Public School Education System Thread

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Re: Public School Education System Thread

Post by StCapps » Fri Dec 23, 2016 10:44 am

AndrewBennett wrote:These are public schools provided by the government. Teaching creationism within is a violation of church and state

If someone wants to go to a private school and learn bullshit, have at it. I even support partial vouchers

Truth? Truth is teaching something that has been developed over the last 3000 years of civilization, not something based on the beliefs of Middle Eastern nomadic herders
You don't know what truth is, neither does anyone else. Humans didn't evolve to know what the truth was, we evolved to survive and reproduce and the truth often got in the way of that and when it did, we learned to ignore the truth if we could even see it in the first place. Creationism is just an alternate theory derived from religion, teaching it in public funded schools isn't a violation of church and state, it's just bad science. They have religion classes in publicly funded schools too, these are not violations of church and state just because they teach you about other people's beliefs.

Simply put, teaching creationism is not as bad as you think it is and just because you don't want your tax dollars spent on it because it's bunk science, doesn't mean you have the right to impose those circumstances on others who pay their taxes. This has nothing to do with separation of church and state.

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Re: Public School Education System Thread

Post by Ex-California » Fri Dec 23, 2016 10:52 am

StCapps wrote:
AndrewBennett wrote:These are public schools provided by the government. Teaching creationism within is a violation of church and state

If someone wants to go to a private school and learn bullshit, have at it. I even support partial vouchers

Truth? Truth is teaching something that has been developed over the last 3000 years of civilization, not something based on the beliefs of Middle Eastern nomadic herders
You don't know what truth is, neither does anyone else. Humans didn't evolve to know what the truth was, we evolved to survive and reproduce and the truth often got in the way of that and when it did, we learned to ignore it. Creationism is just an alternate theory derived from religion, teaching it in a public funded schools isn't a violation of church and state, it's just bad science. They have religion classes in publicly funded schools too, these are not violations of church and state just because they teach you about other people's beliefs.
But the bad science wouldn't be taught if it wasn't for a huge religious lobby attacking school boards and textbook manufacturers.

And when did we start talking about religious studies classes? I'm fine with those, however, the retards tend to think that any of those are indoctrination unless it is about their preferred religion ... a8de1308ea ... ls/420441/

Here's even one from my town ... esday.html

And its not just about the enemy du jour, even people in "enlightened" California think that yoga is promoting Hinduism ... yoga-class
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Re: Public School Education System Thread

Post by SuburbanFarmer » Fri Dec 23, 2016 10:56 am

There are thousands of special tax-exempt indoctrination centers sprinkled across the nation for teaching kids whatever kind of bullshit they want.


It does NOT need to be brought into government education. Also, what if someone decides to start telling their kids that the earth is, in fact, 15,000 years old, or it just started yesterday? Perhaps it's flat, and sits on a turtle? Should we teach all possible controversies, just to make sure that everybody's confused?

Stick to fucking science, in science class. Simple as that.
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Re: Public School Education System Thread

Post by StCapps » Fri Dec 23, 2016 10:58 am

AndrewBennett wrote:But the bad science wouldn't be taught if it wasn't for a huge religious lobby attacking school boards and textbook manufacturers.
So? They have a right to voice their opinion and if people choose to agree with the religious lobby, that's on them. I see no reason to "protect" these people from themselves.
AndrewBennett wrote:And when did we start talking about religious studies classes? I'm fine with those, however, the retards tend to think that any of those are indoctrination unless it is about their preferred religion.
Even if the religious studies course was only about one religion, I don't see how that violates the separation of church and state. Teaching yoga techniques in a gym class would not be violating the separation of church and state either, and neither would teaching a yoga class in a public school. You are simply talking out of your ass.

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Re: Public School Education System Thread

Post by StCapps » Fri Dec 23, 2016 11:02 am

GrumpyCatFace wrote:Stick to fucking science, in science class. Simple as that.
That's the best beef you have. You don't want shitty science being taught with the good stuff, but I don't see why the federal government has to enforce this upon every state, nor do I see why the state governments have to enforce that on every locality, nor do I see why local governments have to enforce that on every resident.

