Who was the biggest arsehole?

who was the biggest arsehole

you, you could have simply said no thanks or lied and said you'd already paid to avoid confrontation
car driver, he was in the wrong and shouldn't have got abusive
stander by, it was none of his business and he resorted to raising his voice and insults
No votes
you weren't an arsehole at all you could both have been fined heavily
fuck the state fuck roads and fuck paying for car parking
I think you were right but I'm voting you 'cos I want your dick
No votes
fuck off with your attention seeking poll, only Nuke should be allowed to make attention seeking polls, Nuke's polls are best polls.
Even Hash gets more votes than your stupid poll
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chicken fuckers the lot of you
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Total votes: 13

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Re: Who was the biggest arsehole?

Post by TheReal_ND » Mon Sep 16, 2019 12:32 pm

Fife wrote:
Mon Sep 16, 2019 12:31 pm
That's literally what National Socialism is.

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Re: Who was the biggest arsehole?

Post by Montegriffo » Mon Sep 16, 2019 12:53 pm

TheReal_ND wrote:
Mon Sep 16, 2019 12:26 pm
I'm going on the record and saying that other guy was a huge asshole btw. When I am in public I don't want to make eye contact with you. Don't fucking @ me. Don't even talk to me unless it's basic cordiality like saying thanks for holding the door or "how's it going" while you ring me up. I don't want to fucking talk to you. 9/10 times it's some fucking grifter that sees me and thinks I'm an easy mark for sympathy money. If some faggot started blaring his horn at me and shouting any kinds of words in my direction I would be a hair trigger away from escalating the interaction to violence. I'm not even joking. Don't fucking talk to me don't fucking look at me don't fucking offer me shit. I will fucking fight you there and then.
I have to admit, the horn bibbing did annoy me.
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Re: Who was the biggest arsehole?

Post by TheReal_ND » Tue Sep 17, 2019 6:44 am