Civil War Doomsday Clock

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Re: Civil War Doomsday Clock

Post by Speaker to Animals » Mon Jul 02, 2018 8:01 am

The Conservative wrote:
Mon Jul 02, 2018 8:00 am
Speaker to Animals wrote:
Mon Jul 02, 2018 7:53 am
These groups are funded by globalists, not Russia and China. They are funded by people like Soros and his Hydra-like organization. They get funded indirectly via the DNC down through subcontractors. The DNC gets funded by the globalist corporations.

Marxism and Neoliberalism are aligned because both want open borders for different reasons, and the neoliberals are using the far-left rage to try to weaken their nationalist opposition.

But if the Marxists ever actually won the day, they'd line up the globalists against a wall and murder them. So the question is how long can this possibly last?

The reality of what happened is that the Soviets hit us with an attack with something they called ideological subversion. This cultural marxist disease is literally a kind of social weapon. But the Soviets collapsed. Nobody was around to take advantage of the attack as it played out. So the globalists moved in and tried to co-opt it for their own ends. That's why corporations are promoting it and trying to twist it to their advantage.

Problem is that their open borders policies in places like Europe mean that the colonizers (Muslims) are trying to co-opt it too. What's happening in Europe is FAR more fucking dangerous than what is happening here.
Just like how the US didn't spend time and money trying to overthrow countries right?
That really has little to do with what I just posted. Please don't respond to my posts.

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Re: Civil War Doomsday Clock

Post by The Conservative » Mon Jul 02, 2018 8:10 am

Speaker to Animals wrote:
Mon Jul 02, 2018 8:01 am
The Conservative wrote:
Mon Jul 02, 2018 8:00 am
Speaker to Animals wrote:
Mon Jul 02, 2018 7:53 am
These groups are funded by globalists, not Russia and China. They are funded by people like Soros and his Hydra-like organization. They get funded indirectly via the DNC down through subcontractors. The DNC gets funded by the globalist corporations.

Marxism and Neoliberalism are aligned because both want open borders for different reasons, and the neoliberals are using the far-left rage to try to weaken their nationalist opposition.

But if the Marxists ever actually won the day, they'd line up the globalists against a wall and murder them. So the question is how long can this possibly last?

The reality of what happened is that the Soviets hit us with an attack with something they called ideological subversion. This cultural marxist disease is literally a kind of social weapon. But the Soviets collapsed. Nobody was around to take advantage of the attack as it played out. So the globalists moved in and tried to co-opt it for their own ends. That's why corporations are promoting it and trying to twist it to their advantage.

Problem is that their open borders policies in places like Europe mean that the colonizers (Muslims) are trying to co-opt it too. What's happening in Europe is FAR more fucking dangerous than what is happening here.
Just like how the US didn't spend time and money trying to overthrow countries right?
That really has little to do with what I just posted. Please don't respond to my posts.
Actually, it does... you just don't see it. Like most people here don't see the big picture through the forest.

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Re: Civil War Doomsday Clock

Post by Speaker to Animals » Mon Jul 02, 2018 8:27 am

They describe judges who want to interpret the Constitution as it was literally intended to be interpreted as "radical bombthrowers" who want to "dismantle the civil rights era".
But across different domains of civil rights and racial justice, Kennedy probably won’t be replaced by a justice content to remain an anonymous face of a newly solidified conservative majority. Like Gorsuch, it’s likely that Trump’s second Supreme Court pick will be a Trumpian bomb-thrower, a radical who would rather see the Voting Rights Act, criminal-justice reform, and affirmative action demolished rather than slowly denuded over time.

If Trump—a president who has explicitly endorsed police brutality, who has harbored incoherent fantasies of mass fraudulent voting, and for whom the Supreme Court just upheld a travel ban clearly rooted in anti-Muslim sentiment—picks a candidate remotely like himself in either temperament or worldview, the emergent civil-rights threat is not that said candidate will necessarily join Roberts in his long-running campaign for a post-racial national order, but that the replacement will create with Thomas and Gorsuch an insurgency within the Court. If their jurisprudence is the model, anything is possible. Anything, that is, except the continuation of the civil-rights era, which now seems all but finished.

Yeah, that's not going to foment violence or anything. :whistle:

That they equate affirmative action with civil rights tells you all you need to know about what they mean by that term: anti-white.