What skin is it off your back if the federal, state or local governments don't force all public schools to not teach creationism in science class? Why do they not get to choose for themselves and why should they be forced to submit to your scientific curriculum?

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Re: Public School Education System Thread

Post by SuburbanFarmer » Fri Dec 23, 2016 11:34 am

StCapps wrote:
GrumpyCatFace wrote:Stick to fucking science, in science class. Simple as that.
That's the best beef you have. You don't want shitty science being taught with the good stuff, but I don't see why the federal government has to enforce this upon every state, nor do I see why the state governments have to enforce that on every locality, nor do I see why local governments have to enforce that on every resident.

What skin is it off your back if the federal, state or local governments don't force all public schools to not teach creationism in science class? Why do they not get to choose for themselves and why should they be forced to submit to your scientific curriculum?
Dude. Science class = science. Period.
Provable, evidence-based, peer-reviewed, testable SCIENCE. Not 'some shit we found in a Roman book, re-interpreted from enslaved nomads'.

It's a lot of skin off my back, because I depend on the rest of my fellow citizens to at least command a basic comprehension of the world around them.

Also, perhaps most importantly, we only seem to be discussing CHRISTIAN religious views here. Why aren't we 'teaching the pretend controversy' with Native American, Hindu, Daoist and other creation myths???
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Re: Public School Education System Thread

Post by Ex-California » Fri Dec 23, 2016 11:40 am

StCapps wrote:
AndrewBennett wrote:And when did we start talking about religious studies classes? I'm fine with those, however, the retards tend to think that any of those are indoctrination unless it is about their preferred religion.
Even if the religious studies course was only about one religion, I don't see how that violates the separation of church and state. Teaching yoga techniques in a gym class would not be violating the separation of church and state either, and neither would teaching a yoga class in a public school. You are simply talking out of your ass.
We agree on the basis of religious studies classes. You're so far up your own ass, moving goalposts and ready to disagree that you can't even see that. Its the retards who thought that teaching about yoga or Islam was indoctrinating their delicate christian children

The violation of separation of church and state is teaching creationism, which is a religious belief. It is not simply bad science because it uses religious doctrine to bend accepted science to fit the ideas of a book from the ancient world
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Re: Public School Education System Thread

Post by StCapps » Fri Dec 23, 2016 11:54 am

AndrewBennett wrote:The violation of separation of church and state is teaching creationism, which is a religious belief. It is not simply bad science because it uses religious doctrine to bend accepted science to fit the ideas of a book from the ancient world
Still not seeing a lack of separation between church and state, just because the bad science is based on religion doesn't mean the separation is being violated.

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Re: Public School Education System Thread

Post by K@th » Fri Dec 23, 2016 11:54 am

AndrewBennett wrote:
These are public schools provided by the government. Teaching creationism within is a violation of church and state
You moved the goal posts. Your original point was we need the DoE or else the whole country would be forced to drop science in favor of creationism.

Get rid of the DoE and let the local governments do what's best at the local level. Sure, you will have small pockets of the country teaching bat shit crazy stuff from ever direction... and?
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Re: Public School Education System Thread

Post by StCapps » Fri Dec 23, 2016 12:00 pm

GrumpyCatFace wrote:It's a lot of skin off my back, because I depend on the rest of my fellow citizens to at least command a basic comprehension of the world around them.
How does people believing in creationism hurt you? You do not depend on the rest of your fellow citizens not believing in creationism, being taught creationism does not blind a person from properly viewing the world around them in a way that benefits you. People believe some real crazy shit and it doesn't harm the rest of world just because they have a faulty perception of reality, believing in creationism falls into this category. It's a harmless delusion, it being taught to students is hardly the terrible idea that you portray it to be.
Last edited by StCapps on Fri Dec 23, 2016 12:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.