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Post by StCapps » Sat Jan 06, 2018 12:53 pm

Smitty-48 wrote:The book doesn't say that Trump is unfit to be President, it's people like Spicer and Conway, they were the ones saying Trump was completely out of it, but the book pretty much describes the same Trump we've known for forty years, it's just Trump being Trump, and Trump is basically pissed off because everybody around him is leaking and trying to take each other out, and that's not helping Trump, at one point he complains that Hillary has all the best people working for her, and his people are a bunch of ratfucks.
Well that part of it rings more true than many of it's other bullshit claims. Trump wanted to lose and was upset that he won, laughable bullshit. I'm sure the book is interesting, you just have to read it with a massive grain of salt is all.

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Post by Smitty-48 » Sat Jan 06, 2018 12:56 pm

Based on the book, Trump has made a big mistake in turning on Bannon, Bannon was the only one fighting the good fight, Bannon was the only one with a plan, Bannon was the only one who had any interest in fighting the liberals and advancing the agenda of the base, the rest of them were pretty much out for themselves, or just too dumb for Trump to rely on. And it was all these clowns who drove a wedge between Bannon and Trump, and whenever the Javankas or whoever got control, it was to cuck out, and then Bannon had to try to get Trump back on mission.
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Post by StCapps » Sat Jan 06, 2018 12:58 pm

Smitty-48 wrote:Based on the book, Trump has made a big mistake in turning on Bannon, Bannon was the only one fighting the good fight, Bannon was the only one with a plan, Bannon was the only one who had any interest in fighting the liberals and advancing the agenda of the base, the rest of them were pretty much out for themselves, just too dumb for Trump to rely on. And it was all these clowns who drove a wedge between Bannon and Trump, and whenever the Javankas or whoever got control, it was to cuck out, and then Bannon had to try to get Trump back on mission.
That wreaks of bullshit. Trump was right to turn on Bannon, it's worked out great, he served his purpose and it was time to throw the alt-right under the bus. Bannon spin right there, lashing out at Javanka for being closer to Trump than him, sure seems like Templeton ran with it to spice up the story.
Last edited by StCapps on Sat Jan 06, 2018 1:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Smitty-48 » Sat Jan 06, 2018 1:01 pm

Well the book says that, like, the address to the joint houses of congress, that was all Javanka, and everybody suddenly said Trump was being reasonable and it was a great speech, but that's because Javanka are hardcore Democrats who are trying to get Trump to flip to the Democrats side of things.

But in terms of actually pushing the agenda that the base wants, going the Javanka way is a mistake, but if you want Trump to cuck out, then it's not a mistake, but I would prefer if Trump had just stuck to his guns and went the Bannon way, the Bannon way is what is giving the liberals fits, Bannon is the one out to slaughter their sacred cows, the rest of them are trying to get Trump to cuck out.
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Post by SuburbanFarmer » Sat Jan 06, 2018 1:01 pm

Martin Hash wrote:The Trump-Colluded-With-Russians attack didn't work so now it's the Trump-Is-Mentally-Ill attack.

Even back in the long ago day, when elections were just as vicious personally as they are now, I don't think the attack on a president continued a year into office. Does anybody have an example?
Dubya was an idiot for 8 years. Obama was a socialist kenyan terrorist for 8 years. It never stops.
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Post by StCapps » Sat Jan 06, 2018 1:03 pm

Smitty-48 wrote:Well the book says that, like, the address to the joint houses of congress, that was all Javanka, and everybody suddenly said Trump was being reasonable and it was a great speech, but that's because Javanka are hardcore Democrats who are trying to get Trump to flip to the Democrats side of things.

But in terms of actually pushing the agenda that the base wants, going the Javanka way is a mistake, but if you want Trump to cuck out, then it's not a mistake, but I would prefer if Trump had just stuck to his guns and went the Bannon way, the Bannon way is what is giving the liberals fits, Bannon is the one out to slaughter their sacred cows, the rest of them are trying to get Trump to cuck out.
Trump trusts his family, more than Bannon, I don't blame him. Just because Javanka are cucks doesn't mean they don't have Trump's best interests at heart, he can ignore their worst advise without Bannon. You can't honestly think that Ivanka wants her dad to fail?

Trump pisses off the liberals plenty without Bannon, Bannon was unnecessary in that regard, he was the cherry on top, not even the icing on the cake in that regard.

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Post by Smitty-48 » Sat Jan 06, 2018 1:07 pm

Like, the whole immigration ban thing, that's all Bannon, and Bannon openly says that the whole point was to troll the SJW snowflakes into showing up and protesting on behalf of Mooslambs and immigrants, it was a trap, and it worked to a tee, but the rest of them, Javanka & Co, they fought against it tooth and nail.
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Post by StCapps » Sat Jan 06, 2018 1:09 pm

Smitty-48 wrote:Like, the whole immigration ban thing, that's all Bannon, and Bannon openly says that the whole point was to troll the SJW snowflakes into showing up and protesting on behalf of Mooslambs and immigrants, it was a trap, and it worked to a tee, but the rest of them, Javanka & Co, they fought against it tooth and nail.
Trump would have done it without Bannon, be real. He doesn't always listen to Javanka, especially on immigration, and that's not all Bannon, though I'm sure Bannon told Templeton otherwise. You aren't giving Trump enough credit here. Just because Bannon championed something and Javanka was all gung ho against it, doesn't mean it wouldn't have happened without him. You are falling for Bannon spin again, inflating his importance.
Last edited by StCapps on Sat Jan 06, 2018 1:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Smitty-48 » Sat Jan 06, 2018 1:13 pm

Trump didn't do anything without Bannon at first, Bannon was the one who wrote the Executive Order, Bannon was the one pushing the agenda, Trump was flipping around all over the place, one minute he is listening to Bannon and doing what he promised to do, the next thing you know Javanka gets into the room and suddenly Trump is cucking out.

Soon as Bannon is out of the room, Trump starts flipping to the Democrats, because again, Javanka is the Democrats, they are hardcore Democrats, they're like super liberals those two, the guy they brought in to adivise Trump, was Tony fuckin' Blair, what a weasel that Blair is, he's mooching around trying to get in with the Cucks again, just like he did with Bush.
Last edited by Smitty-48 on Sat Jan 06, 2018 1:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by DBTrek » Sat Jan 06, 2018 1:14 pm

Haven’t followed the last few pages but let me guess what’s going on here ... Smitty has an informed opinion based on actually reading the Trump book, and StCapps is voiciferously arguing with him about it purely from ignorance and personal theories.

Is that what’s up, or is my two second analysis off?
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