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Post by Smitty-48 » Sun Jan 07, 2018 8:17 pm

Nukedog, Okie, Trek, that's a pretty good bellwether, if none of those three are ready to throw Trump aside in favour of the Democrat hordes, I don't detect any revolt in the ranks at this juncture.

Trek didn't even vote for Trump, but, come 2020, with two SCOTUS picks in play, he's gonna have to make a choice, does he really want these fuckwit SJW Democrats to have those two picks, and so blow his wad on a libertarian who has no fuckin chance at all?

There's a time to make a protest vote, but at other times, you'd better think about it.

I mean, Trek lives in Seattle so it probably doesn't matter, but he's an archetype, there are Treks in Ohio too, and they better be thinking about it.

You can be plenty liberal about a lot of things, but still ready to hold your nose, to stave off a Federal Assault Weapons Nanny & Co.

Federal Assault Weapons Nanny & Co, is Trump's saving grace, it's really the Democrats who are more likely to hoist themselves here, on the bayonet of an AR15.

If they ran John F. Kennedy, Trump would be in trouble, but let's see who they run before we pronounce Trump's demise, because I seriously doubt it's going to be Jack Kennedy.

If it's some SJW Commie, Trump is sitting pretty, the polls right now, are Trump against the field, once the field is narrowed down, then we'll see where we are.

He's got Nukedog, he's got Okie, he's got Trek on the fence, he's actually doing pretty good, in terms of votes which are actually in play for him.
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Post by Zero » Sun Jan 07, 2018 9:05 pm

Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.

Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.

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Post by Smitty-48 » Sun Jan 07, 2018 9:14 pm

The story underneath caught my eye more, team Pelosi partying with Javanka at Mar-a-Lago. ... 1515382592
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Post by SuburbanFarmer » Sun Jan 07, 2018 11:35 pm

Smitty-48 wrote:If Kennedy and Ginsberg weren't as old as dirt, might not matter so much, but either of those two could drop dead at any moment, never mind they're not going to serve until they're ninety, this next election here, is for all the marbles, when push comes to shove, the base fears the liberals far more than they are angry at Goldman Sachs.

By 2024, Kennedy would be 88, Ginsberg would be 92, they're not going to make it, the decisive battle of the SCOTUS war is at hand.
That’s because his base has no idea why they should hate Goldman Sachs. They’re blinded by the trees, and too stupid to care.

He will keep his base, no matter what he does. They still think they’re getting what they want.
SJWs are a natural consequence of corporatism.

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Post by Smitty-48 » Sun Jan 07, 2018 11:43 pm

GrumpyCatFace wrote:
Smitty-48 wrote:If Kennedy and Ginsberg weren't as old as dirt, might not matter so much, but either of those two could drop dead at any moment, never mind they're not going to serve until they're ninety, this next election here, is for all the marbles, when push comes to shove, the base fears the liberals far more than they are angry at Goldman Sachs.

By 2024, Kennedy would be 88, Ginsberg would be 92, they're not going to make it, the decisive battle of the SCOTUS war is at hand.
That’s because his base has no idea why they should hate Goldman Sachs. They’re blinded by the trees, and too stupid to care.

He will keep his base, no matter what he does. They still think they’re getting what they want.
Pretty much, like I said, the treat the Trump's like their royal family at this point, no questions asked, and if anybody in the ranks crosses the king and his progeny, to the yardarm with them without any further ado.

Like nobody stops to think "maybe Bannon has a point, what the fuck was Don jr thinking, walking them KGB jumos right into the inner sanctum? And why the fuck is Don jr working for us anyways? Seems like a complete idiot whose only discernible qualification is that he is a prince of the House of Trump"

Nope, it's just Sloppy Steve's a traitor and to the yardarm with him, Goldman Sachs says.
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Post by tue4t » Mon Jan 08, 2018 12:20 am

Speaker to Animals wrote:
The Conservative wrote:
Speaker to Animals wrote:You're wasting everybody's time. You just reply with "nah uh" posts. I try to query you, but I quickly find you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about most of the time. You've never been to college. You don't understand how economics works. You don't understand how the Internet works. You don't know what a monopoly is, or what a monopolistic barrier to entry is, or why we even regulate them. You don't understand anything you are talking about.

Why do you waste people's time? You should just go read a fucking book first.
Remind me why going to college means anything? You are getting into a dick measuring contest; you may want to choose your responses more carefully.

Just because someone has a sheepskin doesn't mean squat, especially in this day and age.

A person doesn't need to know everything to be good at sonething. (which I'm still trying to figure out what you are good at beyond being a negative nancy)
Well, to begin with, it means you will have taken a course in macroeconomics, which means you actually understand what somebody means by words such as monopolies, why monopolies are able to create barriers to entry for their competitors, and why we limit those abilities with regulations.
As someone who has taken macroeconomics and majored in economics, i think you're overplaying your cards a fair bit. ISP monopolies source from the state and "net neutrality" did not do what you seem to think it does. Actually go and read a statement by Ajit. The best move is not always on a horizon of one step ahead.

