... 7614527113[R]acial minority groups will make up a majority of the U.S. national population in 2042, effectively creating a so-called majority-minority nation. In four experiments, we explored how salience of such racial demographic shifts affects White Americans’ political-party leanings and expressed political ideology. Study 1 revealed that making California’s majority-minority shift salient led politically unaffiliated White Americans to lean more toward the Republican Party and express greater political conservatism. Studies 2, 3a, and 3b revealed that making the changing national racial demographics salient led White Americans (regardless of political affiliation) to endorse conservative policy positions more strongly. Moreover, the results implicate group-status threat as the mechanism underlying these effects. Taken together, this work suggests that the increasing diversity of the nation may engender a widening partisan divide.
So apparently, we shouldn’t be concerned about not having in-group loyalty and a political identity since we are the majority, but we should also celebrate that we will become a minority in our lifetimes due to changing patterns of fertility and migration. But wait, wasn’t being a minority cited as a major reason for welfare and the source of many problems and difficulties experienced by people of color, as well as the justification for their banding together politically? That would seem to imply that a white minority ought to be allowed to do the same as other minorities, or at the very least, begin preparing to do the same. However that would be white ethnocentrism, and therefore wrong because we know what happens then. If the left gets their minority-majority utopia, they may find Anglo-America is no longer interested in civic nationalism. The pressure to fash may be too great. ... ocentrism/