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Post by C-Mag » Fri Feb 09, 2018 11:10 am

When you look back at Trump interviews going back to the early 80s you find he holds pretty much the same views today, as then. Trump has been asked since 1980 if he wanted to be POTUS. He briefly was a candidate in 2000, but quickly backed out. IMO his genius was understanding when the electorate would be ready to embrace him and his views.

Question is, will the electorate ever get pissed off enough at government overreach for a Rand Paul.


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Post by StCapps » Fri Feb 09, 2018 11:10 am

It's pretty simple, if you tell the electorate what they want to hear, and your political opponent wags their finger and says the people can't have what they want, you win.
It's not rocket surgery, Rand Paul wags his finger in the electorates face far too much, he's gotta switch it up.

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Post by Speaker to Animals » Fri Feb 09, 2018 11:16 am

I think the days of "tell them what they want to hear and then follow our 'private views'" are over, quite honestly.

We are pretty well past the zenith of democracy this time around. People are going to vote more in terms of popularity and likability from here on out. A potential presidential candidate will want to excel in things that most Americans are interested in. They have to want to look up to you and follow you in their private lives before they will support you in their public lives. This is Trump's greatest weakness. It's only a matter of time before democrats figure out how to capitalize upon it.

From here on out, barring catastrophic events and times of great struggle, people are going to vote for the guy they would like in their everyday lives and who speaks with authority in their everyday concerns. High-minded political discourse was murdered when we flooded the demographics. Identity politics is the norm. It's more about balancing interests between different identity groups, which is not an ideological matter at all. It's purely pragmatic and requires a great deal of likability.

Politics will become more like reality television now, at least until the military takes over and we return to an aristocracy of some kind.

Democracy is almost deterministically flawed. At this point, it's not like I am some kind of seer to see the writing on the wall.

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Post by StCapps » Fri Feb 09, 2018 11:20 am

Speaker to Animals wrote:People are going to vote more in terms of popularity and likability from here on out.
You say that like it isn't already the case and it hasn't always been the case. This is not some new era of politics, it's the same old-same old.

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Post by C-Mag » Fri Feb 09, 2018 11:20 am

StCapps wrote:It's pretty simple, if you tell the electorate what they want to hear, and your political opponent wags their finger and says the people can't have what they want, you win.
Defense doesn't win championship in politics, offense does.
Yeah, Trump understood America was tired of being constantly beaten down by Obama types.
' You didn't build that, stupid people clinging to guns and religion, you shouldn't be proud of America, and you have to accept sexually confused adults in bathroom, you have to accept open borders or your racist.'

We would need similar type of fatigue with government overreach for Rand Paul to get elected.


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Post by StCapps » Fri Feb 09, 2018 11:22 am

C-Mag wrote:We would need similar type of fatigue with government overreach for Rand Paul to get elected.
He would also have to stop wagging his finger at Americans over fiscal conservatism and foreign policy, and start telling them what they want to hear instead, that shit holds him back when it comes to winning on the big stage.

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Post by StCapps » Fri Feb 09, 2018 11:25 am

Trump is more likable and less boring than Clinton, and the reason he was more likable and less boring is because he told Americans what they wanted to hear more than his political opponents did. Same goes for Trump against his Republican primary opponents, he was more likable and less boring than them too, it's really that simple.
Last edited by StCapps on Fri Feb 09, 2018 11:25 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Speaker to Animals » Fri Feb 09, 2018 11:25 am

StCapps wrote:
Speaker to Animals wrote:People are going to vote more in terms of popularity and likability from here on out.
You say that like it isn't already the case and it hasn't always been the case.

It's really not. There are people who do it, certainly, but LOTS of middle America votes party line still and most whites still vote on ideological grounds.

It's really mostly whites that are voting on actual political ideological grounds. The other demographics are voting as identity group blocs. Once whites see the scam for what it is, they will mostly form up into their own identity bloc and future politics will necessarily become a matter of likability, since a president in particular will require a high-degree of trust from the various political blocs. People will need to believe he is either going to push only for their identity group or be an honest broker between all of them. The former is not going to win elections unless he fights for whites (and even that window will be closing eventually as we are overrun by Latinos so that this becomes a pluralistic racial society). The latter requires a huge amount of approval and likability from all demographics. Basically a Dwayne Johnson standard. The guy who appeals to everybody and is likely to try to balance every identity group's concerns and find suitable compromises.

Ideology means jack shit now. That only mattered when we were a majority white nation. Once you bring in lots of different ethnicities and races, it's not like you are going to argue the finer points of conservatism with mostly illiterate Mexicans who just want more stuff paid for mostly by white men.

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Post by StCapps » Fri Feb 09, 2018 11:26 am

Speaker to Animals wrote:It's really not. There are people who do it, certainly, but LOTS of middle America votes party line still.
That's because they like one party more than the other, it all comes back to likability and popularity, and it always has. Turns out telling people what they want to hear makes you more likable and popular as a politician, who knew?

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Post by Speaker to Animals » Fri Feb 09, 2018 11:29 am

StCapps wrote:
Speaker to Animals wrote:It's really not. There are people who do it, certainly, but LOTS of middle America votes party line still.
That's because the like one party more than the other, it all comes back to likability and popularity, and it always has.

The parties don't mean anything anymore either. Politicians will use them for resources, but we already saw that system die in 2016. Trump is hardly representative of the merchant cunts that had a lock on the GOP since the 1980s.

Dwayne Johnson could feasibly run as a republican, and he won't have anything in common with Trump or the merchant cunts either.

It's like I am talking to a brick wall with a lot of whites who are still living in the fantasy that all of the high-level politics that we enjoyed for the past few centuries remains today. It doesn't. We murdered those days forever when we opened up our borders to the entire fucking planet.

You need to look for a guy that has no ideology, who is able to reach out to all the different racial and ethnic groups to find a compromise on various issues, and who most people trust to make objective and fair policy decisions based on corporatism (the true sense of the word) centered around race, ethnicity, and gender.

You will NOT win a God damned thing with Mitt Romneys any longer. Ideology is dead.