Make Martin Famous V2

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Re: Make Martin Famous V2

Post by Hastur » Mon Oct 01, 2018 9:58 pm

You need to be on Twitter if you want to engage in debate that matters. FB is fan pages and echo chamber groups. On FB you will be very recognized by a few. On Twitter you can reach everyone.
I find Twitter to be a bit messy but if you want to be heard there is no better place to be.

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Re: Make Martin Famous V2

Post by TheReal_ND » Mon Oct 01, 2018 10:03 pm


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Re: Make Martin Famous V2

Post by BjornP » Mon Oct 01, 2018 11:42 pm

Martin Hash wrote:
Mon Oct 01, 2018 6:58 pm
Something like, “you know that guy with 3 doctorates and 4 professional licenses, author, moviemaker, entrepreneur, traveler; he organized this kid’s playground.” Is that how you think the headline will read?
Sure, if the neighbourhood really feel like they need a playground, although preferably they would refer to you by name. You don’t think that could get your name out there?
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Re: Make Martin Famous V2

Post by Martin Hash » Tue Oct 02, 2018 6:52 am

BjornP wrote:
Mon Oct 01, 2018 11:42 pm
Martin Hash wrote:
Mon Oct 01, 2018 6:58 pm
Something like, “you know that guy with 3 doctorates and 4 professional licenses, author, moviemaker, entrepreneur, traveler; he organized this kid’s playground.” Is that how you think the headline will read?
Sure, if the neighbourhood really feel like they need a playground, although preferably they would refer to you by name. You don’t think that could get your name out there?
Bjorn, you don't normally troll me.

"You have to be famous to get famous." - me
I already have Meta-level accomplishments & achievements. What I haven't had is a fame lightning strike, that thing that gets people to recognize my fame-worthiness. That's pure luck. I'm standing out in a thunderstorm holding an aluminum umbrella, waiting.
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Re: Make Martin Famous V2

Post by katarn » Tue Oct 02, 2018 7:15 am

Both the Twitter idea and the local sponsorship are solid, each for their own area. Twitter for more broad fame, local sponsorship to cater to the voters. Sort of like how an aedileship done right built up public support for a politician...
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Re: Make Martin Famous V2

Post by Martin Hash » Tue Oct 02, 2018 7:24 am

How is Twitter different than FB? I have quite a bit of experience on FB. That's a huge investment for nothing. In fact, I'm not even going to use FB during my next election cycle.

Social Media is like this forum. There's no one from this forum who would support me in a campaign, or even follows my ideology. In fact, when I let it, all I got was brigaded. I post here to spark & clarify ideas, not get votes.
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Re: Make Martin Famous V2

Post by Hastur » Tue Oct 02, 2018 7:39 am

Martin Hash wrote:
Tue Oct 02, 2018 7:24 am
How is Twitter different than FB? I have quite a bit of experience on FB. That's a huge investment for nothing. In fact, I'm not even going to use FB during my next election cycle.

Social Media is like this forum. There's no one from this forum who would support me in a campaign, or even follows my ideology. In fact, when I let it, all I got was brigaded. I post here to spark & clarify ideas, not get votes.
Facebook focuses on people and relations. It's great for keeping in touch and up to date with people you know. Twitter focuses on the actual info shared, the Tweets. It's good for keeping up with the current topics and getting into discussing them. You don't have to follow people. Just look at what's trending and jump into the discussion. After a while, you will find out who you want to follow.
Start by following the people you want to get in touch with, like Rogan, Rubin and Scott Adams. Also, Dan Carlin even if he's not that active. He does an occasional burst of tweets.

Start replying, retweeting and following and eventually you will attract a number of followers.

An nescis, mi fili, quantilla prudentia mundus regatur? - Axel Oxenstierna

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Re: Make Martin Famous V2

Post by Martin Hash » Tue Oct 02, 2018 7:46 am

Thanks, that's a legitimate idea, and I appreciate it. I might even do it.

As explanation for my reticence to pursue tactics that require other people's approbation, let me say that I may be a Meta in many things, but attracting followers isn't one of them. I'm 60 years old and the only "followers" I've ever had, I had to pay for, and as I've said before, I'm never doing that again. If I have to suck people's cocks so that they like me, that ain't happening, which is why I'm a failed politician and all successful politicians have no integrity. As for "build it and they will come," well, I have more accomplishments listed on this forum than anyone in history, and nobody came. Now, I've explained why this is in my book, "Philosophy of an Old Cyber-Cowboy," but it suffers the same fate as all my accomplishments - no fame.

I need a fame lightning strike.
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Re: Make Martin Famous V2

Post by BjornP » Tue Oct 02, 2018 8:00 am

Martin Hash wrote:
Tue Oct 02, 2018 6:52 am
BjornP wrote:
Mon Oct 01, 2018 11:42 pm
Martin Hash wrote:
Mon Oct 01, 2018 6:58 pm
Something like, “you know that guy with 3 doctorates and 4 professional licenses, author, moviemaker, entrepreneur, traveler; he organized this kid’s playground.” Is that how you think the headline will read?
Sure, if the neighbourhood really feel like they need a playground, although preferably they would refer to you by name. You don’t think that could get your name out there?
Bjorn, you don't normally troll me.

"You have to be famous to get famous." - me
I already have Meta-level accomplishments & achievements. What I haven't had is a fame lightning strike, that thing that gets people to recognize my fame-worthiness. That's pure luck. I'm standing out in a thunderstorm holding an aluminum umbrella, waiting.
And I'm not trolling you now, either.

Is fame the goal or the means to reaching that goal? Why not start out with becoming "known", then local fame and onwards from there?
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Martin Hash
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Re: Make Martin Famous V2

Post by Martin Hash » Tue Oct 02, 2018 8:09 am

BjornP wrote:
Tue Oct 02, 2018 8:00 am
Is fame the goal or the means to reaching that goal? Why not start out with becoming "known", then local fame and onwards from there?
Strategy underway...
I got 1% of the vote for U.S. House. None of the other losing candidates will be running again but I will. 5% next time is my goal. (I had higher goals last time seeing as how I had almost 40% in my previous election, but you don't know something until you try it, and federal office is something else entirely from State office.)

My FB presence consisted of advocating for traffic solutions in my local area. I was by far the most qualified and knowledgeable candidate, and the only champion willing to stand up to the vested interests, but I had no posse. The Dem Party was against me, and I've learned that there will never be any support for me from Republicans, no matter how much they agree with me. (I'm a taxer.) I got Blocked for my efforts.

Trump was able to break through, I need to figure out a way too. (I think he did it with fame.)
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