The 4th Turning - our current events

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Re: The 4th Turning - our current events

Post by JohnDonne » Sun Feb 04, 2018 10:20 pm

I agree. The work of the lotus eating future is to beat final fantasy 20 and finish all the side quests. And for all that nonsense about no work leading to rampant laziness I have one sentence: Holodeck coal mining simulators for children.

Man will not labor all his days by the sweat of his brow, rather C3PO will labor until his next scheduled maintenance.
Last edited by JohnDonne on Sun Feb 04, 2018 10:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The 4th Turning - our current events

Post by Smitty-48 » Sun Feb 04, 2018 10:27 pm

Indeed, the future is voluntary productive play, but the future is now, you just have to free yourselves from the natterings of a 16th century French religious zealot who coined the term "lazy good for nothings", John Calvin is dead, and so is his make work, just walk away, doesn't have to be in the distant future, could be tomorrow if you'd like.

What do you have to lose?

The Welfare-Warfare Self Licking Ice Cream Cone which vacuums up your labour surplus to keep you all in check?

Would you really miss it?

Perhaps you would, Americans are the biggest suckers for Calvinism, otherwise, you would have quit this shit a long time ago.
Nec Aspera Terrent

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Re: The 4th Turning - our current events

Post by JohnDonne » Sun Feb 04, 2018 10:39 pm

It won't be tomorrow, not enough self driving cars and other gadgets, but in twenty years I'll bet it'll start becoming the zeitgeist.

And do not underestimate the hard-working, self-hating sad sacks around here that would begrudge a guy his lifetime of free weed and virtual reality.

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Re: The 4th Turning - our current events

Post by Smitty-48 » Sun Feb 04, 2018 10:42 pm

No, I don't underestimate it, America will very likely be the last domino to fall, but no need for the rest of us to sit around waiting for Americans to clue in, fuck John Calvin, he ain't the boss of us.
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Re: The 4th Turning - our current events

Post by Smitty-48 » Sun Feb 04, 2018 10:53 pm

Should note tho, it's becoming the zeitgeist rather quickly in any case, mainstream "Conservatives" in America still worship Calvinist make work, but I've noticed that the far right at least, has clued into the fact that the make work is all part and parcel of the Welfare Warfare Nanny State, to wit, would the filthy unpersons still come from the third world, if there was no centrally planned fake work for them to do?

Why fight over low wage jobs, when they're not real work and they don't generate any wealth, but are really just a mechanism to prop the big government up and keep people from exercising their individual rights and productivity? If low wage fake jobs go away, what else goes away with them?

Why are there no revolutionaries in America? Answer; they're all at work, doing nothing, which is just how the entrenched interests like it.
Nec Aspera Terrent

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Re: The 4th Turning - our current events

Post by JohnDonne » Sun Feb 04, 2018 11:00 pm

Work, it's just not logical. There's a slight novelty to a new job, it's kind of fun at first, but then all starts to blur into an autopilot memory after a couple months.

I myself am nearly relieved of the yoke, being my own business man with few expenses.Working twenty hours a month, paying myself generously and giving myself lots of breaks. Of course come fire season I go out and trim some of the fat, just because I'm lazy doesn't mean I don't want to get paid to get in shape.

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Re: The 4th Turning - our current events

Post by Smitty-48 » Sun Feb 04, 2018 11:08 pm

JohnDonne wrote:Work, it's just not logical. There's a slight novelty to a new job, it's kind of fun at first, but then all starts to blur into an autopilot memory after a couple months.
Well, see what they do, is break it all down so that each worker is just a cog in the machine, entirely replaceable, last thing they want is you doing it all and making yourself irreplaceable, so they just give you one little component task to do, to keep you expendable, and so it's boring, but if you say so, they have John Calvin waiting in the wings to call you a "lazy good for nothing" and that generally chastens most American suckers back into the fake work trap, as you say; self hating, self hating is what hyper Protestantism is all about, since about the 1500's or so.

The Calvinist make work trap relies on the rat to trap himself, the only leverage, his own lack of self worth.
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Re: The 4th Turning - our current events

Post by Okeefenokee » Sun Feb 04, 2018 11:21 pm

When we our wearied limbs to rest
Sat down by proud Euphrates’ stream:
We wept with doleful thoughts oppressed,
And Zion was our mournful theme.

Our harps that when with joy we sung
Were wont their tuneful parts to bear,
With silent strings neglected hung,
On willow trees that withered there.
GrumpyCatFace wrote:Dumb slut partied too hard and woke up in a weird house. Ran out the door, weeping for her failed life choices, concerned townsfolk notes her appearance and alerted the fuzz.


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Re: The 4th Turning - our current events

Post by Smitty-48 » Sun Feb 04, 2018 11:22 pm

Also note, all these replaceable cogs doing nothing particularly productive in terms of wealth generation, but wasting all their productive time doing it, are then totally reliant on who?

You guessed it, the duopoly of the entrenched interests, if you just wandered off to do some voluntary productive play exchanging your value directly with one another, who needs the big gov in Washington?

Ruh-roh, shaggy, can't have that, if the fake workers ever figure this out, the Fakey Worky Self Licking Ice Cream Cone is in big trouble, hence why they spend so much time pumping Americans full of Calvinist fake work propaganda.

You'd better exercise your "right to work" if you don't want to be a "lazy good for nothing", suckahs, lol.

You won't get into Heaven unless you put in sixty hours at the coal face doing nothing valuable other than the value of having you stuck there instead of being free to do what you want, to include dismantling the big gov upon your throats.
Nec Aspera Terrent

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Re: The 4th Turning - our current events

Post by JohnDonne » Sun Feb 04, 2018 11:35 pm

I think of all the terrible jobs I've had and the people that spent decades there while I quit after a few months. It is actually depressing me to think about, like staring into the abyss.