C-Mag wrote:
They have made the Mini-14 in 300 Blackout for a few years, but you might as well go with the cheaper option to shoot. It's called the Mini-30, Fires the same round as the AK-47, the 7.62 X 39. The Mini-30 has been around for 30 years.
We need to catch up with you on Suppressors. It's embarrassing to have the firearms freedom we do and not have the availability of a susspressor without spending a ton of money.
All true. I found some web shop here that sells Mini-30s, and even Mini-14s in .300 blackout. However, have yet to find some shop that sells .300 blackout ammunition in Norway, so it's probably almost impossible to get hold off, or more expensive than just about any other cartridge.
Seems like the Mini-30 in 7,62x39 would be the best option eventually. But the downside is the selection of 7,62x39 ammunition here. Subsonic 7,62x39 is pretty much unicorn horns here, and I don't trust my firearms skills enough to start handloading. (Looked into the .303 Brit, seems like they have the exact same bullet diameter as the Russian 7,62 calibers, so would a light .303 bullet be suitable for handloading into a 7,62x39 case? Or would they be too long/heavy to do so safely?)
Sadly, the Finns stopped making Valmets, and the EU sanctions on Russia made the few legal and affordable semi autos unavailable. Just hope I'll be able to get hold of one semi auto for hunting before they're all banned. At least the distributors stocked up on Baikal over/unders before the sanctions, so they're still cheap and available.
That whole suppressor deal is pretty much the only perk we have over you guys in the firearms department. Lots of societal benefits from those, both for shooters, and non-shooters.