International sports bar

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Re: International sports bar

Post by Montegriffo » Tue Aug 08, 2017 11:37 am

I've told you already I don't think transexuals should be able to compete against women.
You really need to learn about nuance and stop trying to pigeon hole people with your inaccurate labels.
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Re: International sports bar

Post by clubgop » Tue Aug 08, 2017 11:59 am

Montegriffo wrote:I've told you already I don't think transexuals should be able to compete against women.
You really need to learn about nuance and stop trying to pigeon hole people with your inaccurate labels.
You can think whatever you want, the SJW mob you love so much will come for you too and they will run you down. Providing the Islmofascist, that you support don't execute you all in the soccer stadium.

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Re: International sports bar

Post by StCapps » Tue Aug 08, 2017 1:19 pm

Sportsmanship should have nothing to do with the supplements you take. If you think otherwise, then make the case, don't just say it's unsportsmanlike because it's cheating, when it damn well shouldn't be cheating. You have no reason to ban some supplements over others, you don't know what you are talking about and want act superior to athletes who take the supplements that are on a banned list, because some sports made a dumb rule that shouldn't be a rule. Stop listening to shitty sports pundits, especially baseball ones, they don't have slightest clue what they are talking about when it comes to PEDs yet they act like their opinion is important despite that ignorance, and the idiotic rubes fall for their bullshit every time.

Burn them all, replace them with real sports pundits who know what they are talking about, and then the rubes will be lead to the promise land of not holding sports back for idiotic political reasons. If that doesn't work start burning the shitty fans until the rest of the rest of them change their minds out of self preservation. Problem solved, and it would be totally worth it.

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Re: International sports bar

Post by Montegriffo » Tue Aug 08, 2017 1:41 pm

When the fans, the governing bodies and the athletes themselves all approve of the ban then ignoring it to give yourself an advantage is unsportsmanlike.
You're just saying I'm going to play hockey by my own rules because I don't like the rules that are in place. I think I should be able to hit an opponent over the head with my stick because it's a stupid rule that says I can't.
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Re: International sports bar

Post by Ex-California » Tue Aug 08, 2017 2:40 pm

I'm making a doctor appointment this week to get my testosterone levels tested and then get supplemented. I need my levels to be at 1000 now

I'm a cheater OH NOES
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Re: International sports bar

Post by StCapps » Wed Aug 09, 2017 9:15 am

Montegriffo wrote:When the fans, the governing bodies and the athletes themselves all approve of the ban then ignoring it to give yourself an advantage is unsportsmanlike.
You're just saying I'm going to play hockey by my own rules because I don't like the rules that are in place. I think I should be able to hit an opponent over the head with my stick because it's a stupid rule that says I can't.
It's not just because I don't like the rule, it's because the rule is stupid and the athletes, fans and governing bodies don't know what is best for the sport when they support such rules. Not being allowed to hit an opponent over the head with a hockey stick is a good rule, banning PEDs, not so much. If they had a good reason for the rule, I wouldn't support changing it, but they don't have any good reason for it, just bullshit political posturing and vacuous virtue signaling, so fuck that rule.

Just because I don't like one rule, doesn't mean I don't like them all, what a ridiculous strawman. You just have no reason to support the opinion you do, yet you feel strongly about it anyway, despite your ignorance, and you are lashing out at me for pointing out your poorly thought out thought process, so you put words in my mouth to convince yourself you still won the argument.

Some rules are wiser than others, and some rules are outright detrimental to a sport, and these rules need to be changed. Keeping all rules the same, because the "experts" say so, that's not an argument, that is differing to others because you have no good opinion of your own and you are hoping that the "experts" from the governing bodies will win the argument for you, but they won't, because their so called "expertise" is non-existent, if you judge by how well they do their jobs, and relying on their opinion only makes you look sillier.

I want athletes to be injured less often and recover quicker when they do get injured, you would rather see them hurt more often and for longer, because your opinion that "PEDs are bad" you believe need to be backed up with a shitty rule. Who really supports athlete safety here? Not your side of the argument, it's all about some vague "integrity of the sport" that gets compromised in the minds of idiots if any dumb rule gets bent or broken, to any degree. These folks know nothing about "the integrity of the sport" though, they just like to pretend they do, it makes them feel better about themselves. Y'all anti-PED folks always resort to that "integrity of the sport" bullshit in the end once you run out of other shitty arguments, and then they go to the shittiest argument of all.

The anti-PED arguments are predictable as fuck, I never see any new or novel arguments from anyone pushing that position, and that's because none of them actually have a good argument against PEDs, they all live in echo chamber and repeat the same myths about PEDs among themselves, and have never had a real argument on the subject, the second anyone with any knowledge on the matter shows up, they get pissy that their ignorance is being shown for what it is and they long to retreat to their echo chamber. They don't want their illusion of being right about PEDs to be shattered, they've already invested too much emotionally in an idiotic argument to quit while they are ahead, the fallacy of sunk costs strikes again.

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Re: International sports bar

Post by SuburbanFarmer » Wed Aug 09, 2017 9:53 am

The entire point of sports is to pit humans against each other on a level playing field. If you allow this to become a chemical arms race, then you've lost control of the field. Best chemist wins, rather than individual effort.
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Re: International sports bar

Post by Montegriffo » Wed Aug 09, 2017 9:53 am

StCapps wrote:the athletes, fans and governing bodies don't know what is best for the sport when they support such rules.
I know you well enough now to realise that you have to have the last word and will never admit you are wrong but that statement right there is one of the least convincing things you have ever said.
Basically saying ''everyone involved in sport is dumb but I'm right because I know what is best for them''.
I've told you over and over that PEDs can damage your health and the sports themselves by losing fans and sponsors.
The only thing you have come up with to justify their use is the length of the season which implies you would have to take them continuously to have any impact. Taking them continuously is what makes them so dangerous in the first place.
The board's pharmacist and the board's doctor have both stated they are bad for you.

I know it's hard for you to admit you are wrong but sometimes that is what you have to do to be the bigger man....
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Re: International sports bar

Post by StCapps » Wed Aug 09, 2017 10:23 am

GrumpyCatFace wrote:The entire point of sports is to pit humans against each other on a level playing field. If you allow this to become a chemical arms race, then you've lost control of the field. Best chemist wins, rather than individual effort.
Wrong. The playing field is more level if everyone who wants to take PEDs is able to do safely and out in the open, instead of only people who can afford the chemists who make the expensive shit that passes the drug tests. The best of the best can afford the shit that passes drug screenings, the small fries are forced to get caught if they are dumb, or not cheat. So if you want a level playing field, banning PEDs rather regulating their use, that makes things worse, like I said you anti-PED folk are exacerbating the problems you claim to want to solve by banning these things.
Last edited by StCapps on Wed Aug 09, 2017 10:26 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: International sports bar

Post by SuburbanFarmer » Wed Aug 09, 2017 10:25 am

StCapps wrote:
GrumpyCatFace wrote:The entire point of sports is to pit humans against each other on a level playing field. If you allow this to become a chemical arms race, then you've lost control of the field. Best chemist wins, rather than individual effort.
Wrong. The playing field is more level if everyone can take PEDs, instead of only people who can afford the chemists who make the expensive shit that passes the drug tests. The best of the best can afford the shit that passes drug screenings, the small fries are forced to get caught if they are dumb, or not cheat. So if you want a level playing field, banning PEDs makes things worse.
So, in order to maintain the level playing field, we should just open up the rules, and hope that everybody ends up with the same stuff, and ignore the health problems... That's not an answer.
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