Carl Jung, Joseph Campbell, JRR TOLKIEN, Myths and Stories

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Re: Carl Jung, Joseph Campbell, JRR TOLKIEN, Myths and Stories

Post by Penner » Wed May 31, 2017 6:54 pm

Here is something interesting about modern day comic book superheroes and mythology (this is taken from like the 3rd or 4th paragraph):
Marvel mainly focuses on Greek heroes and less ultra powerful figures in mythology to model their heroes after. There isn’t any hero that really embodies Zeus or Hades or any of the gods. DC, however, seems to have a mentality that’s exactly the opposite of Marvel. Almost all of DC’s heroes are modeled after Greek gods. I mean, seriously. The Justice League is pretty much the pantheon. The Greek gods live on the top of Mount Olympus, separated from all of the humans. The Justice League lives in the Watchtower. In space. Completely isolated from humans. Zeus is the leader of the gods, Superman is the leader of the league. Apollo is the god of light, the Green Lantern is the hero of light. For god sakes, part of his oath is “Beware my power, green lantern’s light!” Those are only similarities on the surface too. Delving into the details, there’s a lot more unseen commonalities. ... reek-gods/

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Re: Carl Jung, Joseph Campbell, JRR TOLKIEN, Myths and Stories

Post by pineapplemike » Wed May 31, 2017 7:13 pm

I always understood it as: DC characters are gods trying to be human, while Marvel characters are humans trying to be gods. Except for Batman. And Thor. And several other examples I'm sure

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Re: Carl Jung, Joseph Campbell, JRR TOLKIEN, Myths and Stories

Post by heydaralon » Wed May 31, 2017 7:18 pm

Who would win in a fight: Superman or the Penguin?
Shikata ga nai

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Re: Carl Jung, Joseph Campbell, JRR TOLKIEN, Myths and Stories

Post by Penner » Wed May 31, 2017 7:23 pm

pineapplemike wrote:I always understood it as: DC characters are gods trying to be human, while Marvel characters are humans trying to be gods. Except for Batman. And Thor. And several other examples I'm sure
Well, it's obvious that DC loves Greek mythos- so they tend to have their characters be gods, even Batman is sort of like a god. While Marvel is about characters. So, the Marvel characters are allowed to be flawed while DC characters have to be gods.

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Re: Carl Jung, Joseph Campbell, JRR TOLKIEN, Myths and Stories

Post by Hanarchy Montanarchy » Wed May 31, 2017 9:17 pm

DrYouth wrote:In a letter to Freud dated January 30, 1910, Jung wrote: "The prerequisite for a good marriage, it seems to me, is the license to be unfaithful" (McGuire, 1974, p. 289).

Reportedly many affairs with his "training analysands".

Sabina Spielrein and Toni Wolf.... both went on to be accomplished Jungians.

Part of the training, it seems, occurred in Jung's personal chambers.
That is how most cults seem to work. :twisted:

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Re: Carl Jung, Joseph Campbell, JRR TOLKIEN, Myths and Stories

Post by TheReal_ND » Wed May 31, 2017 9:19 pm

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
You're in a cult you fucking dip.

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Re: Carl Jung, Joseph Campbell, JRR TOLKIEN, Myths and Stories

Post by Hanarchy Montanarchy » Wed May 31, 2017 9:57 pm

Hillary won the popular election...

Her needs America so they won't just take his shit away like in some pussy non gun totting countries can happen.

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Re: Carl Jung, Joseph Campbell, JRR TOLKIEN, Myths and Stories

Post by Speaker to Animals » Wed May 31, 2017 10:07 pm

Hanarchy Montanarchy wrote:Hillary won the popular election...

Debatable now that we know the scope of election fraud perpetrated by the democratic party.

Also debatable on the grounds that the popular vote in an electoral college election bears no resemblance to the outcome of an actual popular election.

If you look at an election map, most of the blue votes were highly concentrated in a handful of urban districts. Yet we know that in many of those districts, conservatives represent a sizable minority, perhaps as much as 20% or more in places likw Chicago. Those people have no reason to even vote. There probably exist far fewer liberal voters in red districts in relative terms even. An electoral college system is hugely beneficial to the democratic party for this reason.

Which is a huge irony to me given the rhetoric I have seen in the election's aftermath. I suspect many democrat voters are too intellectually lazy to have considered this. They like to repeat what they hear on television or read in their blogs. But, if you look at how much of the conservative vote gets suppressed in city districts, and also consider how close the existing turnout was in that election, it should be clear to you that an actual popular vote election would have been a Trump landslide victory.

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Re: Carl Jung, Joseph Campbell, JRR TOLKIEN, Myths and Stories

Post by Hanarchy Montanarchy » Wed May 31, 2017 10:10 pm

You are ruining my very funny response to Nuke's post.

Her needs America so they won't just take his shit away like in some pussy non gun totting countries can happen.

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Re: Carl Jung, Joseph Campbell, JRR TOLKIEN, Myths and Stories

Post by GloryofGreece » Wed May 31, 2017 10:42 pm

Anyone ever read Drangonlance or Forgotten Realms novels?
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