What form of Social Justice is Most Destructive to America?

What form of Social Justice is Most Destructive to America?

Racial/BLM(All whites are evil)
Feminism (all men are evil. Effort+inherent talent=patriarchy)
Marxism (hard work, intelligence=evil)
Open Borders (stopping the destruction of the West=evil)
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What form of Social Justice is Most Destructive to America?

Post by heydaralon » Fri Dec 21, 2018 6:50 pm

This is a tough one. I don't know which one is more dishonest, retarded, or most likely to collapse our country...

edit: goddamnit, I forgot the LGTBQ option. Oh well, my bad.
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Re: What form of Social Justice is Most Destructive to America?

Post by GloryofGreece » Sat Dec 22, 2018 9:25 am

Fundamentally it comes down to what is the source or origin of this destruction. While not the same way I'd frame a poll of this nature it does capture the essence of the decadence of our times. I was stuck on choosing between the wall and marxism being the main issues. I chose marxism because it is the basis for even wanting to do away with borders and walls etc. It wants to be international and so the wall itself is subordinate to the marxism that opposes it.
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Re: What form of Social Justice is Most Destructive to America?

Post by heydaralon » Sat Dec 22, 2018 2:06 pm

GloryofGreece wrote:
Sat Dec 22, 2018 9:25 am
Fundamentally it comes down to what is the source or origin of this destruction. While not the same way I'd frame a poll of this nature it does capture the essence of the decadence of our times. I was stuck on choosing between the wall and marxism being the main issues. I chose marxism because it is the basis for even wanting to do away with borders and walls etc. It wants to be international and so the wall itself is subordinate to the marxism that opposes it.
I didn't vote in this poll, but I'd have to lean toward Marxism too. It seems to be the well which all these ideologies draw from. They all have aspects of it in their principles, and fundamentally they have the same zero sum conflict mentality that Marxists do.
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Re: What form of Social Justice is Most Destructive to America?

Post by SuburbanFarmer » Sat Dec 22, 2018 3:01 pm

I went with BLM. That’s the most easily invoked and destructive factor to our society.

Maybe not enough to cause a collapse, but certainly eating away at the timbers beneath.
SJWs are a natural consequence of corporatism.

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Re: What form of Social Justice is Most Destructive to America?

Post by Speaker to Animals » Sat Dec 22, 2018 3:39 pm

The question is which is the most destructive to America, not which is the source of all the cancer. Feminism is clearly the most destructive. It has wiped out the human family in America, making the state the father, the mother the parasite, and the fathers guests in their own homes (and later slaves). It has wiped our fertility rate. It has blurred the masculine sphere of society so that it's "gender neutral" while retaining the feminine sphere as for females only. In so doing, it has made a generation of men who are low test, easily manipulated and who are too weak and afraid to stand for what is right.

All the other options on that list could easily be defended against if men weren't weak and seek their self-worth from the approval of women. Marxism would not be a factor in this society without feminism. Indeed, Marxism couldn't get a foothold at all in America until feminism first destroyed men.

Russia took a dark turn towards Marxism. They slaughtered millions of people in the process. Even the Russians would never have tolerated this feminist bullshit. Consider that.

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Re: What form of Social Justice is Most Destructive to America?

Post by GloryofGreece » Sat Dec 22, 2018 5:39 pm

Speaker to Animals wrote:
Sat Dec 22, 2018 3:39 pm
The question is which is the most destructive to America, not which is the source of all the cancer. Feminism is clearly the most destructive. It has wiped out the human family in America, making the state the father, the mother the parasite, and the fathers guests in their own homes (and later slaves). It has wiped our fertility rate. It has blurred the masculine sphere of society so that it's "gender neutral" while retaining the feminine sphere as for females only. In so doing, it has made a generation of men who are low test, easily manipulated and who are too weak and afraid to stand for what is right.

All the other options on that list could easily be defended against if men weren't weak and seek their self-worth from the approval of women. Marxism would not be a factor in this society without feminism. Indeed, Marxism couldn't get a foothold at all in America until feminism first destroyed men.

Russia took a dark turn towards Marxism. They slaughtered millions of people in the process. Even the Russians would never have tolerated this feminist bullshit. Consider that.
Ok, but communism in Russia, China, etc. really wasn't getting anywhere until men took the bait and then fell in line. The police, the soldiers, the working class etc. I think we cannot dismiss the origin that way. Its key to understanding the whole post modern/critical theory framework which led to 1960s feminism and later intersectionality, political correctness, SJWs, affirmative action, HR quotas etc.

And actually Im starting to think the real source of even "marxism/communism/socialism/utopia is this idea of the pursuit of millennium type movements and world views. It existed before Judaism/Christianity and aspects of lead to things as varied as Munster Anabaptism revolts to David Koresh/Waco/take your pick of savior cults.

https://www.amazon.com/Pursuit-Millenni ... 0195004566


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Re: What form of Social Justice is Most Destructive to America?

