Another School Shooting

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Re: Another School Shooting

Post by DrYouth » Thu Apr 12, 2018 9:04 am

BjornP wrote:As multicultural as Americans and Canadians say they are, the fact is that while they accept say... people originally from a Cantonese culture living there, or people from a Belarusian culture living in Canada, Canada itself will only accept the aspects of those cultures that don't conflict with what's accepted in Canada. Your culture is Canadian. You're multi-accepting of people coming from into your countries from other cultures, yes, but you're not as Bengali, Ukrainian, Spanish or German as Bengal, Ukraine, Spain or Germany while you're also Canadian. By accepting a compromise called Canadian, so to speak, a compromise called American, one accepts that a certain culture in Canada (and the US) holds primacy. And it isn't Bengali or Ukrainian.

Tribe does not need you to share a large percentage of DNA with your tribe members. A tribe is a collection of families that band together and call themselves a tribe. It is simply spoken and acted into being, and spoken and acted into continued existence but the continuous willingness of its members to work together for the tribe's common good and interest. Do you feel any sort of loyality to those who also call themselves Canadian? Does look like it. Is your, and their, citizenship simply a piece of dead paper to you, and any allegiance, sense of loyalty, willingness to give up anything (be it simply your taxes or your willingness to come to their defense) a matter of the State compelling you to, by law and threat of force?
It depends how you define tribe.
Tribes that don't share DNA are, I would suggest, fundamentally different than those that do.
But the cooperative instincts that separate us from them are the same in both scenarios... and do not distinguish based on DNA... so I agree with that.

When I speak for myself I would agree that I feel a loyalty to Canada and Canadians that goes beyond legal obligation...
But I agree with STA that this is probably not a universal attribute of Canadians...
I believe that our ties are diluted and that this felt sense of identity is weakened by many of the policies of the left that have become so central in Canadian politics... I feel grateful to the right wing of Canadian politics that keeps bringing us back to concepts of loyalty and tradition... weird as that may sound coming from a born and bred bourgeois pantywaist lefty like myself.

Sidebar: Hockey plays a remarkable role in Canadian identity...
note the national outpouring of grief for the death of 16 players on a Junior Hockey League team in Humbolt Saskatchewan that had dominated the news cycle up here for days. Today most of us are wearing sports jerseys in honour of the loss. ... _bus_crash
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Re: Another School Shooting

Post by Smitty-48 » Thu Apr 12, 2018 9:23 am

DrYouth wrote:
Smitty-48 wrote:Canada being at or near the top of the list of most ethnically diverse countries is a self perpetuating self congratulatory myth propagated by Canadian liberals, the 20 most ethnically diverse countries on earth are all in Africa, IIRC Uganda being the most ethnically diverse with over 100 distinct ethnic groups.

Canada is way down the list, I think Fearson ranks us as only the 60th most ethnically diverse country.
I'm referring to first world nations.
Even then, statistically we are basically the same as Latvia, Belgium and Switzerland on the ethnic diversity index, so not all that special, even in the first world.

The difference between us, the Americans, and Western Europe, is negligible, rounding error differences, "most diverse country" is just bullshit Canadian myth making centrally planned from Ottawa.

The most ethnically diverse "European" country of all time, was by far, the Soviet Union, which is probably why Latvia is so high on the list, full of ex-Soviet ethnic groups transplanted.

One of the Soviet's biggest objectives, begun under Stalin, was to de-Russianize the Soviet Union and integrate all the ethnic groups, so they moved them all over and mixed it up.

Canada is basically the same as the Americans, overwhelmingly WASP, and then very Irish and German after that. Toronto is our most ethnically diverse city, but the idea that it is more ethnically diverse than New York City is laughable.

No surprise you drink the Kool-Aid tho, Huffpo Himbo that you are, fed to you like mothers milk, by the teachers unions.
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Re: Another School Shooting

Post by DrYouth » Thu Apr 12, 2018 10:07 am

Smitty-48 wrote:No surprise you drink the Kool-Aid tho, Huffpo Himbo that you are, fed to you like mothers milk, by the teachers unions.
You got me there cousin.

