Rut-rooow George

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Re: Rut-rooow George

Post by Okeefenokee » Wed Jun 14, 2017 8:54 pm

brewster wrote:
Speaker to Animals wrote: If you abolish confiscatory taxes, switch your nation over to a strict consumption tax, then your tax rate will always mirror the GDP, which means your tax rate is automatically adjusted for inflation. If you experience inflation, then the prices of goods go up, and therefore the consumption tax takes a higher amount in proportion to the increase in price.
My problem with this is it's massively regressive, since the poor spend 100% of their income and the rich invest the majority of theirs and accelerate the concentration of wealth into their hands. Unless you're proposing taxing financial trades as consumption, that would be fun. 20% tax on house purchases? That would shake the economy, I recently read the average house before 2008 was being held only 4 years.
You rent in NJ right? Do you not take a penalty on selling homes before so many years?
GrumpyCatFace wrote:Dumb slut partied too hard and woke up in a weird house. Ran out the door, weeping for her failed life choices, concerned townsfolk notes her appearance and alerted the fuzz.


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Re: Rut-rooow George

Post by SuburbanFarmer » Wed Jun 14, 2017 10:45 pm

brewster wrote:
Speaker to Animals wrote: If you abolish confiscatory taxes, switch your nation over to a strict consumption tax, then your tax rate will always mirror the GDP, which means your tax rate is automatically adjusted for inflation. If you experience inflation, then the prices of goods go up, and therefore the consumption tax takes a higher amount in proportion to the increase in price.
My problem with this is it's massively regressive, since the poor spend 100% of their income and the rich invest the majority of theirs and accelerate the concentration of wealth into their hands. Unless you're proposing taxing financial trades as consumption, that would be fun. 20% tax on house purchases? That would shake the economy, I recently read the average house before 2008 was being held only 4 years.
We should absolutely tax trades, to rein in the HFT gangsters.
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Re: Rut-rooow George

Post by brewster » Thu Jun 15, 2017 10:08 am

GrumpyCatFace wrote: We should absolutely tax trades, to rein in the HFT gangsters.
It would only take a fraction of a cent on the dollar to rein in HFT. I think we're talking about 10-20%, which would turn the financial world upside down.

If we all agree wealth inequality is a bad thing, insomuch as it's largely a function of those "with" gaming the system to gain more, any tax system needs to address it rather than turn a blind eye with a "flat" tax.
We are only accustomed to dealing with like twenty online personas at a time so when we only have about ten people some people have to be strawmanned in order to advance our same relative go nowhere nonsense positions. -TheReal_ND