Make Martin Famous V2

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Re: Make Martin Famous V2

Post by Hastur » Fri Sep 21, 2018 1:09 am

Wow! This is a bit awkward. I'm almost afraid to speak now. I'm going to assume from what I read that Martin isn't interested in ideas about content. He is the content. 'nuff said about that!

I'll just throw in a couple of thoughts. You should always try to play to your strengths. A good strategy to get noticed on YouTube is to put a lot of content out there. Look at Tim Pool. He does multiple videos a day and just speaks his thoughts on a current matter. His face in a corner and then screenshots or video from the stories he's commenting about. That's a good format. Over editing is a huge trap. You are a hard worker so you could crank them out if you want to. You should reveal yourself as a new comet in the sky.

He's also very personal and honest. Same can be said about the three examples you gave. Honesty and truth is the way to go.

I would also like to add another advantage you have. I like to watch and listen to Victor Davis Hanson. There is never any doubt that he speaks from a place of authority. Either he is commenting on a field in which he is a verified expert, like history, or he gives a lot of examples from his own life like he does when he is commenting on the effects of illegal immigration in California. You have plenty of expertise and a lot of stories from different fields of practice and from all over the globe. Use that a lot. People will think you're some kind of mythomaniac at first but then they will look you up and go - Holy Shit!

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Martin Hash
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Re: Make Martin Famous V2

Post by Martin Hash » Fri Sep 21, 2018 6:29 am

Hastur wrote:
Fri Sep 21, 2018 1:09 am
Wow! This is a bit awkward. I'm almost afraid to speak now. I'm going to assume from what I read that Martin isn't interested in ideas about content. He is the content. 'nuff said about that!
I already have a unique philosophy and ideology. For anybody to imply or outright state that it's already been done is insulting to the extreme. There are folks who insist I'm nothing special, I just don't need to hear any more from them.
"There is no such thing as 'constructive criticism'." - me
Hastur wrote:I'll just throw in a couple of thoughts. You should always try to play to your strengths. A good strategy to get noticed on YouTube is to put a lot of content out there. Look at Tim Pool. He does multiple videos a day and just speaks his thoughts on a current matter. His face in a corner and then screenshots or video from the stories he's commenting about. That's a good format. Over editing is a huge trap. You are a hard worker so you could crank them out if you want to. You should reveal yourself as a new comet in the sky.
He's also very personal and honest. Same can be said about the three examples you gave. Honesty and truth is the way to go.
I agree with that assessment but those guys put out too much content with too much random talking; I can never make it through one of their videos. They also offer little new or unique insights. However, when I say "I get my news from YouTube," watching these guys is what I mean. They don't have an agenda, they don't embellish, their conclusions are the same ones any unbiased person would make. They are the real "journalists" of the Internet.
Hastur wrote:I would also like to add another advantage you have. I like to watch and listen to Victor Davis Hanson. There is never any doubt that he speaks from a place of authority. Either he is commenting on a field in which he is a verified expert, like history, or he gives a lot of examples from his own life like he does when he is commenting on the effects of illegal immigration in California. You have plenty of expertise and a lot of stories from different fields of practice and from all over the globe. Use that a lot. People will think you're some kind of mythomaniac at first but then they will look you up and go - Holy Shit!
You know, this has been my tactic for 20 years. I put out my weekly "Martin Minutes" (for decades), many of which are top-notch, I-can't-believe-they-don't-get-shared, quality. Similarly, my podcast succinctly, insightfully, and entertainingly addresses a complex issue in only 2 paragraphs; something ONLY a doctor/lawyer/engineer/accountant/world-traveling meta could pull off.

My understanding of fame and where it comes from, similar to my understanding of success, has guided my philosophy. I had to make sense of why and how these things worked, they sure weren't logical given the narratives we are taught as children, and eventually I discovered the logic. (See my book, "Philosophy of an Old Cyber-Cowboy.") What's encouraging is that I continue to refine this understanding. In fact, I've suspected how important fame was for a few years now, but it really came into focus through (very brutal) discussions on this forum.

Thx for the sincere suggestions.
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Re: Make Martin Famous V2

Post by Martin Hash » Fri Sep 21, 2018 6:58 am

In case I've never written it here before:

My success and attempt at fame follows the narrative I was taught as a child: organic, spontaneous recognition as a result of hard-work, perserverence, and skill, with some luck. In reality, it's almost all luck, but not the lightning-strike kind, though that's what I'm still looking for. Here's where the White Male Privilege people got it almost right - it's Who You Know. Everytime I meet someone who has had exceptional success, it always turns out to be their uncle, or somebody in their synagogue, or a mentor, or they inherited money and simply hired a promotion agency. Once-in-a-while, I meet someone who bubbled up from nowhere like I did, but those folks are the exception, not the rule. Yes, success in life is mostly privilege, but you got to be lucky to have that privilege. Life sure as fuck ain't fair.
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Re: Make Martin Famous V2

Post by DBTrek » Fri Sep 21, 2018 7:11 am

I don’t know, there are a couple hundred famous football players who didn’t know anyone, but are really good at football. I think the key is you have to excel at something others are passionate about. You’ve excelled at many things you’re passionate about, but none of those things attract millions of viewers once a week to witness your performance.

