Preparing for Uncertainty and Self Reliance

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Re: Preparing for Uncertainty and Self Reliance

Post by C-Mag » Sun Apr 08, 2018 11:36 am

The EMP Commission was defunded last year. React accordingly.


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Re: Preparing for Uncertainty and Self Reliance

Post by C-Mag » Mon May 14, 2018 10:28 am

C-Mag wrote:
Mon Jan 22, 2018 10:42 pm
I've got some issues I need to deal with and I'm working on combining technologies to fix a number of them at once.
1. a Fence along one side of my property
2. a wind break on the side I need the fence
3. I have sandy gravelly soils that are not very fertile.

1. Existing unused irrigation ditch, irrigation was cut off 25 years ago through a water rights claim
2. Local supply of beetle killed trees - should be able to get a truck load cheap
3. Good well with plenty of good water

I'm looking at combining Hugelcultur, Swale and Berm Water tech and eventually a hedge row.

Swale and Berm Tech

Hugelkultur for the berm

Then I am going to plant a variety of Nitrogen fixing trees and shrubs on top of the Hugelkultur mound. In organic material, with a buried irrigation line.
Update Follows on this


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Re: Preparing for Uncertainty and Self Reliance

Post by C-Mag » Mon May 14, 2018 10:48 am

The above was planned for a couple years down the road....................... but, due to heavy snow pack (200% of average), the Spring Runoff resulted in a flood in my area. Last week, the unused irrigation ditch was suddenly forced into service. On Monday the first day water was put into it, it was starting to break over the edge and threaten my septic system. So, I rushed into action.

I rented a Mini-Excavator on Monday afternoon and spent a day cleaning the ditch, that hadn't been cleaned in several decades. Then I started my Hugelkultur burms. I had cut down some Aspen Trees and I had a pile of tree trimmings to use as my organic base. Then I scraped off the top soil near the ditch and layed it over the new berm. My berm varies in height from 3 feet to 1 foot based on need to hold back flood waters. The entire ditch is about 200 yards long, I will be putting in another one of about 300 feet along the Northside of the property as well. More on that later.

When I did the berm, I tried to keep as much organic soil and shrubs intact so it would just grow in place, basicly transplanted. I need to do my humus layer now, I'm probably going to use straw and old moldy hay as a mulch. I have about 80 pounds of old grain that got wet and molded to seed the berm, then I'm going to lay a drip line or soaker hose down the center, followed by mulch.

The next step will be plantings. I'm going to shoot for edibles. I love raspberries, blackberries,etc. Probably do some Chokecherries as well. I have what I think is a pear tree that was overgrown, I hacked it a bunch last year and there are a lot of new shoot at the base this year. I'm going to try and cut the shoots, soak them in water to try and get them to sprout, then stab them in the berm. It's a free attempt at getting some fruit trees going. I also transplanted several plum tree starts. This fall or next year a 4 or 5 foot mesh fence will go up centered on top of the berm. I am planning on crawling vines like varieties of Mint on the fence, perhaps beans and peas.

On the North side of the property I have a 6 foot chain link fence. I'm going to do a short 1 foot berm, irrigate it, then I will transplant all these Hopp starts I have everywhere and get them on to the fence, they should go nuts. I'm moving back from the fence 15 feet, then I'm making another berm that I will do a larger hugelkultur, aiming for 3 feet high. In that I want to plant more trees. I need a windbreak on that side, aiming for fast growing screen trees. I have lilac screen about 15 feeting back from the future tree line, then my road, then existing tall elms.

I'm shooting for a good shelter belt that will be friendly to wildlife and produce food.


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Re: Preparing for Uncertainty and Self Reliance

Post by SuburbanFarmer » Mon May 14, 2018 12:35 pm

..... I've been too busy to till my garden, but I spread my compost over it. :(
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Re: Preparing for Uncertainty and Self Reliance

Post by C-Mag » Mon May 14, 2018 3:16 pm

GrumpyCatFace wrote:
Mon May 14, 2018 12:35 pm
..... I've been too busy to till my garden, but I spread my compost over it. :(

Been there.

Keep after it.


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Re: Preparing for Uncertainty and Self Reliance

Post by SuburbanFarmer » Sat May 19, 2018 11:08 am

Still too wet to till, and the plants are getting tired of their trays. :(

I had my first experience with splitting logs though, using an 8-lb Maul, and a wedge. I got through about a dozen, and was completely wiped. That is harder than it looks.
Very, very satisfying to do though.
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Re: Preparing for Uncertainty and Self Reliance

Post by C-Mag » Sat May 19, 2018 11:28 am

GrumpyCatFace wrote:
Sat May 19, 2018 11:08 am
Still too wet to till, and the plants are getting tired of their trays. :(

I had my first experience with splitting logs though, using an 8-lb Maul, and a wedge. I got through about a dozen, and was completely wiped. That is harder than it looks.
Very, very satisfying to do though.
A great total body workout. Rewarding too. Watch for flying steel burs when you are hitting steel on steel that hard.

I'm getting Spring rains too. I just seeded my Hugelkulturs, perfect weather for it, need to get some mulch on them now.


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Re: Preparing for Uncertainty and Self Reliance

Post by SuburbanFarmer » Sat May 19, 2018 11:36 am

I got my wedge from Ace, and I suspect it’s some cheap-ass steel. Already getting mangled at the top, and there are stress wrinkles all over it.
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Re: Preparing for Uncertainty and Self Reliance

Post by C-Mag » Sat May 19, 2018 11:49 am

GrumpyCatFace wrote:
Sat May 19, 2018 11:36 am
I got my wedge from Ace, and I suspect it’s some cheap-ass steel. Already getting mangled at the top, and there are stress wrinkles all over it.
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Re: Preparing for Uncertainty and Self Reliance

Post by Hastur » Sat May 19, 2018 11:59 am

GrumpyCatFace wrote:
Sat May 19, 2018 11:36 am
I got my wedge from Ace, and I suspect it’s some cheap-ass steel. Already getting mangled at the top, and there are stress wrinkles all over it.
Life’s too short to waste on bad tools. ... ing-wedge/

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