It's why I need you to keep sharpening my edge.
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Re: Another School Shooting

Post by DBTrek » Thu Apr 12, 2018 10:09 am

You guys did produce Rob Ford though.
That should count for some kind of diversity credit.
Man spoke some mean patois.
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Re: Another School Shooting

Post by Smitty-48 » Thu Apr 12, 2018 10:12 am

DBTrek wrote:You guys did produce Rob Ford though.
That should count for some kind of diversity credit.
Man spoke some mean patois.
The Ford Brothers are the most popular with the ethnics, by far, the urbane wypipo downtown vote liberal and socialist, Ford Nation is mostly immigrants.
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Re: Another School Shooting

Post by BjornP » Thu Apr 12, 2018 10:14 am

DrYouth wrote:
BjornP wrote:As multicultural as Americans and Canadians say they are, the fact is that while they accept say... people originally from a Cantonese culture living there, or people from a Belarusian culture living in Canada, Canada itself will only accept the aspects of those cultures that don't conflict with what's accepted in Canada. Your culture is Canadian. You're multi-accepting of people coming from into your countries from other cultures, yes, but you're not as Bengali, Ukrainian, Spanish or German as Bengal, Ukraine, Spain or Germany while you're also Canadian. By accepting a compromise called Canadian, so to speak, a compromise called American, one accepts that a certain culture in Canada (and the US) holds primacy. And it isn't Bengali or Ukrainian.

Tribe does not need you to share a large percentage of DNA with your tribe members. A tribe is a collection of families that band together and call themselves a tribe. It is simply spoken and acted into being, and spoken and acted into continued existence but the continuous willingness of its members to work together for the tribe's common good and interest. Do you feel any sort of loyality to those who also call themselves Canadian? Does look like it. Is your, and their, citizenship simply a piece of dead paper to you, and any allegiance, sense of loyalty, willingness to give up anything (be it simply your taxes or your willingness to come to their defense) a matter of the State compelling you to, by law and threat of force?
It depends how you define tribe.
Tribes that don't share DNA are, I would suggest, fundamentally different than those that do.
But the cooperative instincts that separate us from them are the same in both scenarios... and do not distinguish based on DNA... so I agree with that.

When I speak for myself I would agree that I feel a loyalty to Canada and Canadians that goes beyond legal obligation...
But I agree with STA that this is probably not a universal attribute of Canadians...
I believe that our ties are diluted and that this felt sense of identity is weakened by many of the policies of the left that have become so central in Canadian politics... I feel grateful to the right wing of Canadian politics that keeps bringing us back to concepts of loyalty and tradition... weird as that may sound coming from a born and bred bourgeois pantywaist lefty like myself.

Sidebar: Hockey plays a remarkable role in Canadian identity...
note the national outpouring of grief for the death of 16 players on a Junior Hockey League team in Humbolt Saskatchewan that had dominated the news cycle up here for days. Today most of us are wearing sports jerseys in honour of the loss. ... _bus_crash
As I said, ethnicity is measured differently on either side of the Atlantic, so tribe will be, too. This isn't a first vs. third world issue, and Smitty has a point about Canada maybe not being as multi-cultural as some claim. There really should exist two different names for the two types of multi-culturalism, though... The difference between say, Ugandan or Russian multi-culturalism vs Canadian and American is that theirs is primarily not immigrant multi-culturalism; it is territorial. The boundaries of the state enlarged (through either conquest or colonialism) and came to incorporate the lands of ethnic groups previous not part of the state. In the Americas, the multiculturalism did not require an expansion of the boundaries of the state as the multiculturalism is derived from immigrants from various lands.

A tribe is someone who shares values and a sense of belonging to the in-tribe. If they come from some other culture originally, but are willing to accept their new one and the rules of living as fellow tribe members, and feel a sense of loyalty to the new tribe, they are tribe. Some forms of nationalism, and most genuine racists (as in biological racism) do care about "blood and soil", but that's not really universal for tribalism.

