Does anyone on this forum actually care about Syria?

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Re: Does anyone on this forum actually care about Syria?

Post by BjornP » Mon Dec 19, 2016 11:24 am

Betting shooter is affiliated with these guys:

Fits well with the choice of target, and what he allegedly shouted.
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Re: Does anyone on this forum actually care about Syria?

Post by Speaker to Animals » Mon Dec 19, 2016 11:54 am

But will we ever know his motive?

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Re: Does anyone on this forum actually care about Syria?

Post by adwinistrator » Mon Dec 19, 2016 11:55 am

Penner wrote: I can't remember a time when someone actually took a picture of the assailant of a shooting right before he fired the gun. It's kind of bizarre and other worldly seeing something like it for the first time (or at least the first time that I can remember). We are literally seeing someone in the process of assassinating someone.
Otoya Yamaguchi, taken moments after he attacked, and subsequently assassinated Inejiro Asanuma (leader of Japan Socialist Party), October 12, 1960. Otoya was 17 years old at the time.


The assassination was also captured on video.

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Re: Does anyone on this forum actually care about Syria?

Post by kybkh » Mon Dec 19, 2016 11:56 am

If you haven't seen the video it's out there. That is just a still from when I believe is AFTER he shoot the ambassador. (note the eyeglasses lying on the floor)

The ambassador was speaking at a podium being filmed when the shooter, who is believed to be part of the security detail, opened fire from directly behind the speaker.
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Re: Does anyone on this forum actually care about Syria?

Post by Otern » Mon Dec 19, 2016 12:03 pm

Why didn't the rest of the security detail shoot the assassin?

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Re: Does anyone on this forum actually care about Syria?

Post by TheReal_ND » Mon Dec 19, 2016 12:17 pm


How many stars did he rack up though?

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Re: Does anyone on this forum actually care about Syria?

Post by TheReal_ND » Mon Dec 19, 2016 12:20 pm

Footage of the assasination:

Yep. Held up his finger and said "I am jihadi," in English. Credit where credit is due, that's how you do a jihadi attack. No innocents hurt as far as I'm aware and a high profile target in the morgue.

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Re: Does anyone on this forum actually care about Syria?

Post by Otern » Mon Dec 19, 2016 12:28 pm

three injured according to wikipedia. Nine shots, all in the direction of the Russian and the journalists, at least one goes through him and continues on.

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Re: Does anyone on this forum actually care about Syria?

Post by clubgop » Mon Dec 19, 2016 2:10 pm

Hanarchy Montanarchy wrote:
Okeefenokee wrote:

Never ceases to amaze how liberals can blame the consequences of the actions of their leaders on people who haven't been in office for nearly a decade.
So, after 8 glorious years of MAGA, I can assume no one will be blaming Obama for whatever fails to be great again?
The MSM is blaming him now and not even President yet. So, no you hack bitch, but nice try.

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Re: Does anyone on this forum actually care about Syria?

Post by clubgop » Mon Dec 19, 2016 2:22 pm

BjornP wrote:FSA may be wet paper bag fighters and didn't say they or the rjova kurds are "driving the bus", but my point is that it is ok to acknowledge that even if they wanted democracy, its ok to not want to bilaterally support them. Without feeling any social pressure to just dismiss them as jihadi fanatics like isis when they're not.
The muslim brotherhood of the 60's weren't all that extremist either but in comparison to Assad secular ass, I would classify them as such. I am only interested in the comparison to demonstrate the Assad's knack for keeping power. I dont have a problem doing nothing, liberals do. They made this decision and now in order to assuage thier liberal white guilt they want to take in a danger they know they can't vet or stop attacks from. That side has already lost plenty of elections, stop trying to lie for them. You aren't doing them any good.