Did the the race talk debate start happenning more often since we know how many white ethno staters we have?

Hwen Hoshino
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Re: Did the the race talk debate start happenning more often since we know how many white ethno staters we have?

Post by Hwen Hoshino » Wed Nov 29, 2017 2:18 am

StCapps wrote:
Hwen Hoshino wrote:
StCapps wrote:Basing citizenship on the right of blood is just as arbitrary as basing citizenship on the right of the soil.

Has nothing to do with how attractive US citizenship is or isn't. Why would you bring that up?
Because i fail to see why you will be a better US citizen just because your momma and papa are US born.
I fail to see why that would be the case as well.
Jus Sanguinis, Jus Soli, I'm cool with either or both, never claimed one was better than the other, I just claimed that jus sanguinis ethno states don't work out as badly as many people posting in these threads seems to believe, and then everyone jumped down my throat for no rational reason.
I just claimed that jus sanguinis ethno states don't work out as badly as many people posting in these threads seems to believe

Who is saying that? Which thread, which post?

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Re: Did the the race talk debate start happenning more often since we know how many white ethno staters we have?

Post by StCapps » Wed Nov 29, 2017 8:45 am

Hwen Hoshino wrote:Who is saying that? Which thread, which post?
Many people keep pretending that a White Ethno State can only be a dystopia, in every ethnostate thread, that includes je sanguinis white ethno states. They assume skin pigmentation has to be involved as the discriminating basis for the ethnostate. These folks refuse to think of any of the best examples of ethnostates around the world and only want to think about the worst hypotheticals for an ethnostate, this way they can attack an idiotic position and pretend they are winning the argument.

This is every ethnostate thread, if you didn't notice, you haven't been paying attention. Pretty much everyone but myself and Smitty who attacked StA's argument follows that pattern, they are being reactionary faggots to a strawmen they created in their own minds, and they can't trick themselves into thinking they won without the strawmen of those they are arguing against, that's how weak their argument is.
Last edited by StCapps on Wed Nov 29, 2017 8:51 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Did the the race talk debate start happenning more often since we know how many white ethno staters we have?

Post by K@th » Wed Nov 29, 2017 8:49 am

We find the goal of "white America" to be un-achievable without dystopian measures. Whites WILL lose the majority here, and there's nothing that will change that. EVEN if we eliminate ALL migration, the birth rate issue will cause white majority to go away.

So, get away with your strawman; nobody is claiming it will be dystopia if it happens.
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Re: Did the the race talk debate start happenning more often since we know how many white ethno staters we have?

Post by StCapps » Wed Nov 29, 2017 8:52 am

Kath wrote:We find the goal of "white America" to be un-achievable without dystopian measures. Whites WILL lose the majority here, and there's nothing that will change that. EVEN if we eliminate ALL migration, the birth rate issue will cause white majority to go away.

So, get away with your strawman; nobody is claiming it will be dystopia if it happens.
The above paragraph is my argument against StA, and you're trying to steal it, for cover for more terrible arguments against him. If that was your position, then how come when I stated that position, well before you ever did, on multiple occassions, you still lumped my argument in with StA's? Explain that.

DB does the same thing, the few times he makes a good argument on the subject, he simply parrots my arguments against StA, and tries to act like I never made those arguments and side with StA on the issue. It's retarded, you guys are reactionary faggots, that's all there is to it.
Last edited by StCapps on Wed Nov 29, 2017 8:57 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Did the the race talk debate start happenning more often since we know how many white ethno staters we have?

Post by K@th » Wed Nov 29, 2017 8:55 am

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Re: Did the the race talk debate start happenning more often since we know how many white ethno staters we have?

Post by StCapps » Wed Nov 29, 2017 8:59 am

Reactionary Faggots arguing idiotic strawmen of each others positions, while I try to cut through the bullshit, that's this topic in a nutshell. As far as I'm concerned those reaching to attack StA have been the worst offenders, he's just defending himself, fighting fire with fire, you guys started it though.

The only way to Keep America White is Nazi Germany, you guys are fags. I pointed out repeatedly that StA's measures won't "Keep America White" and didn't have to invoke Nazi Germany to do it, because that would hurt my argument, not help it.

But I am actually capable of carrying on argument without being a reactionary faggot, you guys on the other hand are so triggered by the term Ethnostate, that you automatically think only negative thoughts regarding that term. If anyone said anything positive or neutral about an ethnostate, then you faggots will jump down their throat and lump them in with Strawman StA, it's ridiculous. If you don't believe me, ask Smitty, he'll back me up on this, you guys did the same shit to him.

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Re: Did the the race talk debate start happenning more often since we know how many white ethno staters we have?

Post by K@th » Wed Nov 29, 2017 9:14 am

I have NO issue with an ethno-state of any variety. My only position is that it can't/won't happen here. If someone thinks it's possible, they need to explain how to do that without dystopian measures.

The birth rate issue will not go away.
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Re: Did the the race talk debate start happenning more often since we know how many white ethno staters we have?

Post by StCapps » Wed Nov 29, 2017 9:18 am

Kath wrote:I have NO issue with an ethno-state of any variety. My only position is that it can't/won't happen here. If someone thinks it's possible, they need to explain how to do that without dystopian measures.

The birth rate issue will not go away.
Why are you assuming dystopian would be necessary to achieve it? A Notwithstanding Clause is dystopian? See what I mean about assuming dystopian measures are needed to establish a White Ethno State in America, and that leading you to misreading other people's opinions on the matter. I have no issue with an ethno-state, and it likely won't happen in America, and have said so far more often in these threads than you have, yet I'm lumped in with Strawman StA.
Last edited by StCapps on Wed Nov 29, 2017 9:20 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Did the the race talk debate start happenning more often since we know how many white ethno staters we have?

Post by K@th » Wed Nov 29, 2017 9:20 am

When you defend the idea of a white America, saying if Quebec can do it, the US can do it, then you appear to be siding with that position.

So.... carry on.
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Re: Did the the race talk debate start happenning more often since we know how many white ethno staters we have?

Post by StCapps » Wed Nov 29, 2017 9:21 am

Kath wrote:When you defend the idea of a white America, saying if Quebec can do it, the US can do it, then you appear to be siding with that position.

So.... carry on.
Why does defending white America trigger you into thinking I want a preserved as White Ethno State at any cost, even a dystopian cost? Why do you assume I would support extreme measures? Nothing about preserving a white majority implies it has to be done at all costs, that you trying an idiotic position of your own invention.
Last edited by StCapps on Wed Nov 29, 2017 9:27 am, edited 1 time in total.