Comclusion: God is not smiting us, now it is Satan

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Comclusion: God is not smiting us, now it is Satan

Post by TheReal_ND » Sun Dec 16, 2018 4:14 am

For thousands of years now we have decided it is better to go to heaven than it is hell. Whatever that place is.


I have never been to hell. I would not know what 601 san pedro st. Los Angeles looks like according to Google image search. Apparently it looks like this


This place seems nice to me but I know it looks a little bit more like the other pic I posted. This kind of makes me wonder if I am not being deceived. In fact, I am pretty sure I have been. Apparently this guy that runs hell is all about deceiving


Remember when they told us they had no intention of indoctrinating our kids?


Well jokes on you newbs. You got PWNED.

SNOPES says, "Fact Check: that is a lie."

Well maybe SNOPES doth protest too much because I just went to Google maps to search "gay" and I pulled up some places. Amazing.

Clearly I am being deceived at every turn. Down is up. Prolapsed is lapsed. "This is not hell on earth this is actually an investment opportunity!"

Someone has been lying to me this whole fucking time. CURSE YOU SATAN