How's that Obamacare Repeal Working Out For You?

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Martin Hash
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Re: How's that Obamacare Repeal Working Out For You?

Post by Martin Hash » Mon Mar 13, 2017 8:47 pm

This thing is so awful it would kill him.

They should say "fuck you" to the Far Right and do what Obama couldn't do.
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Re: How's that Obamacare Repeal Working Out For You?

Post by Speaker to Animals » Mon Mar 13, 2017 8:49 pm

That's just it. It's not the far right. It's the GOPe. These guys are just corporate sell-outs no different than democrats like Schumer and Pelosi.

This whole debacle shows exactly how sold-out and ripe for getting the fuck fired most republicans are.

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Re: How's that Obamacare Repeal Working Out For You?

Post by Martin Hash » Mon Mar 13, 2017 8:55 pm

I mentioned about 5 months ago that I lost the sight in my right eye (total retinal detachment) on the Pamir Highway (highest, most dangerous road in the world) in Tajikistan. I'm going to have socialized medicine surgery sometime in the next week. I'm a believer.
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Re: How's that Obamacare Repeal Working Out For You?

Post by ssu » Mon Mar 13, 2017 11:14 pm

Speaker to Animals wrote:Even Breitbart is shitting all over this thing. Trump is making a huge mistake. Ryan seems to want to fuck something like this up on purpose.
Even Br.. Br...Breitbart!??? (ghasp!)

Oh that CBO coming out and saying that 24 million will loose their coverage in the long run will work wonders on Trump's popularity.

Anyway, shows just how dangerous socialism and welfare state policies are, doesn't it? Once even Americans get the taste of those debt financed public services, payments and handouts... no turning back.

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Re: How's that Obamacare Repeal Working Out For You?

Post by jbird4049 » Tue Mar 14, 2017 1:00 am

Penner wrote:Don't know if anyone wants to check out the CBO's report on the new healthcare bill but here it is:

The CBO has their report out on the new Healthcare bill and it doesn't look good:
The Republicans’ effort to pass their proposed replacement for the Affordable Care Act just got a whole lot harder.

The Congressional Budget Office on Monday projected that the House leadership’s American Health Care Act would result in 24 million Americans losing their health insurance while raising premiums for those covered on the individual market. Their bill would lower federal deficits by $337 billion over 10 years, largely as a result of cuts to Medicaid that would reduce its enrollment by 14 million, according to the estimate. Average premiums would rise by as much as 20 percent in 2018 and 2019 before falling in later years.

CBO is the official nonpartisan scorekeeper of legislation on Capitol Hill, and its projections on the impact of policy proposals can determine whether they have the political momentum to pass the House and Senate. But they are rarely a surprise, and both parties had telegraphed in recent days how they thought the score would turn out. ... ll/519357/
Can someone please, for the of God, explain to me why all of Western Europe, Canada, Japan, and Taiwan can all find ways to not only get healthcare to everyone, but also have it be decent and at a lower cost. While my country, America, "greatest nation in the world" comes up with this...thing.

I'm sure somebody is going to bring up the ever increasing corruption, but it hasn't always been that bad, and the political system in other countries was able to put in a decent, or at least functioning, system.
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Re: How's that Obamacare Repeal Working Out For You?

Post by Alexander PhiAlipson » Tue Mar 14, 2017 1:56 am

jbird4049 wrote:Can someone please, for the of God, explain to me why all of Western Europe, Canada, Japan, and Taiwan can all find ways to not only get healthcare to everyone, but also have it be decent and at a lower cost. While my country, America, "greatest nation in the world" comes up with this...thing.

I'm sure somebody is going to bring up the ever increasing corruption, but it hasn't always been that bad, and the political system in other countries was able to put in a decent, or at least functioning, system.
I've got an idea. Let's reduce our population by about two thirds and ensure that the remaining third is almost exclusively racially homogenous; then we get some other nation to protect us from all those nations you didn't mention; lastly, we depend upon the rest of the world to research new drugs, surgical techniques, and medical innovations.
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Re: How's that Obamacare Repeal Working Out For You?

