The Mess

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Re: The Mess

Post by clubgop » Sun Jan 01, 2017 12:26 pm

Montegriffo wrote:
TheReal_ND wrote:This is actually an old article. This narrative was being pushed hard but they dropped it after the Orlando night club shooting.
I imagine there were plenty on the right cheering on the deaths of so many degenerate gays. Just goes to prove all extremists should be shot. :lol:
With what? Not guns, leftist hate guns. Plenty more on the right were signing up and training gays in self defense classes. Plenty were cheering when the Pink Pistols a gay gun club tripled its membership in the week following the attack. Plenty of left wingers are writing hand wringing articles that minorities are becoming legal gun owners, not the right. Looks like you are losing control of your negroes. No wonder you and GCF are panicking.

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Re: The Mess

Post by clubgop » Sun Jan 01, 2017 12:32 pm

Montegriffo wrote:
TheReal_ND wrote:
They and untold thousands like them are the extremists who hide among us, the right-wing militants who, since 2002, have killed more people in the United States than jihadis have
These Americans thrive on hate and conspiracy theories, many fed to them by politicians and commentators
Alex Jones holds office?
“Law enforcement agencies in the United States consider anti-government violent extremists, not radicalized Muslims, to be the most severe threat of political violence that they face,
That would be armed veterans actually.
I guess the point this article was trying to make is that while all the attention is on ISIS and militant Islamists the right wing Militias are getting on with their arsenal building un-observed.
Fake news site or not it is not telling the whole story if you only fear Islam and the left when it comes to terrorist actions.
Can you leftist panty wait gun grabbing bitch asses get on the same narrative page. First we are a dying stupidity that will be pitied by future generations, now we are the too numerous well armed true threat to civilization itself. Then you wonder why no one takes you seriously anymore.

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Re: The Mess

Post by Xenophon » Sun Jan 01, 2017 12:39 pm

Smitty-48 wrote:
Xenophon wrote:A sufficiently motivated guerilla force with hunting rifles and shotguns would stand a reasonable shot at affecting regime change in the West. The objective wouldn't be to defeat the opposing force in a pitched battle. The objective in such a situation would be to change public opinion to the point when the regular army would refuse to continue hostilities. This would involve more than force of arms (i.e. propaganda) but arms would be an integral part of it.
Who would be the Guerilla's in America? The Right? Don't be absurd, the Right will simply seize control in a coup de tat, the military would be entirely onside, the public which was not onside, would be on the Left, but they would be terrorized into submission, by Right Wing Paramilitary Militias, backed up by the Right Wing military, the Right, would never be the Guerilla's in America, the Right, would be the Paramilitaries running the place.

When the Right overthrows a liberal government, is doesn't do it by guerilla warfare, guerilla warfare is an entirely Lefist paradigm, when the Right overthrows a government, they don't fight the military, because they are the military, and they don't then disarm the Rightist armed citizenry, they enable them as Right Wing Paramilitary proxies.

That's the irony in all this; if there is someone in America who needs to be armed against a government tyranny, it is the Left, not the Right, if/when the tyranny comes, it will be a heavily armed Right Wing tyrrany against the bourgeois Left, but of course, the Left would be helpless in the face of it, because they have unilaterally disarmed themselves.

When the government taker over comes, it will be the Right Wing Rednecks who are taking over, and there won't be any Leftist Guerilla's around to stop them.
My post was in response to GCF's assertion that armed rebellion against a technologically superior foe is unable to succeed. I was speaking in generalities.

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Re: The Mess

Post by clubgop » Sun Jan 01, 2017 12:52 pm

Xenophon wrote:
Smitty-48 wrote:
Xenophon wrote:A sufficiently motivated guerilla force with hunting rifles and shotguns would stand a reasonable shot at affecting regime change in the West. The objective wouldn't be to defeat the opposing force in a pitched battle. The objective in such a situation would be to change public opinion to the point when the regular army would refuse to continue hostilities. This would involve more than force of arms (i.e. propaganda) but arms would be an integral part of it.
Who would be the Guerilla's in America? The Right? Don't be absurd, the Right will simply seize control in a coup de tat, the military would be entirely onside, the public which was not onside, would be on the Left, but they would be terrorized into submission, by Right Wing Paramilitary Militias, backed up by the Right Wing military, the Right, would never be the Guerilla's in America, the Right, would be the Paramilitaries running the place.