Anyway, I think we both have explained our views to each other enough. I don't want to repeat myself too much, after all. And as different as multi-culturalism in "the new world" (+New Zealand and Australia) is, some things stay the same. Which is not neccesarily a bad thing, at all.
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Re: Another School Shooting

Post by Smitty-48 » Thu Apr 12, 2018 10:17 am

DrYouth wrote:
Smitty-48 wrote:No surprise you drink the Kool-Aid tho, Huffpo Himbo that you are, fed to you like mothers milk, by the teachers unions.
You got me there cousin.

It's why I need you to keep sharpening my edge.
Alright, well lesson #2, there is a specific objective behind the Liberal's Diversity Kool-Aid, but it's not related to pleasing immigrants so much as it is a Federalist plan to try to soften the edges between Les Deux Solitudes to undermine the Sovereignists in Quebec.

Break down the bipolar paradigm by sweeping it aside to be replaced by a multipolar paradigm.

It's only really worked in English Canada and Montreal, the rest of Quebec ain't buying and continues to resist, clinging to the Ethno State tenaciously.

That being said, the Kool-Aid has been fed so forcefully for so long, because it has largely failed to achieve its primary objective, but the Liberal's just keep doubling down on it, over the top, borderline totalitarian, because it is the entirety of the liberal base, so that is now inciting a backlash in English Canada, the Anglo right has now begun to reject it and side with the Ethno State again.

The Liberals are also whippin' up the indians and putting them in the mix to try to stave off the backlash, but that's playing with fire, because once you whip the indians up, pretty hard to get them back into line again after. That could really blow up in their faces, because them indians ain't scared of the army, as the Liberal's will find out at some point on this trajectory.

Mind you, bring it on I say, because an Anglo Right-Quebethno-Indian backlash could be the undoing of the Natural Governing Party for a long long time.

Even if Her Majesty precludes us from hanging the liberals from the lampposts, it may simply be a case of feeding them rope until they hang themselves.

The stupidity of Canadian liberals these days is breathtaking, they used to be clever, but they've become a party of bubbleheads, it's clear they have no idea of where the pitfalls are, the way they are operating now, it's all short term immediate action to stave off an immediate problem caused by their last knee jerk immediate action, without any thought of the unintended consequences, and they are piling that shit up ever more each day.

Pierre to Justin says it all, Pierre was a kook, but he was a brilliant operator, Justin's not a kook, but he's dumb as a post, and he doesn't anybody smarter on his bench to bail him out neither. Gerry Butts knows how to win elections, but that's all he knows, actual governing is not his thing.
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Re: Another School Shooting

Post by DrYouth » Thu Apr 12, 2018 1:15 pm

Smitty-48 wrote:Alright, well lesson #2, there is a specific objective behind the Liberal's Diversity Kool-Aid, but it's not related to pleasing immigrants so much as it is a Federalist plan to try to soften the edges between Les Deux Solitudes to undermine the Sovereignists in Quebec.

Break down the bipolar paradigm by sweeping it aside to be replaced by a multipolar paradigm.

It's only really worked in English Canada and Montreal, the rest of Quebec ain't buying and continues to resist, clinging to the Ethno State tenaciously.

That being said, the Kool-Aid has been fed so forcefully for so long, because it has largely failed to achieve its primary objective, but the Liberal's just keep doubling down on it, over the top, borderline totalitarian, because it is the entirety of the liberal base, so that is now inciting a backlash in English Canada, the Anglo right has now begun to reject it and side with the Ethno State again.

The Liberals are also whippin' up the indians and putting them in the mix to try to stave off the backlash, but that's playing with fire, because once you whip the indians up, pretty hard to get them back into line again after. That could really blow up in their faces, because them indians ain't scared of the army, as the Liberal's will find out at some point on this trajectory.

Mind you, bring it on I say, because an Anglo Right-Quebethno-Indian backlash could be the undoing of the Natural Governing Party for a long long time.

Even if Her Majesty precludes us from hanging the liberals from the lampposts, it may simply be a case of feeding them rope until they hang themselves.

The stupidity of Canadian liberals these days is breathtaking, they used to be clever, but they've become a party of bubbleheads, it's clear they have no idea of where the pitfalls are, the way they are operating now, it's all short term immediate action to stave off an immediate problem caused by their last knee jerk immediate action, without any thought of the unintended consequences, and they are piling that shit up ever more each day.