Post by ssu » Tue Mar 14, 2017 5:19 am

jbird4049 wrote:Can someone please, for the of God, explain to me why all of Western Europe, Canada, Japan, and Taiwan can all find ways to not only get healthcare to everyone, but also have it be decent and at a lower cost. While my country, America, "greatest nation in the world" comes up with this...thing.

I'm sure somebody is going to bring up the ever increasing corruption, but it hasn't always been that bad, and the political system in other countries was able to put in a decent, or at least functioning, system.
Oh that's easy.

Everywhere else healthcare is viewed as a service that the public sector gives to it's citizens while as in the US it's a normal business that is done to make profits. This is the root cause of everything.

And since you don't have universal health care, because it's SOCIALISM, then people who don't have medical insurance are treated in the most costliest way, when they arrive to intensive-care at the hospital in such state that hospital simply cannot kick them out. (Yep, they don't let you to die in front of the hospital, or just rarely do).

The simple fact is that in the United States the health care policies are made by the insurance companies and medical corporations themselves. Even the Obamacare was basically done by the wishes of big pharma and the insurance companies. This is because the GOP and the Democrats are on the leash of the Insurance Companies and Big Pharma and simply anything that isn't in their interest is portrayed to be SOCIALISM.

Just one example: as the whole universal health care system here requires the services of the insurance companies, the insurance companies simply have been by law ordered to give this service on a non-profit basis, because the coverage is given by law in the first place.

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Re: How's that Obamacare Repeal Working Out For You?

Post by Otern » Tue Mar 14, 2017 5:28 am

jbird4049 wrote: Can someone please, for the of God, explain to me why all of Western Europe, Canada, Japan, and Taiwan can all find ways to not only get healthcare to everyone, but also have it be decent and at a lower cost. While my country, America, "greatest nation in the world" comes up with this...thing.

I'm sure somebody is going to bring up the ever increasing corruption, but it hasn't always been that bad, and the political system in other countries was able to put in a decent, or at least functioning, system.
It's not as much to do with corruption, as it has to do with the whole insurance business.

Basically, hospitals charge way too much for services, or medicine, knowing that insurance companies will negotiate the price down. The insurance companies works as a middle man, rising the prices, as the people employed in the insurance business needs to get paid too.

And then there's the whole uninsured thing. When people are uninsured, they still get the vastly inflated prices from the hospitals, but as they're not a huge insurance corporation, they lack the power to negotiate down the prices, which means they have to pay whatever the health care business asks.

Since health care is not a consumer good, the good old laws of the free market doesn't apply, since choice is removed. If you need medical treatment you need it. It's not like a television set, or bacon, where you can chose to spend your money on other stuff. This makes it simple for the leaders in the medical industry to inflate prices.

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Re: How's that Obamacare Repeal Working Out For You?

Post by Otern » Tue Mar 14, 2017 5:46 am

Also, I have no idea how health care in the US should be. But I guess the whole "public health care", British/Nordic style is off the table.

But there are other countries in the world without public health care, that still manages it at a more affordable price. Switzerland manages in with compulsory insurance for all citizens and residents. Basically, each Swiss has to pay 8% of their income on the insurance premium, and if the premium is higher, it's subsidized by the government.

Seems to work out. They're cheaper than the US, although they've got a higher GDPpc, but more expensive than Norway with a lower GDPpc.

So, while not as efficient as public health care, it's still pretty good. But then again, a Swiss model in the US seems like a hard thing to do, as Switzerland is a small country, with an extremely decentralized political system.

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Re: How's that Obamacare Repeal Working Out For You?

Post by Ex-California » Tue Mar 14, 2017 6:49 am

Otern wrote:Also, I have no idea how health care in the US should be. But I guess the whole "public health care", British/Nordic style is off the table.

But there are other countries in the world without public health care, that still manages it at a more affordable price. Switzerland manages in with compulsory insurance for all citizens and residents. Basically, each Swiss has to pay 8% of their income on the insurance premium, and if the premium is higher, it's subsidized by the government.

Seems to work out. They're cheaper than the US, although they've got a higher GDPpc, but more expensive than Norway with a lower GDPpc.

So, while not as efficient as public health care, it's still pretty good. But then again, a Swiss model in the US seems like a hard thing to do, as Switzerland is a small country, with an extremely decentralized political system.
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