C-Mag wrote:I do think there is a fine line there. I don't know if I have words to clearly communicate it. I can give examples though.Speaker to Animals wrote:
It will never change without people talking about, and if you define discussing injustice as "complaining about it", it's not going to get fixed. Telling men they are not men if they complain about having their children stolen from them is itself a kind of feminized behavior.
What is more masculine then trying to get to the truth of a matter and seek justice to balance out a grave injustice?
Without discussion to effect change, the only result of this is going to be men walking from women as relationship partners. It's only a matter of time before men get control of their reproduction. When that happens, if nothing changes, women are going to be in really bad shape. Because men won't need them while women very much need men.
Getting boned by the court sucks, I've seen it happen to a lot of men. Terrence does a great job of pointing out how men get F'd over by our current culture and courts, but is still being a man. Jack Donovan has some good points.
Personally, we've hit the far end of the pendulum and it's starting to swing the other way. The MGTOW thing is real, Sex is easier to come by than ever for men and women thanks to technology, true relationships are harder to forge for both, and finding good men and women are harder for both. There's nothing that will drive away man faster than a pussy hat and a Nasty Woman T-shirt. Go ahead radical feminists, you've pushed it too far. Be prepared to reap the whirlwind when just say FU. I'll get go MGTOW, maybe even get one of those robot hookers Doc talks about.
Which leaves us back at the court systems where men trying, in varying degrees of dedication to have traditional families get fucked if the relationship fails.
There aren't many good women to be had any longer, dude. You've been married to Gen X all this time. You might not realize how bad it has become.
And from the perspective of young women, most of the men are feminized and not really marriageable either.
MGTOW is dangerous. It's the logical conclusion of feminism. It's something we need to consider, but I think all forms of teleological freedom (that's essentially all it is: Sartre applied to manhood) are dangerous.
I think we live in a time in which you can catch glimpses of truth in different places, but nobody really has good answers any longer. Traditiionalism isn't going to work any longer because women want to be able to have careers and compete with men. Feminism doesn't work because men are not going to standby while women are treated as "equals" while amassing ever more special privileges and having none of the obligations that men have. MRAs are going to help because an entire society where everybody is treated like women, including men, is going to eventually fall apart or more likely be overrun by a more dominant culture (we see that happening in Europe right now).
The fact is, men and women have obligations placed on them by virtue of their gender. Women have to make the babies. It means they have to stay home for a lot of the time to properly raise kids. I realize feminists get pissed about that, but I notice they remain quiet on the issue of men getting drafted to go fight and die in wars, and every other social expectation that is placed on men.
Feminism is an irrational demand that women pretend to have all the opportunities they think men possess, but without any of the obligations, and without losing any of the special privileges they enjoyed under traditionalism. It's irrational. MRA is the the demand that men be treated just like women want to be treated, with all the special privileges therein. That's not going to work either. MGTOW is the idea that men can just define themselves and do whatever they want in life. It's a rational choice, unlike the others, but it's dangerous to society. It's especially dangerous to women who, let's face facts, can't exist without men. Women in our day like to live in an illusion where they can be independent. They gleefully forget that men built their houses, keep the power running, keep the sewers clean, build the roads, etc. When they get upset with men who call them out on it, they threaten to call the police because they are "threatened". So they depend upon other men to come and punish the men they don't like because they obviously can't protect themselves. If most men go MGTOW, women are going to be ruined. Most men will not want their tax dollars going to welfare, which is mainly wealth redistribution from men to women. Most men will not tolerate women's hijacking of affirmative action. Women will be forced to compete as equals with me, and they are going to lose.
We have to find some new way of dividing up obligations and roles that gives us some of what we want. I think fathers should have equal rights to their children as women do. I don't think any parent should be able to take money from another parent. No alimony. None of that. But I also think, at the end of the day, men still have an obligation to sacrifice when it is necessary for them to do so. MRAs need to learn to deal with the roles nature dealt them just as feminists need to deal with it.
Where it comes to society and justice.. the difficult aspect here is that we are mostly talking about taking away quite a lot of privileges from women, and women are inherently selfish when it comes to those things. Women will never as a group willingly give up privilege. They won't even acknowledge to themselves by and large that they have these privileges.