Pierre to Justin says it all, Pierre was a kook, but he was a brilliant operator, Justin's not a kook, but he's dumb as a post, and he doesn't anybody smarter on his bench to bail him out neither. Gerry Butts knows how to win elections, but that's all he knows, actual governing is not his thing.
I'm not really seeing anything that impressive from the Anglo-right or the Indians...
And bubblehead politics seems to be only brand of politics on all sides as far as I can tell.
I agree with Pierre seeming in an entire different league from Justin. Just don't make politicians like they used to... I guess.
Let me know when you see something promising on the horizon...
Deep down tho, I still thirst to kill you and eat you. Ultra Chimp can't help it.. - Smitty

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Re: Another School Shooting

Post by DrYouth » Thu Apr 12, 2018 1:18 pm

BjornP wrote:Anyway, I think we both have explained our views to each other enough. I don't want to repeat myself too much, after all. And as different as multi-culturalism in "the new world" (+New Zealand and Australia) is, some things stay the same. Which is not neccesarily a bad thing, at all.
+1 Bjorn...

It's been a smashing discussion Bjorn.

We'll have to do this again soon. :)
Deep down tho, I still thirst to kill you and eat you. Ultra Chimp can't help it.. - Smitty

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Re: Another School Shooting

Post by Smitty-48 » Thu Apr 12, 2018 1:19 pm

DrYouth wrote:
Smitty-48 wrote:Alright, well lesson #2, there is a specific objective behind the Liberal's Diversity Kool-Aid, but it's not related to pleasing immigrants so much as it is a Federalist plan to try to soften the edges between Les Deux Solitudes to undermine the Sovereignists in Quebec.

Break down the bipolar paradigm by sweeping it aside to be replaced by a multipolar paradigm.

It's only really worked in English Canada and Montreal, the rest of Quebec ain't buying and continues to resist, clinging to the Ethno State tenaciously.

That being said, the Kool-Aid has been fed so forcefully for so long, because it has largely failed to achieve its primary objective, but the Liberal's just keep doubling down on it, over the top, borderline totalitarian, because it is the entirety of the liberal base, so that is now inciting a backlash in English Canada, the Anglo right has now begun to reject it and side with the Ethno State again.

The Liberals are also whippin' up the indians and putting them in the mix to try to stave off the backlash, but that's playing with fire, because once you whip the indians up, pretty hard to get them back into line again after. That could really blow up in their faces, because them indians ain't scared of the army, as the Liberal's will find out at some point on this trajectory.

Mind you, bring it on I say, because an Anglo Right-Quebethno-Indian backlash could be the undoing of the Natural Governing Party for a long long time.

Even if Her Majesty precludes us from hanging the liberals from the lampposts, it may simply be a case of feeding them rope until they hang themselves.

The stupidity of Canadian liberals these days is breathtaking, they used to be clever, but they've become a party of bubbleheads, it's clear they have no idea of where the pitfalls are, the way they are operating now, it's all short term immediate action to stave off an immediate problem caused by their last knee jerk immediate action, without any thought of the unintended consequences, and they are piling that shit up ever more each day.

Pierre to Justin says it all, Pierre was a kook, but he was a brilliant operator, Justin's not a kook, but he's dumb as a post, and he doesn't anybody smarter on his bench to bail him out neither. Gerry Butts knows how to win elections, but that's all he knows, actual governing is not his thing.
I'm not really seeing anything that impressive from the Anglo-right or the Indians...
And bubblehead politics seems to be only brand of politics on all sides as far as I can tell.
I agree with Pierre seeming in an entire different league from Justin. Just don't make politicians like they used to... I guess.
Let me know when you see something promising on the horizon...
Well the Anglo Right is cucked at the institutional level still, but that can certainly turn over time, and the indians are ever a powder keg, that can blow at anytime without warning, one misstep with the indians, in the wake of hopes dashed by over promising and under delivering, is the penultimate Canadian pitfall.

You think there was no chance at all that Oka could have ended in a bloodbath and then exploded from there? Don't kid yourself, mate.
Nec Aspera Terrent