California Hate Thread

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Re: California Hate Thread

Post by Fife » Fri Apr 13, 2018 10:04 am

I was just looking at the Cal-3 website; San Diego's state would indeed get Orange County in the deal.

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Re: California Hate Thread

Post by Speaker to Animals » Fri Apr 13, 2018 10:05 am

It's a scam to create 4 new democrat senators, honestly. They go out of their way to district it such that the conservative areas are totally disenfranchised.

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Re: California Hate Thread

Post by Speaker to Animals » Fri Apr 13, 2018 10:11 am

If they were honest about it, that yellow state would include San Francisco, and San Diego. It would essentially include the Yankee portion of the Left Coast, with the rest of the state either one thing or divided between the north and the east.


Even better would be to split off Eastern Oregon and Eastern Washington to join up with that top conservative (rural and farming) are of California into a new state. Then take the rural/farming area of eastern California and join it with Nevada.

Trying to seed the potential states with liberal stronghold cities to dominate over the rural areas is total bullshit, though. I'd imagine the red districts would take this to court for the gerrymandering on steroids that it is.

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Re: California Hate Thread

Post by DBTrek » Fri Apr 13, 2018 10:15 am

Texas could break into five republican states - T, E, X, A, and S. As long as Austin didn’t get it’s own letter they could counter-balance the California split.
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Re: California Hate Thread

Post by Fife » Fri Apr 13, 2018 10:22 am

Can you imagine what border security is going to look like between L.A. County and Orange/San Bernardino Counties after NewSoCal goes with the Red Confederation?

And, DB, just imagine the Austin Wall after the Big Split.

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Re: California Hate Thread

Post by K@th » Fri Apr 13, 2018 10:26 am

The Admission to the Union Clause also forbids the creation of new states from parts of existing states without the consent of both the affected states and Congress. T
From the Wikipedia. If true, it's pretty damn easy to get a bunch of new senators, as long as the new senators are going to be of the same party that's currently holding the Congress.

I thought the other states had a voice about getting new states. This seems too easy.
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Re: California Hate Thread

Post by Fife » Fri Apr 13, 2018 10:33 am

Kath wrote:
The Admission to the Union Clause also forbids the creation of new states from parts of existing states without the consent of both the affected states and Congress. T
From the Wikipedia. If true, it's pretty damn easy to get a bunch of new senators, as long as the new senators are going to be of the same party that's currently holding the Congress.

I thought the other states had a voice about getting new states. This seems too easy.
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Re: California Hate Thread

Post by Speaker to Animals » Fri Apr 13, 2018 10:50 am

Even better solution:

Combine the coastal areas of Washington and Oregon into one state, which includes Portland and Seattle.

Combine the eastern areas of Washington, Oregon, and the very far northern section of California into a new state. Basically a mirror image of Idaho.

Combine the eastern portion of California with Nevada.

Create a new state that spans most of the Pacific coast of California, which combines all the ultra-liberal cities, including San Francisco, LA, and San Diego.

This creates only one new state total, which is predominantly rural and farming-oriented, but essentially results in two big democrat states, one republican state, and a much larger Nevada region. They would better be able to manage their natural resources without having to deal with those shit hole cities as well. It then results in two industrial and high-tech states that combine all the radicals and democrats into consolidated governments. It should balance out the senators a bit and it would make for a decent compromise that separates people into like-minded states.

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Re: California Hate Thread

Post by doc_loliday » Fri Apr 13, 2018 11:31 am

I could consider getting behind this, if there was some sort of compromise.

They split half of the conservative part of CA and put it with SF. There will be 4 democrat Senators now and possibly 2 republican Senators after this.

No thanks.

If they want to split it up along political lines, they can have the coast from Humboldt to Los Angeles plus Sacramento, everything else is red.


I might agree to this.

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Re: California Hate Thread

Post by pineapplemike » Fri Apr 13, 2018 12:16 pm

Northern California, Southern California and California? Those are some weak ass names, atleast call NorCal Jefferson or something cool like that