Hoppe on the Alt Right
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- Joined: Wed Nov 30, 2016 9:47 am
- Posts: 15157
- Joined: Wed Nov 30, 2016 9:47 am
- Posts: 15157
- Joined: Wed Nov 30, 2016 9:47 am
- Posts: 15157
- Joined: Wed Nov 30, 2016 9:47 am
- Posts: 15157
- Joined: Wed Nov 30, 2016 9:47 am
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- Joined: Wed Nov 30, 2016 7:14 am
Re: Hoppe on the Alt Right

For legal reasons, we are not threatening to destroy U.S. government property with our glorious medieval siege engine. But if we wanted to, we could. But we won’t. But we could.

- Posts: 18751
- Joined: Wed Nov 30, 2016 7:14 am
Re: Hoppe on the Alt Right

For legal reasons, we are not threatening to destroy U.S. government property with our glorious medieval siege engine. But if we wanted to, we could. But we won’t. But we could.

- Posts: 15157
- Joined: Wed Nov 30, 2016 9:47 am
Re: Hoppe on the Alt Right
Circling back to the topic....Nukedog wrote:
wanting separation is ok
Degenerates are bad
just don't fuck with the economy
For those that still don't know where the Hoppean Snake Memes come from
Is the Alt-Right a gang of atheists?
Is the conflict between the "alt-right" (whatever it is IRL) and Christianity (or God) a real thing?
I saw this piece today in First Things. Read the whole thing; the Christian author drills down on Spengler, Evola, Benoist, the Faustian Man, and lots of the weird shit that the honkie supremies geek out on.
Of course, First Things is pretty opposite to the popular image of the alt-right. The "anti-Christian" label they throw on the entire alt-right is awfully convenient. But if the shoe fits . . .The alt-right is anti-Christian. Not by implication or insinuation, but by confession. Its leading thinkers flaunt their rejection of Christianity and their desire to convert believers away from it. Greg Johnson, an influential theorist with a doctorate in philosophy from Catholic University of America, argues that “Christianity is one of the main causes of white decline” and a “necessary condition of white racial suicide.” Johnson edits a website that publishes footnoted essays on topics that range from H. P. Lovecraft to Martin Heidegger, where a common feature is its subject’s criticisms of Christian doctrine. “Like acid, Christianity burns through ties of kinship and blood,” writes Gregory Hood, one of the website’s most talented essayists. It is “the essential religious step in paving the way for decadent modernity and its toxic creeds.”
. . .
Benoist’s case against Christianity is that it forbids the expression of this “Faustian” vitality. It does so by placing the ultimate source of truth outside of humanity, in an otherworldly realm to which we must be subservient. In his Church Dogmatics, Karl Barth notoriously described Christian revelation as the “abolition” of natural religion. Benoist is a Barthian, if selectively. He accuses Christianity of crippling our most noble impulses. Christianity makes us strangers in our own skin, conning us into distrusting our strongest intuitions. We naturally respect beauty, health, and power, Benoist observes, but Christianity teaches us to revere the deformed, sick, and weak instead. “Paganism does not reproach Christianity for defending the weak,” he explains. “It reproaches [Christianity] for exalting them in their weakness and viewing it as a sign of their election and their title to glory.”
Atheism is just so profoundly dumb, so willfully ignorant, that I have to admit that it makes me a bit happy to think of both the White Supremacists and the race-centric SJWs all just being stupid know-nothing atheists. It would explain a lot.
Meanwhile, there are some who have been labeled by the mob as "alt-right" in the pejorative who are definitely individualists, and who don't dismiss Christianity, or at least don't dismiss God (or the necessity of the concept of God to our evolution).
- Posts: 38685
- Joined: Wed Nov 30, 2016 5:59 pm
Re: Hoppe on the Alt Right
Montegriffo wrote:
Well there's a daily dose of stupid.