A Black Mom and her belief in God and a Mestizo's Disgust of jewish Practices

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A Black Mom and her belief in God and a Mestizo's Disgust of jewish Practices

Post by TheReal_ND » Sat Mar 31, 2018 6:25 pm

Relistening to the Daily Shoah about the lesbo dikes driving a car off a cliff with their black adopted kids in the car or maybe not. I don't really listen to the Death Panel, they are more like background noise for me to shitpost on the interwebz too.

And about background noise, while working at the WH one of the local black music morning shows was on the the radio. It's hard to tell what level of irony the black, self professed, Christian was on while he reported a black mom ran her car into a light pillar shortly after assuring her children in the car that God would protect them. The kids survived and told the paramedics the story while the mom has been rushed to a mental health treatment facility. We are assured she has been charged with reckless endangerment or some such misdemeanor of the highest level.

Not to forget the mestizo, I work with some and I have a fairly passable level of understanding spanish so I'm going to paraphrase a bit here. The mestizo was red listed on the jewish practice of circumsion by another coworker and for a little context we had found a cigar trimmer and we made the normal dick jokes while I explained that's how jews are made. My mestizo coworker who doesn't understand English had to be red listed by my other coworker

"Jews chop the skin off around the penis."


"Yeah here in America they do it to us when we are born but when they (jews,) reach three years old they chop the skin off around the packer head."

At that point I interjected in English, "Yeah, they stick the peepee ih their mouth," while I gestured at my mouth.

The look on the mestizo's face was fucking priceless. It was one of abject disgust intermixed with a "wtf is wrong with you' sentiment.
