is the msm guilty of a form of terrorism?

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is the msm guilty of a form of terrorism?

Post by TheReal_ND » Wed Oct 09, 2019 3:06 pm

When they decide to push an agenda are they guilty of collusion? The NPC's that buy their dribble being sent off the cliff like lemmings, the cat ladies and wine aunt's that bought their message, the people that do not agree with them and never get a fair say on the air to the point they feel existential dread even looking at a television screen that all their life they know has been lying to them in every conceivable way, the people being pushed to madness, the victims of the progressive agenda, the empty void left in their life that should have been filled with family instead of fear and porn, the little girls losing sleep over the climate and the hair falling out of their head from boulemia and the garbage diet being sold?

Does the msm have blood on their hands? Are they responsible for soft genocide? Will they ever be held accountable?