Another School Shooting

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Re: Another School Shooting

Post by doc_loliday » Mon Apr 16, 2018 8:47 pm

katarn wrote:most everyone is socially liberal by the standards of a few years ago.
Conservatism is progressivism that drives the speed limit.

It's pretty cringey when you see the left dredge up the gay marriage argument, which they do. It's like dude, that battle was won, let it go.

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Re: Another School Shooting

Post by DBTrek » Mon Apr 16, 2018 8:51 pm

How about when they dredge up "Arresting people who refuse to stop loitering at a business is racist if they're black, and the manager should be fired, and the CEO should apologize. Plus it should be front page news, and we'll send our lemming protesters to shut your shop down because clearly the KKK runs your coffee empire".
"Hey varmints, don't mess with a guy that's riding a buffalo"

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Re: Another School Shooting

Post by Speaker to Animals » Mon Apr 16, 2018 8:53 pm

I don't agree that any of this is won. The left, as a genetic dead end that it is, will die off in the demographic winter. The actual war is between healthy, traditionalist-minded westerners and the invaders.

Literally, the entire left is actually quite irrelevant in the long term. The real issue are the masses of invaders the left is allowing flood in to our countries.

I don't know how hard it is to spell it out for you guys if you don't see it happening before your very eyes. If there is a gay gene, it's fucking dying out now BECAUSE we "accepted" homosexuality as a social good. All the degenerate and socially dysfunctional genetics are weeding themselves out. It's a natural selection event.

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Re: Another School Shooting

Post by doc_loliday » Mon Apr 16, 2018 8:57 pm

Nobody's fighting the fight. Trump don't give a fuck and neither do your conservative representatives.

The left argued that gay marriage wouldn't kill straight marriage and they're technically right. I think its just putting the finishing touches on marriage being the norm. Without exclusivity, a whole lotta people are asking, "why are we getting married?" Red pillers should understand this immediately.

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Re: Another School Shooting

Post by Speaker to Animals » Mon Apr 16, 2018 9:27 pm

Why fight it? We should encourage it to accelerate their extinction.

What do you think the Muslims plan on doing?

Muslims and Christians are watching each other, thinking about the fight that is to come over the future of Europe.

America is a more complicated issue, since Latinos are good people in general. It's not personal, but this won't become Mexico.

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Re: Another School Shooting

Post by doc_loliday » Mon Apr 16, 2018 9:33 pm

The genetic extinction of liberalism is much further along the time axis and I think the republic will die before that happens.

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Re: Another School Shooting

Post by Speaker to Animals » Mon Apr 16, 2018 9:40 pm

Oh, for sure the republic is dying from liberalism, but the republic was founded on liberalism. The republic created this cancer in the first place and then exported it across the west. But the death of the genetic basis of liberalism is not so far off, really. Demographic winter is slated to hit here in the 2040s or 2050s.

The left is dying, dude. They are extinguishing themselves.

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Re: Another School Shooting

Post by doc_loliday » Mon Apr 16, 2018 9:48 pm

I ain't got kids either. Life belongs to the prolific. So long.


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Re: Another School Shooting

Post by Speaker to Animals » Mon Apr 16, 2018 9:52 pm

That's also an outcome of anti-white economic and tax policies making life hard on you. Family court system is killing us off.

I really do suspect that, genetically, the basis of liberalism is urban. Urban life creates a sexual selection preference for certain traits that lead to this.

So if you're several generations of urbanites on both sides, you could have the alleles. I am certain my ex wife's family has them. They are just pre-wired to fuck everything up.

Also, I thought you were married to a South Asian chick? I doubt she has them. I think it's mainly a white thing.

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Re: Another School Shooting

Post by doc_loliday » Mon Apr 16, 2018 10:07 pm

Last edited by doc_loliday on Tue Apr 17, 2018 6:54 am, edited 1 time in total.