Civil War Doomsday Clock

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Re: Civil War Doomsday Clock

Post by C-Mag » Thu Oct 25, 2018 10:36 pm

Where are we as a country? Will we have a Civil War? Are we in a Civil War? Is it possible that we would have a shooting Civil War in America soon?

These are questions we've discussed and our opinions vary. I thought I'd step back and take a broader view of what typically creates shooting civil wars. Clausewitz is a good place to start.

I've argued that we are in a non-shooting Civil War now. One can easily see current events as attacks in a war. Are Globalists and Leftists attacking opponents such as non-Leftists news and social media sites in this war. I see the attacks on non-Leftist internet resources as politics through other means. People use these tactics when they do not have the political power to do what they want. This line of thought can be extended over many events in the last 2 years. I would also submit that this War through other means will increase in frequency and intensity if they continue to be without political power.

Other factors that make a Civil War possible is demonization and dehumanization of opponents. All of us can give examples, the first ones that come to mind are not ones most would likely pick: Flyover States, hicks in the sticks, climate denier. Explanation, these terms have been used for years to frame political opponents as living in an area unworthy to even stop in, stupid and uneducated, infidels of the new world religion. These are small attacks folks like me have laughed off for years, but probably should not have. Lefties see Trump doing the same thing with calling out Fake News, Lock Her Up and Pocohantus.

Civil Wars usually occur with high youth unemployment. While our official unemployment numbers are very low, we know that is not reality. We see Antifa which are mostly ecnomically comfortable college age white kids, but I view as unemployed lost souls. I think our society is filled with young unemployed kids on both sides of the political spectrum, but instead of being destitute they are fairly comfortable ecnomically........... but enraged socially due to constant media access........ Truly a 21st Century problem.

Finally what does it take psychologically to cause physical harm to ones own countryman. I think this is where we are the most divergent from countries that end up in Civil Wars. Frankly, Americans are too soft and too big a pussies to really get it on. The true rigors of fighting a hot war are unlikely for Americans. While we have all the other factors, I'm not sure the psychology for war and violence on a large scale are possible. When we look at the violence in downtown Portland, Oregon, ground zero for our current civil war what do we see? We see people willing to get into small conflicts, some of it a little brutal, but not the all out intensity to kill.

Now this could change. Take away our comfort due to economic or infrastructure failure and it changes really fast. I don't see traditional Americans who, by far, have the most ability to carry out a shooting, willing to do so except for maybe one or two reasons. Globalists and Leftists are stressed over loss of political power, they have seen their dream of ultimate control dashed and they are mad. If that continues, they have the ability to create serious problems in urban environments and minor problems in other areas. They also have control of maybe the most important infrastructure in the country, IT. They have the ability to monkey with IT stuff that traditionalists just don't have. I don't know enough about how that could be weaponized, but I know it's a danger.

In Summary, we will likely remain in a non-shooting war, and closer to a shooting Civil War for quite some time.


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Re: Civil War Doomsday Clock

Post by Hastur » Fri Oct 26, 2018 12:48 am


An nescis, mi fili, quantilla prudentia mundus regatur? - Axel Oxenstierna

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Re: Civil War Doomsday Clock

Post by Speaker to Animals » Fri Oct 26, 2018 3:32 am

C-Mag wrote:
Thu Oct 25, 2018 10:36 pm
Where are we as a country? Will we have a Civil War? Are we in a Civil War? Is it possible that we would have a shooting Civil War in America soon?

These are questions we've discussed and our opinions vary. I thought I'd step back and take a broader view of what typically creates shooting civil wars. Clausewitz is a good place to start.

I've argued that we are in a non-shooting Civil War now. One can easily see current events as attacks in a war. Are Globalists and Leftists attacking opponents such as non-Leftists news and social media sites in this war. I see the attacks on non-Leftist internet resources as politics through other means. People use these tactics when they do not have the political power to do what they want. This line of thought can be extended over many events in the last 2 years. I would also submit that this War through other means will increase in frequency and intensity if they continue to be without political power.

Other factors that make a Civil War possible is demonization and dehumanization of opponents. All of us can give examples, the first ones that come to mind are not ones most would likely pick: Flyover States, hicks in the sticks, climate denier. Explanation, these terms have been used for years to frame political opponents as living in an area unworthy to even stop in, stupid and uneducated, infidels of the new world religion. These are small attacks folks like me have laughed off for years, but probably should not have. Lefties see Trump doing the same thing with calling out Fake News, Lock Her Up and Pocohantus.

Civil Wars usually occur with high youth unemployment. While our official unemployment numbers are very low, we know that is not reality. We see Antifa which are mostly ecnomically comfortable college age white kids, but I view as unemployed lost souls. I think our society is filled with young unemployed kids on both sides of the political spectrum, but instead of being destitute they are fairly comfortable ecnomically........... but enraged socially due to constant media access........ Truly a 21st Century problem.