When the Right overthrows a liberal government, is doesn't do it by guerilla warfare, guerilla warfare is an entirely Lefist paradigm, when the Right overthrows a government, they don't fight the military, because they are the military, and they don't then disarm the Rightist armed citizenry, they enable them as Right Wing Paramilitary proxies.

That's the irony in all this; if there is someone in America who needs to be armed against a government tyranny, it is the Left, not the Right, if/when the tyranny comes, it will be a heavily armed Right Wing tyrrany against the bourgeois Left, but of course, the Left would be helpless in the face of it, because they have unilaterally disarmed themselves.

When the government taker over comes, it will be the Right Wing Rednecks who are taking over, and there won't be any Leftist Guerilla's around to stop them.
My post was in response to GCF's assertion that armed rebellion against a technologically superior foe is unable to succeed. I was speaking in generalities.
Yes, we are just pointing out the various ways in which the cowardly bitch cat gets skinned.

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Re: The Mess

Post by Speaker to Animals » Sun Jan 01, 2017 12:56 pm

GCF should put this in his queue of films to watch.

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Re: The Mess

Post by TheReal_ND » Sun Jan 01, 2017 1:00 pm


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Re: The Mess

Post by Montegriffo » Sun Jan 01, 2017 1:04 pm

clubgop wrote:
Montegriffo wrote:
TheReal_ND wrote:This is actually an old article. This narrative was being pushed hard but they dropped it after the Orlando night club shooting.
I imagine there were plenty on the right cheering on the deaths of so many degenerate gays. Just goes to prove all extremists should be shot. :lol:
With what? Not guns, leftist hate guns. Plenty more on the right were signing up and training gays in self defense classes. Plenty were cheering when the Pink Pistols a gay gun club tripled its membership in the week following the attack. Plenty of left wingers are writing hand wringing articles that minorities are becoming legal gun owners, not the right. Looks like you are losing control of your negroes. No wonder you and GCF are panicking.
Hell no, I have nothing to panic about. I can't speak for GCF though...
How the US compares: The number of gun murders per capita in the US in 2012 - the most recent year for comparable statistics - was nearly 30 times that in the UK, at 2.9 per 100,000 compared with just 0.1.

Of all the murders in the US in 2012, 60% were by firearm compared with 31% in Canada, 18.2% in Australia, and just 10% in the UK.

Source: UNODC.

The home front: So many people die annually from gunfire in the US that the death toll between 1968 and 2011 eclipses all wars ever fought by the country. According to research by Politifact, there were about 1.4 million firearm deaths in that period, compared with 1.2 million US deaths in every conflict from the War of Independence to Iraq.
According to figures from the US Department of Justice and the Council on Foreign Affairs, 11,385 people died on average annually in firearm incidents in the US between 2001 and 2011.

In the same period, an average of 517 people were killed annually in terror-related incidents. Removing 2001, when 9/11 occurred, from the calculation produces an annual average of just 31.
For legal reasons, we are not threatening to destroy U.S. government property with our glorious medieval siege engine. But if we wanted to, we could. But we won’t. But we could.

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Re: The Mess

Post by TheReal_ND » Sun Jan 01, 2017 1:07 pm

Well the majority of those murders happen with "inner city" ute. Tbh that's not concerning. Having the ability to defend yourself from "inner city" youth is more important than some random statistic with no context.

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Re: The Mess

Post by Montegriffo » Sun Jan 01, 2017 1:14 pm

Makes a lie of all the claims that guns make life safer though. Americans with guns have killed more Americans between 1968 and 2011 than all your wars since the war of independence. I don't think that stat needs any context unless you really think people living in the inner cities are expendable in the land of the free.....
For legal reasons, we are not threatening to destroy U.S. government property with our glorious medieval siege engine. But if we wanted to, we could. But we won’t. But we could.

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Re: The Mess

Post by clubgop » Sun Jan 01, 2017 1:16 pm

Of all the murders in the US in 2012, 60% were by firearm compared with 31% in Canada, 18.2% in Australia, and just 10% in the UK.
Unassailable logic here. If your murdered by anything other than a gun clearly you deserved it.