Hanarchy Montanarchy wrote:Speaker to Animals wrote:
Well, what I was talking about before was allowing Americans to freely associate. Let us have black communities and white communities and multiracial communities. Let people choose where they want to live.
We could even break this out into regions where laws favor one race or ethnicity moving in rather than the others.
That's your future. That, really, is the ultimate outcome of this open door policy you are defending here. Because I don't know if you've notice, but very few Americans are happy and it's getting worse the more "diverse" the country becomes. Diversity plus proximity equals war, and to avoid the sectarian conflict you and yours has made possible, we need to find some consensus about how to let each other divide up a little and still coexist within some kind of "America".
The more diversity/more unhappiness problem is a correlation, not a causation issue. I can think of a lot of reasons why people might be unhappy unrelated to diversity.
I like the idea of more local control of laws, but think that the founders were correct when they assumed the primacy of federal laws were an important component to a well functioning, economically and militarily powerful and unified country. As such, race-based laws that vary from region to region create some serious logistic problems.
Saying diversity plus proximity equals war is a tautology. Any conflict is going to rest on disagreements, by definition. You can tie yourself in knots trying to show those disagreements are ethnic if you like.
Please. You can't deny the fact that the importation of more nonwhites and nonwesterners has made our nation less-safe, less trusting, and less happy overall. Nobody is happier for it. The people we bring in are constantly bitching. I can't even turn on the television or read the news online anymore without some story about how terrible it is to be a minority in America. Everybody is telling me I have to "check my privilege". Then I look at the fact that violent crime is soaring, we have sharia law zones already emerging in parts of Michigan like they have in Europe, and terrorism is a monthly fucking occurrence.
Give it a rest already. The political position you defend here has resulted in human misery and dysfunction for the most part. It didn't work out well.
If you don't believe that, then imagine taking a random sampling of American voters from 1965 to 2017. Give them a whole year to take it all in, experience the race riots, the terror attacks, the shitting on American fallen soldiers at football games, the BLM marches, etc. Then ask them if they support the 1965 immigration act that made it all possible.. You know what would happen. Don't lie.
This is fucking ridiculous that you would continue to defend this at this point.