The Mess

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Re: The Mess

Post by Fife » Sat Dec 31, 2016 6:42 pm


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Re: The Mess

Post by TheReal_ND » Sat Dec 31, 2016 6:46 pm

Paratroopers y'all ain't over here ffs.

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Re: The Mess

Post by Speaker to Animals » Sat Dec 31, 2016 6:51 pm

Fife wrote:Image

Crowd killer.

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Re: The Mess

Post by clubgop » Sat Dec 31, 2016 6:58 pm

GrumpyCatFace wrote:
clubgop wrote:
GrumpyCatFace wrote:
Never called for a total gun ban, nor would I favor one. Yet, I see that you've chalked yourself another point on the side of your helmet, so who am I to stand in your way. You go get em little tiger.
"I didn't call for a total ban, just a ban on handguns, "crowd killer", NFA items. Automatic, fully semiautomatic, assault weapons, the scary black ones." You're a joke.
Seems the gloves are off, very well.

The only reason you need a gun is to face the big scary world, you soft pussy bitch. If you didn't need a fucking security blankie to get out your door, this wouldn't be a problem.
And security blanket my ass. Pharmacies are robbed all the time. And everyone knows if you are unfortunate enough to be a victim of a robbery and follow company policy your career is over. They dont want to deal with that type of scrutiny from the DEA. If you dont fight back they will think you are in on it. You wont be seen as a victim but as no. 1 suspect. All the old grizzled veteran pharmacist piss on company policy and carry because they know the score. You're a joke. And you know nothing GCF.

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Re: The Mess

Post by Speaker to Animals » Sat Dec 31, 2016 7:02 pm

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Re: The Mess

Post by Okeefenokee » Sat Dec 31, 2016 7:06 pm

This was not my intent.

GrumpyCatFace wrote:Dumb slut partied too hard and woke up in a weird house. Ran out the door, weeping for her failed life choices, concerned townsfolk notes her appearance and alerted the fuzz.


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Re: The Mess

Post by SuburbanFarmer » Sat Dec 31, 2016 7:22 pm

Xenophon wrote:
GrumpyCatFace wrote:
Xenophon wrote:Taking away the individual's ability to defend themself against potential bad actors, government or otherwise, ensures that the terms will always be dictated by the one who still has access to the deterring force.

The government is not interested in the individual's life or livelihood. Governments, democratic or otherwise, only care about you if enriching you gets them re-elected. They would bring deadly force against you and yours if doing that allowed them to stay in power. Let's not fool ourselves into believing in the benevolence of government. There is no such thing.
That was my point about the tanks or grenade launcher. Private citizens haven't had any realistic potential of resisting the government for 50 years - at least. The local PD might panic over you having a handgun, but you wouldn't even slow down the national guard.
A sufficiently motivated guerilla force with hunting rifles and shotguns would stand a reasonable shot at affecting regime change in the West. The objective wouldn't be to defeat the opposing force in a pitched battle. The objective in such a situation would be to change public opinion to the point when the regular army would refuse to continue hostilities. This would involve more than force of arms (i.e. propaganda) but arms would be an integral part of it.
Sure, and they'll let you reroute an oil pipeline once in a while. But as soon as you open fire on soldiers or cops, you've got a drone missile shoved up your ass. Doesn't matter how many people you brought together - assuming that the NSA and FBI didn't already arrest you as a "terrorist" group.
SJWs are a natural consequence of corporatism.

Formerly GrumpyCatFace

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Re: The Mess

Post by clubgop » Sat Dec 31, 2016 7:27 pm

Speaker to Animals wrote:
That looks like a mom and pop shop, even worse. You think the DEA is bad just wait for an insurance company to pay out on a successful robbery. Thats the real security blanket thinking society will conform to your velvet tyranny because you a soft pussy bitch that cant and wont defend themselves or those around you so you want to take away my ability to do so. Fuck you and your cowardly bitch ass.

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Re: The Mess

Post by clubgop » Sat Dec 31, 2016 7:31 pm

GrumpyCatFace wrote:
Xenophon wrote:
GrumpyCatFace wrote:
That was my point about the tanks or grenade launcher. Private citizens haven't had any realistic potential of resisting the government for 50 years - at least. The local PD might panic over you having a handgun, but you wouldn't even slow down the national guard.
A sufficiently motivated guerilla force with hunting rifles and shotguns would stand a reasonable shot at affecting regime change in the West. The objective wouldn't be to defeat the opposing force in a pitched battle. The objective in such a situation would be to change public opinion to the point when the regular army would refuse to continue hostilities. This would involve more than force of arms (i.e. propaganda) but arms would be an integral part of it.
Sure, and they'll let you reroute an oil pipeline once in a while. But as soon as you open fire on soldiers or cops, you've got a drone missile shoved up your ass. Doesn't matter how many people you brought together - assuming that the NSA and FBI didn't already arrest you as a "terrorist" group.
Yeah but got to spread those things out. A Waco or Ruby Ridge every week and they cant fucking deal with that. Even your stupid pussy ass might feign outrage.

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Re: The Mess

Post by Xenophon » Sat Dec 31, 2016 7:44 pm

GrumpyCatFace wrote:
Xenophon wrote:
GrumpyCatFace wrote:
That was my point about the tanks or grenade launcher. Private citizens haven't had any realistic potential of resisting the government for 50 years - at least. The local PD might panic over you having a handgun, but you wouldn't even slow down the national guard.
A sufficiently motivated guerilla force with hunting rifles and shotguns would stand a reasonable shot at affecting regime change in the West. The objective wouldn't be to defeat the opposing force in a pitched battle. The objective in such a situation would be to change public opinion to the point when the regular army would refuse to continue hostilities. This would involve more than force of arms (i.e. propaganda) but arms would be an integral part of it.
Sure, and they'll let you reroute an oil pipeline once in a while. But as soon as you open fire on soldiers or cops, you've got a drone missile shoved up your ass. Doesn't matter how many people you brought together - assuming that the NSA and FBI didn't already arrest you as a "terrorist" group.
Dismissing my comments with "OMG DRONE" speak doesn't defeat my argument. Drone strikes don't stop anything. They're a nice way for the POTUS to score hawk points and not look like a wimp. Jihadis are emboldened by every drone strike they survive. They are so spread apart that they have no tactical use. Kill a group of dudes, another group of dudes pop up. Drone warfare is not the end of conventional war. When they're used independent of a regular army, they're just a shiny plaything.

How much literature have you read regarding guerrilla or unconventional warfare? I'm guessing not much by how glib you're being.