So, I've committed myself to writing a multi-novel series...

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Re: So, I've committed myself to writing a multi-novel series...

Post by heydaralon » Fri Feb 22, 2019 2:24 pm

The Conservative wrote:
Fri Feb 22, 2019 1:45 pm
Book one is almost done. Just shy of 150,000 words, I have two more chapters to finish and I'll be ready to try to peddle my first book for publication.

I've been told I may have to break this one book into two... we will see.
That's about 300 pages right? Pretty impressive especially for a first time author.
Shikata ga nai

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Re: So, I've committed myself to writing a multi-novel series...

Post by Kath » Fri Feb 22, 2019 2:24 pm

The Conservative wrote:
Fri Feb 22, 2019 2:20 pm

The intro/first few chapters is what I want to fix. But give me time, I’ll have something. It’s not easy to pick a favorite section to show off, there are a lot of good parts in my opinion.
Well, I would hope you wouldn't put out anything you consider a bad part. ;)
Why are all the Gods such vicious cunts? Where's the God of tits and wine?

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Re: So, I've committed myself to writing a multi-novel series...

Post by The Conservative » Fri Feb 22, 2019 2:34 pm

heydaralon wrote:
Fri Feb 22, 2019 2:24 pm
The Conservative wrote:
Fri Feb 22, 2019 1:45 pm
Book one is almost done. Just shy of 150,000 words, I have two more chapters to finish and I'll be ready to try to peddle my first book for publication.

I've been told I may have to break this one book into two... we will see.
That's about 300 pages right? Pretty impressive especially for a first time author.
Over 400 pages actually.

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Re: So, I've committed myself to writing a multi-novel series...

Post by The Conservative » Fri Feb 22, 2019 2:36 pm

Here is a part I’ve had once overed already. Still needs work though.

It’s decent but doesn’t give anything away really.
Marius looked around, he let out a deep sigh, and sat down on edge of the bed frame. It was a nice bed, made of ironwood with two mattresses, the first one filled with the gods knows what, the other was a bird down of some sort- he’d left that to her to decide on. It was so she could sleep better, he could sleep anywhere and had. That and she swore his snoring could wake up the dead, she had learned how to sleep with him next to her, even though when he snored he ended up sounding like a stuffed-up dragon.

He studied the room a little more, trinkets and dolls decorated otherwise plain shelves, with flowers that had been dried and preserved on a tall, ornate cabinet. Her jewelry was in its lockbox on one chest, and rows of books filled a bookshelf on the opposite side of the room, next to the window and her favorite reading chair. Marius focused on the bed once again, and its slumbering occupant; Amaranth lay still, her breathing deep and even, her one visible shoulder still bare and her glowing russet hair unkempt and escaping her sleep-braid, likely due as much to sleep as to their intimate embraces the night before.

“Ammie,” murmured Marius softly as he placed a hand on his wife’s shoulder, relishing the feel of her skin under his hand as he looked around; he knew there won’t be an answer, she slept soundly, and was normally hard to wake up unless she wanted to be. Except by his snoring it seemed- that could wake her up no matter what, much to her displeasure. “Another lad decided to challenge me, probably to the death for something I did when I was younger. I don’t know when this is going to stop… I did things I was not proud of, but I was a soldier- I followed orders. It was for my lord and country.” Marius rubbed his hands on his knees and looked at the ground. “Once more into the breach, into the fire, where gods and men battle for their fate and future.” Said Marius, as if quoting something he had heard a long time ago. He got up and walked to the door and stopped. Before he left, Marius quickly strode over and laid a gentle kiss on his wife’s temple, inhaling her perfume as he did so, and then whispered, “I love you.” Then he walked out the door and down the hallway back to his room to get dressed. She never moved, and he wasn’t sure if she had been awake and just letting him talk or if she had been truly asleep; it didn’t matter, sometimes just talking helped.

