Bro, do you even vape?

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Re: Bro, do you even vape?

Post by StCapps » Sun Jan 15, 2017 2:28 pm

TheReal_ND wrote:I want the non nicotine addicts to stop posting in this thread.

You mad bro?

Beware overheating batteries on your person vapers. Wouldn't want that shit to explode on you now would we?
Note to penner and ssu, this is what quality concern trolling looks like. Y'all need to try harder.

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Re: Bro, do you even vape?

Post by TheReal_ND » Sun Jan 15, 2017 2:36 pm

Less mad than saddened with your behavior.

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Re: Bro, do you even vape?

Post by jbird4049 » Sun Jan 15, 2017 2:37 pm

TheReal_ND wrote:
jbird4049 wrote:
TheReal_ND wrote:I want the non nicotine addicts to stop posting in this thread.

Hey man, just about every single friend, and relative, were/have/are addicts. Doesn't that make me an honorary addict? :-)
No. gtfo. We don't have to justify our habits to you or anyone else.
Whose justifying? Heck, I'm a first class sugar fiend myself.

I just got to vicariously share all the lovely, lovely badness without the pesky benies. Well, smoking does make a person less likely to flip the f*** out. Oh the car died, the landlord's here, the whatever bad/terrible/no good thing happened, here have a cig. :twisted:
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Re: Bro, do you even vape?

Post by TheReal_ND » Sun Jan 15, 2017 2:39 pm

Get out.

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Re: Bro, do you even vape?

Post by Speaker to Animals » Sun Jan 15, 2017 2:42 pm

Okeefenokee wrote:I get that it adds up, but the singular indulgences each carry a small impact. You have to add up thousands of them over many years to do some real damage.

Meanwhile, a crack habit can have you on the streets turning tricks and infected with HIV in a very short time. High impact vice.

My diet soda habit is probably almost as bad as a casual smoking habit, and far easier to quit. I just don't have the will to quit. I certainly know I have the will power to quit diet soda, but I don't really want to quit. I would rather reduce consumption so it's not so dangerous.

I think we all need a little vice like that somewhere in our lives. Maybe DrY could explain it. Taken to extremes, it's can be pretty bad, but in moderation, you are taking a calculated risk that carries psychological benefits in other areas of life. I just think smoking and dipping themselves carry too much risk. But vaping probably carries less risk than my diet soda habit.

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Re: Bro, do you even vape?

Post by jbird4049 » Sun Jan 15, 2017 2:43 pm

TheReal_ND wrote:Get out.



Well, I do stuff to drop off at the library. So, I am signing off.
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Re: Bro, do you even vape?

Post by adwinistrator » Sun Jan 15, 2017 5:07 pm

Speaker to Animals wrote:I am telling you right here and now that, if you really want to quit something you are addicted to, you can quit it. You need the willpower to do it, and people who don't quit smoking often simply don't really have the will to quit. They might have strong willpower in general, but they don't really want to quit.

I have read straight-up heroin addicts say something similar. They tried all sorts of programs, but they didn't actually quit until they truly wanted to quit.

And if smokers really don't want to quit in their heart of hearts, then I suggest maybe vaping isn't such a bad idea -- as long as they don't expose me to the second hand vapor. I very much doubt vaping is as dangerous for your health as smoking or dipping. You might still be addicted to nicotine, but you aren't killing yourself with carcinogens in the process. If you do it right, then vaping can be for smokers what immodium is for pain pill addicts.
The way I look at it, quitting is not just addiction vs. desire/will power.

Think of a 2 sided scale, on one side is the addiction and habit, on the other side is the reasons you want to quit and will power.

What makes cigarettes so difficult is that the reasons are mostly mental knowledge of long-term downsides to your health, and short-term cost of money. The addiction doesn't have a lot to fight against, as those aren't always rationally considered in the present.

Nicotine withdrawal is not that bad, it sucks, but it's not like opiates. You aren't puking your guts out and sweating 10 lbs. off because you haven't had a cigarette.

When I tried to quit smoking, I'd have 10 minute long white-knuckle battles with my willpower after parking my car, not turning off the engine because I could drive to the gas station and buy a pack.

When I quit drinking, it was the easiest thing I'd ever done. There was no internal battle, because I fully appreciated all of the reasons why I had to stop, and would never drinking again. I haven't once had the desire to drink, because it is simply no longer an option in decision-making.

When the serious consequences of addiction are manifested, unless you're dealing with major chemical addiction, it is a very easy thing to stop doing. Would it be as hard to quit smoking after you're diagnosed with lung cancer?

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Re: Bro, do you even vape?

Post by adwinistrator » Sun Jan 15, 2017 5:08 pm

TheReal_ND wrote:Get out.
Vaping is a nicotine delivery system, what are you complaining about?

If you mean "cigarette addicts", I would understand your objection a bit more.

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Re: Bro, do you even vape?

Post by TheReal_ND » Sun Jan 15, 2017 5:12 pm

what are you complaining about?
See your previous post. We can't even discuss something that's not hurting anyone other than ourselves without having to justify it to every fuck wad that comes along to virtue signal.

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Re: Bro, do you even vape?

Post by adwinistrator » Sun Jan 15, 2017 5:27 pm

TheReal_ND wrote:
what are you complaining about?
See your previous post. We can't even discuss something that's not hurting anyone other than ourselves without having to justify it to every fuck wad that comes along to virtue signal.
Gotcha, I was a bit confused. I mean, this topic should be for people talking about vaping, and nicotine... I never understood those people who vape 0mg.

On a side note, is complaining about virtue signaling officially a form of virtue signalling yet?