was the same with GWB. I'm getting flashbacks to the constant stream of vile hate that was poured upon him from the left during his 8! years in office. ... h%20Hatred

Then BHO came into office and more or less continued the exact same politics and the criticism died down. I think a lot of Americans are starting to catch on to these dynamics. Others like GCF are still being led by the nose by the liberal media outrage machine.

Dan Carlin hesitated a lot before he gave in and went into the twittersphere. He should have remained on the outside to maintain his integrity and independence of thought. There is no third way on Twitter. You have to pick a side or remain forever silent.

That's it right there.

Why the Hate for Trump, IMO
1. He comes from outside Government, this engenders the most hate. This is an insider club, you have to kneel before the establishment and be conditioned to do things governments way to lead. He did not.
2. He's not PC, a threat to curbing and shaping 'Free Speech' to mean what they say
3. He's not a Progressive. Progressives are the Establishment Power political theory, the theory held by the Lions share of both Dems and Repubs.


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Re: Common Sense 316 - The Day of the Dove

Post by Penner » Tue Sep 12, 2017 4:24 pm

So, again, why does Dan have to automatically like Trump? he ran as a Republican and his platform was like a George W. Bush lite platform. With border wall building and even an even an "I will repeal everything, Obama did" and thus be a partisan Republican?