How Fancy is You?

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How Fancy is You?

Post by heydaralon » Thu Feb 21, 2019 4:09 pm

What is some fancy shit you own? What is the fanciest thing you have ever done? I'll go first:

I own the Foundations of Belief by Arthur Balfour and this fucking book is so old and fancy, it is missing its dust jacket and cover and was published a long ass time ago. I also one time stayed in a fancy Hotel in Orlando and ate a meal in their restaurant, which was way better than the Continental breakfast at the Days Inn.

Beat that you classless pieces of plebian shit. You guys have no fucking dignity or breeding, and its pretty sickening that a supreme proper gentleman like me has to associate with the lowlifes on this forum...
Shikata ga nai

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Re: How Fancy is You?

Post by pineapplemike » Thu Feb 21, 2019 4:44 pm

I have a signed t-shirt, hat and a copy of Steve-O's New York Times Bestselling autobiography, Steve-O Professional Idiot: A Memoir, that he sent me after I drew him for an online contest on Instagram. It was a good book, I frequently still wear the hat.


Yeah dude. Note his signature is a giant penis. Fancy huh?