Please. I can set the clock on my phone without my parents help now and I even know how to use a stopwatch. I could tell you right now the difference between AM and PM and that one that stumps a lot of folks. I even know about the prime meridian even though that doesn't have a lot to do with time.Hwen Hoshino wrote:Cannot debate substance, system meltdown on the way...heydaralon wrote:You do realize that I have known about clocks since I was in fifth grade and have been using alarm clocks for over 8 years right? I even have some of the time zones memorized. I call people who live west of me an hour late because they are still at work when I get out. Next semester I will learn about how to set the clock on the microwave after the power goes out. I know more about time than you do, zipperhead.Hwen Hoshino wrote: You mean a Paki movie that criticized Islam in a way no soft ass American movie would dare to do it today? You have no concept of time.
Your culture probably uses sundials or some stupid shit to tell time. I was learning about the second hand before I even graduated from high school. I don't really see the point in Asians learning about time anyway, because they all celebrate their birthdays at the beginning of the year like a bunch of savages. Your only conception of time is probably based on that Zodiac calendar placemat at every Chinese restaurant. You must be a Horse because they are prone to illiteracy and homosexual activity.