Finally what does it take psychologically to cause physical harm to ones own countryman. I think this is where we are the most divergent from countries that end up in Civil Wars. Frankly, Americans are too soft and too big a pussies to really get it on. The true rigors of fighting a hot war are unlikely for Americans. While we have all the other factors, I'm not sure the psychology for war and violence on a large scale are possible. When we look at the violence in downtown Portland, Oregon, ground zero for our current civil war what do we see? We see people willing to get into small conflicts, some of it a little brutal, but not the all out intensity to kill.

Now this could change. Take away our comfort due to economic or infrastructure failure and it changes really fast. I don't see traditional Americans who, by far, have the most ability to carry out a shooting, willing to do so except for maybe one or two reasons. Globalists and Leftists are stressed over loss of political power, they have seen their dream of ultimate control dashed and they are mad. If that continues, they have the ability to create serious problems in urban environments and minor problems in other areas. They also have control of maybe the most important infrastructure in the country, IT. They have the ability to monkey with IT stuff that traditionalists just don't have. I don't know enough about how that could be weaponized, but I know it's a danger.

In Summary, we will likely remain in a non-shooting war, and closer to a shooting Civil War for quite some time.
Americans were relatively comfortable in the 1860s too.

I wonder if the South Carolina legislature and later Lincoln's government decided to escalate the conflict precisely because the electorate wanted war.

By that, I mean, consider the fact that our politicians are the product of a kind if political market economy, in which the currency of exchange is a vote, the product is the politician and his policies, and the demand for those policies being the most important factor just as in any market.

Look at the demand side of any market equation as the most fundamental factor driving the economic outcome.

You may think Americans are too soft to fight a civil war, but I think the demand for it exists in the political economy. Because the demand exists, we will get politicians and policies that cater to that demand. Once politicians pull the political trigger somewhere, the conflict escalates very fast.

I think Lincoln was elected because a plurality of Yankees and Midlanders had had enough of the evil of slavery and the violations of their state's rights with respect to things like the Fugitive Slave Act. They grew to despise Southerners because of evil shit like that. Southerners despised Yankees all along. But once the Yanks had the Midlander on their side, and half of Appalachia, it was a done deal.

In the wake of the Lincoln election, Southerners wanted the fuck out of the system because they could see the writing on the wall. Slavery was not going to spread, and if it could not spread, their entire society built on slavery would also have to change since it necrssarily had to expand due to premogeniture inheritence and the accumulation of arable land. The demand was for secession, and that is what politicians delivered.

Before South Carolina kicked off the war in an official capacity, hostilities between civilians was already happening. There were murders and skirmishes all along the Mason-Dixon line leading up to the attack on Fort Sumter.

We see a similar dynamic happening now, except Yankee culture took on the role of the instigator with evil ideology, and Yankee culture is now really just urban culture now that they have colonized every medium-sized city and larger in America. Trump took the place of Lincoln. Because we are softer, instead of Bleeding Kansas, we get pepper spray and fisticuffs battles in street demonstrations. But that dies not mean escalation is impossible; it only means we have more escalation required.

We already see states and cities doing a crypto-secession from federal policies. My guess is that the next escalation will be a total cut off from federal funds to these cities, and drastic limits on federal funds to states like California. California is basically like the 1860s Virgina (even ripe for a section to secede like West.Virginia did).

The critical difference is that, this really is not a state against state divide. It's thecities against everybody else. Our Californian enemies are just the urbanites. The people living outside the cities have no control over the state of California. The urbanites want that same control over the entire nation.

And I think their politicians are going to escalate because that is what their electorate wants.

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Re: Civil War Doomsday Clock

Post by pineapplemike » Fri Oct 26, 2018 8:41 am


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Re: Civil War Doomsday Clock

Post by Fife » Fri Oct 26, 2018 8:44 am

I need one of you van lads to give me a QRD on these markings.


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Re: Civil War Doomsday Clock

Post by pineapplemike » Fri Oct 26, 2018 8:48 am

Donald J. Trump

Republicans are doing so well in early voting, and at the polls, and now this “Bomb” stuff happens and the momentum greatly slows - news not talking politics. Very unfortunate, what is going on. Republicans, go out and vote!
Trump sees the writing on the wall, he's taking this one on the chin and trying to move on

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Re: Civil War Doomsday Clock

Post by Montegriffo » Fri Oct 26, 2018 8:51 am

Fife wrote:
Fri Oct 26, 2018 8:44 am
I need one of you van lads to give me a QRD on these markings.

Looks like white van man supremacists to me...
For legal reasons, we are not threatening to destroy U.S. government property with our glorious medieval siege engine. But if we wanted to, we could. But we won’t. But we could.

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Re: Civil War Doomsday Clock

Post by pineapplemike » Fri Oct 26, 2018 8:54 am

yeah look at all that text on the windows, i can't think of any text that leftys take so seriously as to place on their windows, it's gotta be some bill of rights 2nd amendment shit or something

damn, i am fake news


jill stein? what did she ever do?

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Re: Civil War Doomsday Clock

Post by Fife » Fri Oct 26, 2018 9:30 am


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Re: Civil War Doomsday Clock

Post by Ph64 » Fri Oct 26, 2018 9:47 am

Lots of American flags or flag-type symbolism... So obviously not a leftie.