Okeefenokee wrote:Speaker to Animals wrote:The terms do *not* include what happened at all. It was illegal.
The terms include the airline telling you that you can't fly on that flight, under certain circumstances. That is not debatable.
If you agree to terms that may result in you being told that you can't fly, but you won't leave the airplane when those circumstances arise, what is the next step?
What was illegal?
This was not a circumstance in which he could legally be thrown out of that seat. Or any of those other passengers for that matter.
The flight was not overbooked, and typically when a flight is overbooked, they deny the second passengers at the gate. To actually go on the plane and toss out one passenger in favor of another passenger is illegal.
They are going to get destroyed if this goes to court. That's why the CEO suddenly did a 180 and is trying to make nice with the victims (presumably when his lawyers came back and said they were fucked if this goes to court).
You are basically saying it's okay to sell somebody something, and then steal the product back from them at your convenience.