An hour later Marius left his house and went to the Inn, it was two hours before midday, and an hour before battle was to commence. The Inn was always busy, but more so today, since townsfolk were turning out for this fight- rumors in Riverwinde traveled fast. Marius bowed his head and kept walking forward, politely nodding but otherwise ignoring people as they patted his back and wished him luck on his way into the Inn. Marius did his best to kept going forward through the crowd, just wanting to get done what needed to be done. Marius ignored the calls for help and questions from the Inn’s employees and quickly strode towards the back and the dubious peace of his office. He finally got there after what seemed like a year of wading through the veritable sea of people, and closed the door to quiet the noise of the Inn. He slumped into the chair and spun it around to look at the desk, where he opened the secret compartment and pulled out a few rings and an amulet. He placed each ring on their respective finger and smiled grimly as they slid on as if they had just been taken off the day before.

He mentally prepared himself, and then got up and left the room to make his way through the throng of people and moved towards his armor. It was heavy, dwarfish made, and had been made specifically for him, since he was larger than most men, he hadn’t been able to find normal armor that would fit. It was a mix of dwarfish chain and reinforced plate, heavier than it looked, and didn’t look at all elegant, but it wasn’t meant to be- it was meant for war. As Marius put the armor on, the room became quiet; most patrons had never seen Marius don the armor, most thought it was for show, and few others knew little of his past. Those that had known Marius before he had become an innkeeper knew that if he was putting on the armor, it was because he had no choice.

When Marius put the armor on he looked formidable, when he put the helmet on, he looked like one of the fabled golems that dwarves had made to protect their city’s forges in legends past.

Marius walked over to the bar, his armor’s chainmail and plate clinking ever so slightly against each other as he moved, and pulled out the mace that he kept under there just in case things got rough. The mace’s flanges and the hand holding the mace started to glow a gentle orange, as if old coals were being stoked before they had a chance to go out. People backed away, unsure of what was going to happen. Those that looked closely at the mace realized that the shaft of mace was carved from a Boaron’s tusk, and it went all the way to the head of the mace. The flanges and handle were made from Dwarven metal called Dragon’s Heart, because it was it was black as night with red veins running through it, which pulsed in rhythm with the heartbeat of whomever held. Wilhelm had often said he was envious of Marius for having such a weapon, dwarves didn’t normally give such things to men freely. When prodded, Marius had waved his friend off and instructed his friend to leave it alone, so how Marius had gotten the mace was known only to him and the Dwarven smith that had forged it for him.

“Marius Ravenwood! Come meet your fate!” yelled a voice from outside, it was the boy.

Marius stiffened a bit, causing the flanges of the mace and the hand holding it to brighten ever so slightly as he gripped the mace a little tighter. The light faded for a brief second and Marius walked towards the door. The Inn door opened and Marius appeared, he looked around and noticed quite a few people showed up, they formed a large horseshoe around the inn’s entrance.

Marius heard a voice from the crowd, “Da!”

Marius looked around and saw a young man with dark brown hair who towered over most of the people there wave his hand in an attempt to get through the mass of people, and he barked at the crowd, “Let my boy through!” The crowd looked around and realized that the eldest of Marius’ sons, Theorin, was there and quickly the mob parted and let him through. “Theo, what the hell are you doin’ here?”, Marius asked as he took off his helmet and hugged his boy.

“What do you mean, what am I doing here? I got a message that you were challenged to a duel, so I got here as fast as I could.” exclaimed Marius’ boy, his blue-green eyes, so much like his mother’s, bright with emotion.

“But how boy? You were in the capitol the last time you wrote.” demanded Marius.

“Uncle Wilhelm.” replied Marius’ son with a smirk plastered on his face, knowing it would get his father more than a little annoyed that the Constable was acting like a nursemaid to him.

“Remind me to have a talk with him later, and you too Theorin.” grumbled Marius with a slight smile.

“The others send their love by the way, at least those that write to me. They say you don’t respond to their letters.” wheedled Theorin.

Marius growled, “What is there to say? The Inn stands, I breathe, and your mother is trying to kill me with her foul-smelling herbal teas.”

Theorin smile faded a little and said, “Two are in the army, another is wandering the realm, and I’m in the capital trying to keep the peace. Perhaps what we want isn’t knowing just that you are alive, but that you care that we are doing fine. A little bit of a nod from the old man may be a good boost occasionally. Knowing that you approve of what we do is important to us.”

Marius bowed his head a little and said, “Sorry, I’m not like your mother. I don’t do emotion like she does. You should know I am proud of you all, I just don’t always know how to say it.”

