Historical Remembrance & Revisionism

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Historical Remembrance & Revisionism

Post by GloryofGreece » Fri Mar 15, 2019 7:43 am

Why is that WWII is the "good" war and all other American wars are allowed to be demystified to a certain degree? We can tear down the illusion that Americans weren't brutal in Vietnam (phoenix program, napalm, agent orange, torture etc. or Iraq (Abu Grab/ torture etc.) I mean think about all the countless movies deconstructing Vietnam and even Iraq/Afghanistan/Terror etc.

War is a brutal violent thing (obviously) but many Americans are blind to it and cannot fathom the thought of how basically all war is like 1945 Berlin. In this modern age civilians die by the droves, babies are killed, people are tortured etc. but America doesn't do that?
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Re: Historical Remembrance & Revisionism

Post by GloryofGreece » Fri Mar 15, 2019 7:53 am

We can talk about muh democracy or something like gay rights while soldiers ass rape , torture, and lay waste. hahaha. Truly surreal. And that's not a jab at American soldiers , its just an acknowledgment that these things happen in all wars. For fucks sake Americans by and large are delusional and think themselves righteous and super virtuous.
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