Post by heydaralon » Sat Dec 22, 2018 5:55 pm

As long as we agree that any kind of social justice is detrimental, its followers not only intellectually and usually physically worthless, and its aims antiethical to anything resembling society, we can get somewhere. I see Speakers point about feminizing men, and literally undoing every positive achievement in society which is happening, I just think that the femidykes got this from Marxism. The same thing happened with open borders. The marxists don't like borders. They don't like distinctions, which have always been regarded as both sacred and essential in surviving and worthwhile societies. No exceptions. Marxists wanted a world revolution, and they got it. Ironically it happened through their beliefs being channeled into neoliberalism, neoconservatism environmentalism, Feminism and progressivism, NGOs, Libertarianism, and technocratism to name a few, but their desire to bring down the capitalist west may come about, but the trojan horse is not what they expected. These movements all hate borders and do not distinguish between the differences between men, or men and women, behaviors, cultures and nations, and this lack of distinction has led us into a worldwide septic tank. We need to bring back borders, and deliniate between what is good and what is bad. A mother who takes care of her children and stays faithful to her husband is good. A single mother on welfare who is a feminist and is overweight is bad. A country with high literacy. toilets, a high standard of living, and high freedom is good. A central American or muslim country (none of which have any of those things) is bad. A girl with a vagina is good. A disgusting tranny mental case peeing with an 8 year old girl, or athletically competing against a woman with 1/10 his natural testosterone is bad. An exceptional English speaking immigrant we let in who can actually make a small business that pays taxes to make our country better and improves the community is good. An illiterate spanish only speaking dirtbag who drives without insurance or a license, is on welfare and has 20 anchor babies is bad. These distinctions are as obvious as Newtonian laws to anyone arguing in good faith, but they have become blurred. Why is that? Lets treat the disease instead of the symptoms imo. I think the cancer starts with Marxism.
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Re: What form of Social Justice is Most Destructive to America?

Post by Speaker to Animals » Sat Dec 22, 2018 7:40 pm

GloryofGreece wrote:
Sat Dec 22, 2018 5:39 pm
Speaker to Animals wrote:
Sat Dec 22, 2018 3:39 pm
The question is which is the most destructive to America, not which is the source of all the cancer. Feminism is clearly the most destructive. It has wiped out the human family in America, making the state the father, the mother the parasite, and the fathers guests in their own homes (and later slaves). It has wiped our fertility rate. It has blurred the masculine sphere of society so that it's "gender neutral" while retaining the feminine sphere as for females only. In so doing, it has made a generation of men who are low test, easily manipulated and who are too weak and afraid to stand for what is right.

All the other options on that list could easily be defended against if men weren't weak and seek their self-worth from the approval of women. Marxism would not be a factor in this society without feminism. Indeed, Marxism couldn't get a foothold at all in America until feminism first destroyed men.

Russia took a dark turn towards Marxism. They slaughtered millions of people in the process. Even the Russians would never have tolerated this feminist bullshit. Consider that.
Ok, but communism in Russia, China, etc. really wasn't getting anywhere until men took the bait and then fell in line. The police, the soldiers, the working class etc. I think we cannot dismiss the origin that way. Its key to understanding the whole post modern/critical theory framework which led to 1960s feminism and later intersectionality, political correctness, SJWs, affirmative action, HR quotas etc.

And actually Im starting to think the real source of even "marxism/communism/socialism/utopia is this idea of the pursuit of millennium type movements and world views. It existed before Judaism/Christianity and aspects of lead to things as varied as Munster Anabaptism revolts to David Koresh/Waco/take your pick of savior cults.

https://www.amazon.com/Pursuit-Millenni ... 0195004566


None of this shit took root in America before feminism. Communists tried for generations to spread their ideas here and American men said fuck no to that. It was not until the seeds of the woman's rights movements were sown that men were softened enough to adopt this shit. None of the things on that list would ever have been adopted in America unless men were completely reoriented towards women. Women are easy as fuck to manipulate if you control the mass media. Men are not so easy, but if you train them to internalize the idea that their value as human beings and to society are their utility to women, and upsetting women is the worst social catastrophe for them, then you got the men too. Men will just follow women down into oblivion.

This is how mankind has always operated. If you want to corrupt a society of men, first corrupt the women while convincing the men that they have to seek the approval of those same women. This is why feminists, who are a minority of American women, try to claim the mantle of "Woman". They know whoever controls that false god can control the current crop of American men, and thus the future.

Adam and Eve isn't just a cool story to joke around with your wife. It's a valuable life lesson. Most religious traditions teach this lesson. Men who validate themselves by female approval will destroy their societies. Every time. It's a fundamental deevolution of human nature to do that.

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Re: What form of Social Justice is Most Destructive to America?

Post by Fife » Sun Dec 23, 2018 7:59 am

It's all derivative of the Jacobins.

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Re: What form of Social Justice is Most Destructive to America?

Post by clubgop » Sun Dec 23, 2018 3:57 pm

SuburbanFarmer wrote:
Sat Dec 22, 2018 3:01 pm
I went with BLM. That’s the most easily invoked and destructive factor to our society.

Maybe not enough to cause a collapse, but certainly eating away at the timbers beneath.
Of course you did. You see low key it's always the libs that are the most racist.