Also it looks to me like Trump is going to get a second term at this rate. Ejecting the alt-right was something he should have done much earlier. Won't really ever understand how Bannon got to where he was being as retarded as he is.
Last edited by tue4t on Mon Jan 08, 2018 12:33 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by C-Mag » Mon Jan 08, 2018 12:22 am

From early on my biggest issue with the Trump Presidency has been the Nepotism. As I've stated before, I didn't elect Ivanka............. there's no reason why she should be dealing with foreign governments. I don't need Don Jr in Iraq talking Strategery with Generals.

But that said, still loving the wrecking ball.

Scott Adams did a good piece on Twitter of why political pundits think Trump is an idiot. He outlined 3 levels of intelligence.
Low - Few Facts to work with
Mid - Know lots of Facts
High - Know Which Facts Matter

He puts Political Pundits in the Middle, their job is facts. He puts Trump High, and explains. Trump may not know or be able to talk all the different factions in Syria and Iraq, but he doesn't need to know. That's what Mattis is for. He only needs to know what Mattis needs to defeat ISIS. Mattis says, I need a commitment from the Government that we are in this to win it, and I need to loosen the Rules of Engagement. Boom it's done, ISIS goes from 30,000 fighters in the field to 1,000 in under a year.

The Press wants everyone to play in their playground and spar their facts with them. Trump says Nonsense, not important.


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Post by tue4t » Mon Jan 08, 2018 12:48 am

C-Mag wrote:From early on my biggest issue with the Trump Presidency has been the Nepotism. As I've stated before, I didn't elect Ivanka............. there's no reason why she should be dealing with foreign governments. I don't need Don Jr in Iraq talking Strategery with Generals.
Yea, nepotism is creepy as hell. Competence > connections. That said, imo electing Trump comes with some level of consent about his discretion to delegate to whomever he wishes. The only positive explanation is that it's an issue of trust given an abnormally hostile environment, which seems probable dependent on the probability of whether Ivanka or Don Jnr end up running for political office.

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Post by Smitty-48 » Mon Jan 08, 2018 2:58 am

C-Mag wrote:From early on my biggest issue with the Trump Presidency has been the Nepotism. As I've stated before, I didn't elect Ivanka............. there's no reason why she should be dealing with foreign governments. I don't need Don Jr in Iraq talking Strategery with Generals.

But that said, still loving the wrecking ball.

Scott Adams did a good piece on Twitter of why political pundits think Trump is an idiot. He outlined 3 levels of intelligence.
Low - Few Facts to work with
Mid - Know lots of Facts
High - Know Which Facts Matter

He puts Political Pundits in the Middle, their job is facts. He puts Trump High, and explains. Trump may not know or be able to talk all the different factions in Syria and Iraq, but he doesn't need to know. That's what Mattis is for. He only needs to know what Mattis needs to defeat ISIS. Mattis says, I need a commitment from the Government that we are in this to win it, and I need to loosen the Rules of Engagement. Boom it's done, ISIS goes from 30,000 fighters in the field to 1,000 in under a year.

The Press wants everyone to play in their playground and spar their facts with them. Trump says Nonsense, not important.
Everybody who works for Trump, and every Trump supporter, suddenly and obsequiously running out to tell us that Trump is real smart n' stuff, is dumb.

Throwing in a little vignette about how it was Trump in all his fuckin' geniusness, who personally destroyed ISIS, is horseshit.

Give it a rest with the masturbatory cult of the personality hero worshiping, it's cringe worthy.

Loyalty to your Commander-in-Chief is enough, you don't have to try to shine people on like he's some kind of messianic superhero.

Trump is a Wall Street grifter who is skilled at hustling people, he's not Napoleon Bonaparte, rube.

While he may not be an idiot, his greatest intellectual asset is knowing how to get banks to loan him money, and then ripping them off, while somehow avoiding prison in the process. Trumps business is essentially legalized bank robbery.

The reason why he deals with Russian oligarchs, is that he's ripped off so many banks in the West, almost none of them will loan him money anymore.

When you steal $300 from a bank, you get arrested and go to jail, when Trump steals $300,000,000 from a bank, he gets away with it, that's the genius of Trump.
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Post by StCapps » Mon Jan 08, 2018 5:18 am

Smitty-48 wrote:Trump is a Wall Street grifter who is skilled at hustling people, he's not Napoleon Bonaparte, rube.

While he may not be an idiot, his greatest intellectual asset is knowing how to get banks to loan him money, and then ripping them off, while somehow avoiding prison in the process. Trumps business is essentially legalized bank robbery.

The reason why he deals with Russian oligarchs, is that he's ripped off so many banks in the West, almost none of them will loan him money anymore.

When you steal $300 from a bank, you get arrested and go to jail, when Trump steals $300,000,000 from a bank, he gets away with it, that's the genius of Trump.