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Re: Civil War Doomsday Clock

Post by SuburbanFarmer » Mon Jul 02, 2018 8:29 am

You have a real habit of extrapolating whatever extreme view you come across, to the Entire Left.

If turnabout is fair play, then I should start pulling white nationalist articles, and accusing you of supporting them.
SJWs are a natural consequence of corporatism.

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Re: Civil War Doomsday Clock

Post by Speaker to Animals » Mon Jul 02, 2018 8:32 am

SuburbanFarmer wrote:
Mon Jul 02, 2018 8:29 am
You have a real habit of extrapolating whatever extreme view you come across, to the Entire Left.

If turnabout is fair play, then I should start pulling white nationalist articles, and accusing you of supporting them.
How so?

Quoting an article from the Atlantic is "extrapolating extreme views to the entire left" now?

Didn't we just get into it with you bitching about my overt straw manning of you after you did the EXACT SAME THING not one post previously?

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Re: Civil War Doomsday Clock

Post by Fife » Mon Jul 02, 2018 8:34 am

The Atlantic, Jacobin, what's the diff?? :?: :roll:

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Re: Civil War Doomsday Clock

Post by Speaker to Animals » Mon Jul 02, 2018 8:41 am

I think the problem here is that the media seems to want a civil war. They control the zombies. You do the math.

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Re: Civil War Doomsday Clock

Post by Speaker to Animals » Mon Jul 02, 2018 9:06 am

Also, maybe I am misreading history here.. but it seems to me that preceding the last civil war, most people thought it unlikely. But things like Bleeding Kansas and the raid on Harper's Ferry came out of nowhere. Even Lincoln described the Harper's Ferry attack as something like a comet coming out of nowhere to presage the doom that was to come.

I don't think it rational to claim that a civil war is unlikely. Maybe it really is unlikely in actuality, but there exists no way to know. It won't actually take much to trigger it either. The Harper's Ferry attack was one guy. Bleeding Kansas was not some complicated operation.

Maybe the Dilbert guy gets gunned down while he is cycling one day. This after a few months of terrible riots and violence in the cities. Violence against people with Trump stickers on their vehicles increases. Then it gets reciprocated. And I would remind you that a leftist already tried to assassinate all the republicans in the House of Representatives a few years ago.

How do you even put the genie back in the bottle? I kind of feel like this genie was let out way back in the Berkeley riots. It's not even something to forestall and prevent at this point. He's already out and waiting for the right moment.

Meanwhile the media is capitalizing upon the strife. They love this. They get ratings and thus money for drumming up the violence and hatred. And God knows they have a legion of zombies that believe their lies.

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Re: Civil War Doomsday Clock

Post by Speaker to Animals » Mon Jul 02, 2018 9:12 am

And back to the lugenpresse issue..

They continue to create nonsense stories like the Dodge of Peace attack that wasn't an attack (and that guy very likely won't get convicted of serious crimes while the actual criminals -- Antifa -- go unpunished and unprosecuted).

Then they dampen or ignore the very real political violence by the left, such as Antifa and even the attempt to assassinate all the republican congressmen.

So here you have these brain-damaged zombies eating up this propaganda every day who think the right is literally trying to exterminate them with $60,000 cars, and that their own violence against the right is justifiable and even in some warped sense an act of self-defense.

How exactly do you think that will play out as they lose the Supreme Court and they lose even more seats in Congress? How does that play out when the media is telling them that black people will be enslaved again or that the next Hitler just took over?

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Re: Civil War Doomsday Clock

Post by SuburbanFarmer » Mon Jul 02, 2018 9:41 am

If the unrest in the 60s didn’t count as “civil war”, then this is merely a tummy ache. We had 5-6 bombings per WEEK in this country. That’s not even on the same scale as some idiots punching each other in parades.

The only way a for-real civil war happens, is with a large-scale coordinated attack on the government, with an intent to replace it. Not just an asshole shooting at senators. Not some soyboys marching in San Francisco, and certainly not some dipshits bawling on YouTube about their gun cabinets.

Actual war is a completely different thing from this nonsense. The media is doing everything they can to create hype for clicks - both left and right. And you’re falling for it hook, line, and sinker.
SJWs are a natural consequence of corporatism.

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