Speaker to Animals wrote:You have to account for what that money is used for. Most of it in very rural states likely goes to maintaining things like the interstate system, which is a national asset, not a state asset. It's not like the people living out in Montana are benefiting from it. That has a lot to do with the commerce that your state depends upon, traveling straight through and past those people.
Give me an accounting of that money.
I don't think you're reading the data right. My state does not depend on Federal money, the other states depend on the Federal money taken from us.
Also, there's another column for federal money taken by individuals, an accounting which is definitely not something like the Interstate Highway system.
California is 36 out of 50 in individual dependency on the Federal Government, and 42 out of 50 in State dependency on Fed.
My point is that I'd be really cautious before parroting hard right talking points about California without knowing the whole story.
Besides, if we're so weak here, why is everyone so scared of our power when we destroy the Electoral College. We're an extremely rich state with a high population because of the economy here.