Likewise for musicians, actors, comedians, etc. They excel in fields with built in audiences, where others watch their performance with interest. Maybe you should launch a comedy YouTube channel, if fame is the ultimate goal. I’ve got some jokes tucked away if you want to give an outsider a cut.
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Re: Make Martin Famous V2

Post by Martin Hash » Fri Sep 21, 2018 7:42 am

DBTrek wrote:
Fri Sep 21, 2018 7:11 am
I don’t know, there are a couple hundred famous football players who didn’t know anyone, but are really good at football. I think the key is you have to excel at something others are passionate about. You’ve excelled at many things you’re passionate about, but none of those things attract millions of viewers once a week to witness your performance.

Likewise for musicians, actors, comedians, etc. They excel in fields with built in audiences, where others watch their performance with interest. Maybe you should launch a comedy YouTube channel, if fame is the ultimate goal. I’ve got some jokes tucked away if you want to give an outsider a cut.
Real idea.

How would me telling my Martin's Minutes stories on YouTube work, do you think?

p.s. This is something I'd do with you and possibly other aspiring comics.
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Re: Make Martin Famous V2

Post by Martin Hash » Fri Sep 21, 2018 7:43 am

It's not the fame itself I'm looking for, I'm a (kind of) introvert after all, it's how fame provides the credibility and audience.

p.s. Let's not conflate success with fame; though often famous people are famous because of their success; many, MANY successful people are not famous.
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Re: Make Martin Famous V2

Post by DBTrek » Fri Sep 21, 2018 7:56 am

Martin Hash wrote:
Fri Sep 21, 2018 7:42 am
Real idea.

How would me telling my Martin's Minutes stories on YouTube work, do you think?

p.s. This is something I'd do with you and possibly other aspiring comics.
Ok ... here’s the free sample. It would go like this - Martin Hash doing a two minute talk on identity politics:

My kids are in college, which means I’m paying for their education while getting all the lectures second-hand. For instance, my daughter has been schooling me on all the problematic behaviors I never knew I had. Things that come from having a white penis, if I understand the theory right. Like she said ‘when a woman is walking up the street, alone, you’re supposed to cross to the other side so she doesn’t feel threatened. Otherwise you’re being a bully. That’s male privilege’.
Another one was ‘Black people notice your racism more than you think. Like when they’re coming toward you and you immediately cross the street.’
So the other day this black woman was walking up the street toward me .... (pause)”

... and then launch into your talk. Open it with a joke that highlights the absurdity of the issue, then expound on the issue.

The Martin Hash Comedic Commentary Munutes.
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Re: Make Martin Famous V2

Post by pineapplemike » Fri Sep 21, 2018 9:49 am

Is it weird that I'm less inclined to subscribe, download and listen to a podcast if it's under ten minutes? Anything under an hour often feels like it's not worth my time, if that makes sense.

I think engaging in conversations and debates would be the best way to expand your audience, I don't think jotting down a few lines or touching on a subject for 2 minutes will gain you much attention. The next generation likes long form discussions, it's something we were deprived of due to mainstream tv advertising and editing and commercial breaks and such and such, at least in my opinion.

Don't bother shooting for Joe Rogan or Dave Rubin right now, you aren't quite on that level, but you could be if you weasel your way into that circle from the outskirts.

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Re: Make Martin Famous V2

Post by SuburbanFarmer » Fri Sep 21, 2018 10:07 am

I’ll watch a 10-minute YouTube video, max. I’ll sit for a 3-hour podcast, no problem.

It’s because the video demands my full attention, while I can be doing other things and listen to the audio.

Also, if there’s no benefit to the video format (graphs, action, anything visual), then why have it? I don’t need to see someone waving their arms and flapping gums, to emphasize what they’re saying. All of the content is in the audio.
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Re: Make Martin Famous V2

Post by Martin Hash » Fri Sep 21, 2018 10:25 am

I must have a much shorter attention span than most people on this forum! My god, a 2-paragraph post is too long for me. I can only play into my strength, which is brevity.

I’ve got multiple data points now that my humor, insight, interests, etc. only appeal to less than 1% of the people I have contact with, which is probably 1:1000 of everyone. Not going to win any elections or get popular with those numbers. I can get famous though, lightning strike-wise.
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