Hanarchy Montanarchy wrote:TheReal_ND wrote:That's fine. We will deport all eleven million illegals or whatever meme number they are running with this week and their children.
You're thinking about it backwards.
They should have to prove that
any Hilary votes were from legal citizens.
Until then, I am calling 100% of the
real popular vote for Trump.
I think it's pretty obvious that Trump won the "popular vote", though what people are calling the popular vote is not the popular vote at all.
Further, I think democrats calling for a true popular vote should be careful what they wish for. The electoral college disenfranchises HUGE numbers of otherwise republican voters who live in those cities. When you look at those demographic electoral maps, don't make the mistake of thinking every bit of that demographic tower is "blue". There's still a pretty sizable minority of red voters in there who don't even bother to vote. I'd estimate perhaps 20% of Chicago's electorate, for example, would vote republican in a popular election where their vote counted. Meanwhile, there really is no corresponding disenfranchisement of democratic votes to any comparable degree. Get rid of the electoral college and you might just hasten the day that the democratic party is no longer a national party.
This is why the so-called popular vote is not a popular vote at all. If we held a popular vote election, the outcome would be even more shifted towards the GOP.
Lastly, we already know that, as far as the actual votes cast, Trump wins even the totals when you discount the illegal voting. Recent studies have confirmed his assertion that millions of illlegals votes, especially in places like California where the democratic election boards go out of their way to not police illegal voting (just like they don't police illegal immigration).
When you really step back and look at it objectively, that woman crashed and burned big time. The only reason she got as many votes as she did was that we have millions upon millions of illegal migrants who were desperate to avoid getting transported back to their own countries, and the democrats were keen to both encourage them to vote and to ensure nobody would prosecute them for it.