Theorin said with a sad smile, “Sometimes that is all you have to say, even if it’s a letter. The rest may or may not come in time, but it’s a start.”

Marius slapped Theorin’s cheek gently, “You are so like your mother, especially in that way- never lose it my pup.”

“Marius Ravenwood!” called the boy, impatient. “This is all very touching, but we have a duel to attend to.”

Marius sighed again and asked, “First blood?” and hoped that this duel was going to be the kind that at least where one of them was able to walk away from.

Wilhelm could be heard behind the crowd pushing his way through shouting, among other things, “Move you slag!” Marius looked to where the voice was coming from, the Constable finally breached the mass of townsfolk who had flocked to watch the duel, and Marius could be see that the Constable had come prepared for trouble and was wearing his battle cloak; he knew full well what Marius’ weapon could do.

Wilhelm looked knowingly at the two would-be combatants, “Someone wasn’t willing to follow the rules of a duel, were they?” he inquired archly.

Marius shrugged and replied, “What do you expect, the young upstart is inexperienced.”

The boy was about to speak, Wilhelm raised his hand to silence the boy, “I don’t care what you are going to say, there are things that need to happen before you are sent to the healer or worse.” The Constable turned to his friend. “Marius, did he already state what kind of duel?” asked Wilhelm. Marius shook his head. “Well boy?” demanded the Constable.

“Death.” stated the boy, deadpan.

Wilhelm cocked an eyebrow, “Your name?”

“For?” snarled the boy.

“Your tombstone.” retorted Marius grimly.

The boy shot a glance at Marius cockily and said, “Not today, and not by you.”

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Re: So, I've committed myself to writing a multi-novel series...

Post by heydaralon » Fri Feb 22, 2019 2:46 pm

The Conservative wrote:
Fri Feb 22, 2019 2:34 pm
heydaralon wrote:
Fri Feb 22, 2019 2:24 pm
The Conservative wrote:
Fri Feb 22, 2019 1:45 pm
Book one is almost done. Just shy of 150,000 words, I have two more chapters to finish and I'll be ready to try to peddle my first book for publication.

I've been told I may have to break this one book into two... we will see.
That's about 300 pages right? Pretty impressive especially for a first time author.
Over 400 pages actually.
Are you going to add any illustrations?
Shikata ga nai

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The Conservative
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Re: So, I've committed myself to writing a multi-novel series...

Post by The Conservative » Fri Feb 22, 2019 2:49 pm

heydaralon wrote:
Fri Feb 22, 2019 2:46 pm
The Conservative wrote:
Fri Feb 22, 2019 2:34 pm
heydaralon wrote:
Fri Feb 22, 2019 2:24 pm

That's about 300 pages right? Pretty impressive especially for a first time author.
Over 400 pages actually.
Are you going to add any illustrations?
Just the cover, otherwise nope.

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Re: So, I've committed myself to writing a multi-novel series...

Post by heydaralon » Fri Feb 22, 2019 2:53 pm

Kath wrote:
Fri Feb 22, 2019 2:24 pm

Well, I would hope you wouldn't put out anything you consider a bad part. ;)
Change your avatar please.
Shikata ga nai

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Re: So, I've committed myself to writing a multi-novel series...

Post by DrYouth » Fri Feb 22, 2019 4:45 pm

Thanks for the preview TC.

It's good.

Let us know how we can get a copy when you're ready.
Deep down tho, I still thirst to kill you and eat you. Ultra Chimp can't help it.. - Smitty

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Re: So, I've committed myself to writing a multi-novel series...

Post by The Conservative » Fri Feb 22, 2019 5:06 pm

DrYouth wrote:
Fri Feb 22, 2019 4:45 pm
Thanks for the preview TC.

It's good.

Let us know how we can get a copy when you're ready.
Thanks, I might be able to get a preview copy beforehand to a few people, will see what the publisher says when and if I get someone to publish it.

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Re: So, I've committed myself to writing a multi-novel series...

Post by TheReal_ND » Fri Feb 22, 2019 5:13 pm

If you don't have any luck with larger clearing houses Amazon will publish nearly anything in ebook form. Just saying. I would buy an ebook for a dollar.