BTFO 2018 Post Your Resolution List Here and it WILL COME TRUE

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Re: BTFO 2018 Post Your Resolution List Here and it WILL COME TRUE

Post by Speaker to Animals » Mon Jan 01, 2018 3:07 pm

I am increasing it by 5 lbs each week.

My shoulder is still really fucked up, though. I am benching at maybe 50% until it heals.

My main shoulder work is happening right now with the Gymnastic Bodies handstand program. Working towards this:

Last edited by Speaker to Animals on Mon Jan 01, 2018 3:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: BTFO 2018 Post Your Resolution List Here and it WILL COME TRUE

Post by Smitty-48 » Mon Jan 01, 2018 3:08 pm

Yeah, don't go crazy with it, like I say, 1RM once in awhile, just to check your max, but don't do that all the time, you're gonna blow a gasket.

My right shoulder is permanently fucked, this shit catches up to you eventually.

All that hardcore high impact max out PT is fine when you're 19, but you do wear the frame out quicker.

I only do low impact now, I don't like going for surgery. Golf, tennis, rowing and skiing, keeps the doctor at bay.
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Re: BTFO 2018 Post Your Resolution List Here and it WILL COME TRUE

Post by Speaker to Animals » Sat Mar 10, 2018 7:36 am

5k: 24:55

One item down.

Can hold a headstand for more than a minute and a wall handstand for longer than I feel lime counting. That one looks on track as well.

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Re: BTFO 2018 Post Your Resolution List Here and it WILL COME TRUE

Post by Speaker to Animals » Sat Mar 10, 2018 8:08 am

That was too easy.

Revised goal: Sierra Tango Alpha is running a 5k in under 23 minutes by January.

Still some definite room for improvement. I came in I think about seventh, but I was defeated by at least two females and one child. Unacceptable.

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Re: BTFO 2018 Post Your Resolution List Here and it WILL COME TRUE

Post by DBTrek » Sat Mar 10, 2018 8:12 pm

Speaker to Animals wrote:5k: 24:55

One item down.

Can hold a headstand for more than a minute and a wall handstand for longer than I feel lime counting. That one looks on track as well.
Good time. How often do you run every week?
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Re: BTFO 2018 Post Your Resolution List Here and it WILL COME TRUE

Post by Speaker to Animals » Sat Mar 10, 2018 8:27 pm

DBTrek wrote:
Speaker to Animals wrote:5k: 24:55

One item down.

Can hold a headstand for more than a minute and a wall handstand for longer than I feel lime counting. That one looks on track as well.
Good time. Do you run every week?

For about six months. I think I can reduce it a few minutes in another eight months of regular running. My plan now is to increase my training distance to about five miles so that 3.10 miles is not a chore.

Truth be told, I ran that sucker at a pace of around 7:30 per mile except for a short span where I pooped out and had to walk to catch my breath before running again. 23 minutes doesn't seem far off to me, actually.

I bet if I went home to Florida for a while and raced down there I'd already reach 23 minutes right now just due to the elevation change.

These past six months I only hit mileage of about 16-20 miles per week too. I think you need to get it closer to 25-30 miles per week with plenty of speed work to get the really good 5k times.

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Re: BTFO 2018 Post Your Resolution List Here and it WILL COME TRUE

Post by DBTrek » Sat Mar 10, 2018 8:52 pm

I run for 25mins three times a week, but that's it. My lowest 3.1m this year is 25:06, but I'm thinking I may up the duration instead of working on speed. Start doing 30mins and see if the speed maintains or slips.
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Re: BTFO 2018 Post Your Resolution List Here and it WILL COME TRUE

Post by Speaker to Animals » Sat Mar 10, 2018 9:03 pm

DBTrek wrote:I run for 25mins three times a week, but that's it. My lowest 3.1m this year is 25:06, but I'm thinking I may up the duration instead of working on speed. Start doing 30mins and see if the speed maintains or slips.

My theory: If you increase your runs to about five miles, then when you run just 3.1 mile races, the whole time you will run in that pace management mode instead of, towards the end, that exhaustion management mode.

It's like when you are really racing instead of doing your own thing, pushing yourself, but you start to tank out about two miles or so into it. If you run 5 miles all the time, that tank zone won't kick in until after you already ran 3.1 miles anyway.

I don't think it will affect your pace either. Your max long distance, stride, and sprint paces are kind of fixed and only seem to increase through dedicated speed work each week. Your stamina just comes from your weekly miles and the average distance you run in a single training session. So, essentially, you are going to build your speed with tempo runs, strides, and interval sprints no matter what your distance is. That's a separate issue from being able to run the whole damned thing at the faster pace. The ability to just keep going at your max effort for the entire race has more to do with the distance to which you are accustomed. If you are accustomed to five miles, then you can probably run at max effort for the whole 3.1 miles and always merely be managing your pace and heart rate rather than fighting fatigue and exhaustion towards the end. Maybe that last half mile you can sprint a little too and try to pass a few people towards the finish line.

I am no expert here by any means, but this is what I figured out from training regularly and logging everything.

Also, skip strength training for three days prior to the race. That actually has a huge impact on your running. I can see the impact well in my logs.

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Re: BTFO 2018 Post Your Resolution List Here and it WILL COME TRUE

Post by Speaker to Animals » Sun Mar 11, 2018 7:43 pm

My body paid a cost for that race.

I did also do my strength training that nice, but it was upper body only since my legs were already hurting.

Today I woke up pretty tired, but figured it was just the ridiculous time change causing lost sleep or something. I went to mass and it wasn't too bad, but by the time I got home, I felt like I was getting a full-on flu. I was chilled and had body aches. I took the dogs out for a walk, which sucked because I felt like shit, and then crashed in bed. For a few hours. Only now am I starting to recover from it, but my legs ache like I still hit the squat rack, calf raises, and lunges last night.

It was like that old chronic fatigue I had beaten come back.

Lesson: don't do the strength training the day of the race either.

That shit doesn't feel like I was making gains either. I think I can see why guys who focus on running all the time instead of strength training and more strength-based athletics generally look like shit. I think that was muscle breakdown a little.

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Re: BTFO 2018 Post Your Resolution List Here and it WILL COME TRUE

Post by DBTrek » Fri Mar 30, 2018 12:53 pm

Speaker to Animals wrote:5k: 24:55

One item down.

Can hold a headstand for more than a minute and a wall handstand for longer than I feel lime counting. That one looks on track as well.
Best run time of 2018 for me.
Week 3 of Keto

According to the average pace calculator I should've hit 3.1mi/5k right around 24:32.
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