apeman wrote:There is no historical reason to think democracy will endure, is there?
The biggest problem is endless gibs-based pandering and voters with absolutely no stake in the future. It allows you to look at the new Medicare-for-All bill -- which would double annual federal expenditures at a minimum -- and conclude "this is fine!"
So this is a thread to BS about proper qualifications to be permitted to vote in federal elections, obviously controversial, obviously no qualification can be perfect. But we need some skin in the game, or the incentives align very poorly. If you disagree, make your argument.
My thoughts so far:
-Must speak English to vote (I want you to want to integrate and be American)
-Must either own land or have a kid to vote (skin in the game and a stake in the community/future)
-Must have photo ID to vote (if you cannot procure a photo ID, with the minor expense and hassle it brings, then no vote)
-Cannot be on welfare for more than [period of time] in the last X years, or not vote. (this is about having a stake in your community/the future, not voting for gibs)
-Veterans get to vote regardless
Been toying with the idea of a basic civics test, but don't trust the govt with it.
I know that will ruffle feathers, in fact, I would only be able to vote for the last 16 months of my life, in any case, I cannot think of any good reason why I should have been allowed to vote before then. I bet the "land or kids" qualification will be reviled.
I think you're probably getting a little too wrapped up in voting as being the issue, because vast cohorts of people who qualify for your enfranchisement, are voting for the things which you say are the problem.
Land owners, with kids, aren't voting themselves ever more entitlements? Er, pretty sure they are, in fact, I would bet that land owners with kids is the single biggest cohort of self entitlement voters there is.
When it comes to handouts and freebees from the republic, land owners with kids are right there at the front of the line, and right behind them is the "we served in the military so now you gibs" veterans, in case you haven't noticed.
You know, I wouldn't let veterans vote at all, service in the military should disqualify you from voting, you should get your gibs, an agreed upon amount of gibs in the contract, it can be generous, but to get them, you give up the right to vote, because when you join the military, you are indoctrinated, and I mean brainwashed, into an ethos which consists of three elements.
1) Obeyance of orders without question nor hesitation.
2) Total loyality to the unit, to the exclusion of anyone not in the unit, especially civilians, who are actually scum.
3) The willingness to kill without quarter not mercy, including civilians, including your own civilians, with actually very little restraint.
Not exactly my ideal candidates for republicans, although, I'd certainly take them on a search and destroy mission to burn the whole kibbutz.
You want that ville pacified, by burning it to the ground? No problemo. You want that bill passed that restricts the American republic from going to war? What are you, some kind of scumbag pacifist commie faggot?
You wanna what? Cut government spending? Well, so long as it's not Social Security, Medicare, any sort of pork for the veterans and dependants, nor anything to do with the Pentagon and associated Military Industrial Complex, the veterans are all for it; so that leaves you what? like 15% of government spending to cut from? lol
The veterans are the biggest bunch of big govenment pork barrelers there is, with the possible exception of land owners with kids, it's neck and neck, but your two favoured classes, are the very ones who are taking you to the bacon wagon, and getting you into every single war that comes along, so why would you favour them?
Soccer Moms and Vets are the solution to your stated problems? Cognitive dissonance much?
Like, for your stated problem? Alright, here's my qualification, a 33% cut in government spending is not up for a vote, in order to vote, you must check *yes* on the box for a binding proposition to cut spending by a third, only then can you vote for who you want to execute this cut, from the selection of candidates below, if you don't vote yes for the 33% cut, then your ballot is disqualified, otherwise, knock yourself out, don't care if you're not even an American citizen, so long as you check *yes* on the 33% budget cut, vote away.