Max The Iguana

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Re: Max The Iguana

Post by heydaralon »

When i went to summer camp we used to catch skinks. They would open their mouths and try to bite us, so we would attach them to our ear lobes. I put one on my septum too.



I think skinks are beautiful. There aren't many in Florida. We have those boring ass anoles. The green ones are cool looking but they aren't as cool as skinks.
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Re: Max The Iguana

Post by TheReal_ND »

I've seen a few. They are hard to catch. Our skinks are generally smaller but we have a shit ton of geckos. Never attached one to my septum but we did the ear trick. Their tails come right off if you catch them by them. Some sort of evolutionary trick.
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Re: Max The Iguana

Post by heydaralon »

TheReal_ND wrote:I've seen a few. They are hard to catch. Our skinks are generally smaller but we have a shit ton of geckos. Never attached one to my septum but we did the ear trick. Their tails come right off if you catch them by them. Some sort of evolutionary trick.
Geckos are also cool. They seem to be more nocturnal and will hang around porch lights at night. My guess is they chill there to catch the bugs attracted to the light. We only have small geckos here, but they look pretty neat. Their eyes are awesome to me.
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Re: Max The Iguana

Post by TheReal_ND »

Yeah we get the big green ones that puff out their red neck fin when they are mating. One of them used to hang out by the kitchen window and court my mom. We also get the cool little see through ones and when they hang out by the light you can see right through them. I posted a picture once of how one caught the light and glowed like a little light bulb.
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de officiis
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Re: Max The Iguana

Post by de officiis »

My son had a Gecko named Stevie. He lived for ages until eventually he ate too much sand and died. It was only then that we learned that you aren't supposed to use sand for lizard substrate.

The coolest thing that Stevie ever did was take on a cicada. There were a lot of cicadas that summer so we captured one and put it in Stevie's cage to see what would happen. A titanic struggle ensued and Stevie conquered the cicada, but it was too big for him to swallow so he had to revert to his standard cricket diet. Watching him hunt crickets could also be interesting.
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Re: Max The Iguana

Post by heydaralon »

de officiis wrote:My son had a Gecko named Stevie. He lived for ages until eventually he ate too much sand and died. It was only then that we learned that you aren't supposed to use sand for lizard substrate.

The coolest thing that Stevie ever did was take on a cicada. There were a lot of cicadas that summer so we captured one and put it in Stevie's cage to see what would happen. A titanic struggle ensued and Stevie conquered the cicada, but it was too big for him to swallow so he had to revert to his standard cricket diet. Watching him hunt crickets could also be interesting.
Do you know what kind? I'm looking at gecko images on google and there are some crazy yellow and black ones, green ones etc. The ones in florida are small and white or kind of beige.
Shikata ga nai
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Re: Max The Iguana

Post by TheReal_ND »

Sounds like a big gecko

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Re: Max The Iguana

Post by doc_loliday »

Sad he died from a broken heart and all, but that was a pretty funny story.
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Re: Max The Iguana

Post by Okeefenokee »

lol, my wife would put that thing in a pot so fast.

/ uh sorry for your loss
GrumpyCatFace wrote:Dumb slut partied too hard and woke up in a weird house. Ran out the door, weeping for her failed life choices, concerned townsfolk notes her appearance and alerted the fuzz.

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de officiis
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Re: Max The Iguana

Post by de officiis »

heydaralon wrote:
de officiis wrote:My son had a Gecko named Stevie. He lived for ages until eventually he ate too much sand and died. It was only then that we learned that you aren't supposed to use sand for lizard substrate.

The coolest thing that Stevie ever did was take on a cicada. There were a lot of cicadas that summer so we captured one and put it in Stevie's cage to see what would happen. A titanic struggle ensued and Stevie conquered the cicada, but it was too big for him to swallow so he had to revert to his standard cricket diet. Watching him hunt crickets could also be interesting.
Do you know what kind? I'm looking at gecko images on google and there are some crazy yellow and black ones, green ones etc. The ones in florida are small and white or kind of beige.
Leopard gecko. Like this one
